Takado Taoni ro
1 Taoni Solomo, ŋgwa Dawidi, 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ro. 2 Taoni ono opana mi ni tavouni ndi ŋgaemba kado be unine, ago minina ata se gyuru 'do tazevona ndi. 3 O'bana mi ndi a'done tauni be ago a'done 'diri, ŋgye, ago kadoro. 4 Ànya o'bana tauniako'ba ndi a'done tauniekye ago embana ombatò'di ndi a'done tauni tavousu ŋgye robe. 5 Tavouni'bai se keri ta taoni ono rote, a'dona ndi tauni be ndra, ago taoni lepena 'dise embate ndi, 6 tazevo gyuru taoni ro ndi takacina be ndi ta ata se rritiro tavouni'bai kayibe atana 'do be unine.
Tavoozo Lidri Ombato'diro ri
7 OPI oro ni etovo tauni ro. 'Dise Amamai gayizo tavouni ro ndi ta 'dirita robe.
8 Ŋgwa maro, nyeri tase täpi miro kabe itina miri 'do, ago miga ŋgaemba endre miro ro ko zo. 9 Ŋgaemba ànyaro o'bana taoye miro ndi a'done kado oso tagyia liŋgyiekye ronye ago oso 'bela ronye kyembe ya.
10 Ŋgwa maro, ondro takozi'bai kayite drî miro enjina oko, nyozo vo ko. 11 Ondro ànya katayite ekye: “Nyikyi mòyi ami yibe; mì'de mä̀ru 'diaza mä̀fu robe! Mì'de mogota 'di taenjiako'bai azaka taofaza! 12 Mùsuna ànya 'da lidriidriro oko mutufuna ànya 'da oso lidri se kabe oyi 'buociekye odra roya ronye! 13 Mùsuna ŋgaamba dritoto 'da ago mà'bana zo amaro 'da ogane twi ŋgase mòtopabe si! 14 Nyikyi nyodro'beru ama yibe, tana màla'do ŋgase màbe kuguna 'do robe ba ojoojoro amavoya.”
15 Ŋgwa maro, nyaba ko lidri inye 'do be. Miso ko liti ànyaro vo. 16 Tana ànya leye kote ni takozi oyevoya. Ago ànya orivoya nja 'di ufune. 17 Ondro ari kondre mi bete iba oyivoya unina kote o'dene kigye, 18 oko lidri nonye kwoi kayi abari o'be andivo ànyaro ri, abari se ànya o'dena 'da kigye. 19 Ondoalo ŋgatopa go fu ṛo ŋgatopa'ba ayani, 'doni tase kabe a'do 'dise kabe ori ndaro orina kyila si 'do ri owo.
Läzi Tavouni ro
20 Nyeri! Tavouni ka läzi uzi ṛeṛe litiŋwà drisi ago vo ŋga logyero yasi lazina ka uwi, 21 ka otre ṛeṛe vose lidri kabe kalakoto amba kigye yasi ago dereŋwai 'bakici ro yasi ekye:
22 “Ami lidri se amamaro ono! Nyùluna orine amamaro tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? Ami se nyàbe ugu 'dolo ro ono mìguna 'dolo tuna mu'du eŋwanye ago amamai oganayi tauni zo tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? 23 Aba ondro nyèri ta ŋgaluku ro maro go; aba miti ta cini ya maro rote ämiri; ago ma'ba ami te tase mabe unine. 24 Mäzi läzi be, migazo tana erine, ago mozo drì ca 'diaza leko ikyine. 25 Mìga miomba ozo maro tezo ago mìle kote märi ami lukune. 26 Ta'dota mäguna ami kpa 'da, ondro rriti ko'dete ämidri owo. Ago mäguna ami 'da 'dolo ro ondro turi koso ami te owo, 27 ondro tu milo'bero amiro kesate oso oli gbiriṛibe ronye, rriti 'desi kikyite ämidri oso oli likuliku ro ronye ago tu rriti ro ndi rueza be kikyite ämidri owo. 28 'Dooko mìzina ma 'da, oko màzana tadri amiro ko. Mìṛina ma 'da, oko mìnina ko ma usune. 29 Tana ya amiro oso tawi tauni lomvo, ago mìle kote OPI orone. 30 Tana mìga tavoozo maro tezo, ago ŋgaluku maro mìti tana kote. 31 Ta'dota, nyùsuna ŋgase si be a'done ämiri sina 'da ago taoye modo amiro ro o'bana ami 'da adravo ro. 32 Lidri se tauniako nonye ono kayi todra tana ànya gayi tavouni zo. Taotiako tauniako'ba ro kani modo ànyaro tufuna. 33 Oko nda se kabe ta maro erina 'do orina ndi kadoro. Nda a'dona ndi londroro, ago turina ŋgase kabe 'di oye koziro 'do ko.”
How Proverbs Can Be Used
1 These are the proverbs
of King Solomon of Israel,
the son of David.
2 Proverbs will teach you
wisdom and self-control
and how to understand
sayings with deep meanings.
3 You will learn what is right
and honest and fair.
4 From these, an ordinary person
can learn to be smart,
and young people can gain
knowledge and good sense.

5 If you are already wise,
you will become even wiser.
And if you are smart,
you will learn to understand
6 proverbs and sayings,
as well as words of wisdom,
and all kinds of riddles.
7 Respect and obey the Lord!
This is the beginning
of knowledge.
Only a fool rejects wisdom
and good advice.
Warnings against Bad Friends
8 My child, obey the teachings
of your parents,
9 and wear their teachings
as you would a pretty hat
or a lovely necklace.
10 Don't be tempted by sinners
or listen 11 when they say,
“Come on! Let's gang up
and kill somebody,
just for the fun of it!
12 They're well and healthy now,
but we'll finish them off
once and for all.
13 We'll take their valuables
and fill our homes
with stolen goods.
14 If you join our gang,
you'll get your share.”

15 Don't follow anyone like that
or do what they do.
16 They are in a big hurry
to commit some crime,
perhaps even murder.
17 They are like a bird
that sees the bait,
but ignores the trap.
18 They gang up to murder someone,
but they are the victims.
19 The wealth you get from crime
robs you of your life.
Wisdom Speaks
20 Wisdom shouts in the streets
wherever crowds gather.
21 She shouts in the marketplaces
and near the city gates
as she says to the people,
22 “How much longer
will you enjoy
being stupid fools?
Won't you ever stop sneering
and laughing at knowledge?
23 Listen as I correct you
and tell you what I think.
24 You completely ignored me
and refused to listen;
25 you rejected my advice
and paid no attention
when I warned you.

26 “So when you are struck
by some terrible disaster,
27 or when trouble and distress
surround you like a whirlwind,
I will laugh and make fun.
28 You will ask for my help,
but I won't listen;
you will search,
but you won't find me.
29 No, you would not learn,
and you refused
to respect the Lord.
30 You rejected my advice
and paid no attention
when I warned you.

31 “Now you will eat the fruit
of what you have done,
until you are stuffed full
with your own schemes.
32 Sin and self-satisfaction
bring destruction and death
to stupid fools.
33 But if you listen to me,
you will be safe and secure
without fear of disaster.”