Ŋgapäṛi Ozo Ondoalo
(Ofo 29:38-46)
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Nyozo ota se ono lidri Yisaraele ro ri, ago nyata ànyari mikye: ‘Ämiri ŋgapäṛi ozone märi, ŋgaonya ŋgapäṛi tägyi ndeṛiekye ro ozane asi si, tuna se aka'dabe si.’ 3 Ago nyata ànyari mikye: Kwoi ni ŋgapäṛi se ozaro asi si ozone OPI ri owo: Timelegogoi ritu se ndroa na alodi ago teinye mämbiako 'do, olone ondo alo rriro. 4 Ämiri timelegogo alodi olone kyenoŋbo si, ago timelegogo azana olone tandrole si; 5 tro ŋgapäṛi inya ro telesi alo 'bute koma kyira ndändärändäro ro dro'bedro'bero telesi alo lisu gäbä ido ozwaozwaro rosi be. 6 Ugu ozane inye rriro, oso se etobe 'Bereŋwa Sinai pa tägyi tagyiri ro ana ronye, ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ro OPI ri. 7 Ŋgapäṛi vinoro na a'done ya telesi alo lisu gäbä ro ta timelegogo alo alo rota; miri ŋgapäṛi vino se osoekye lodane vo tori oloro ya ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri. 8 Miri timelegogo azana olone tandrole si; oso ŋgapäṛi inya ro kyenoŋbo ro ronye, ago oso ŋgapäṛi na vinoro ronye, miri ozone ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ro, tägyi tagyiri ro OPI ri.
Ŋgapäṛi Sabata ro
9 “Sabata si be miri timelegogoi ritu se ndroa na be alodi teinye mämbiako 'do ozone, ago telesi alo linji koma kyira ndändärändäro ŋgapäṛi inya ro ozone, dro'bedro'bero ido si, ndi ŋgapäṛi vino na robe: 10 ono ni ŋgapäṛi ozaro Sabata cini si owo, a'done kinja ŋgapäṛi ozaro rriro ndi ŋgapäṛi vino na robe ro.
Ŋgapäṛi Ozo U'du Käti Imba rosi
11 “U'du käti imba cini rosi ämiri ŋgapäṛi ozaro ozone OPI ri: 'daŋgoi ombato'diro ritu, timelegogo alodi, timelegogoŋwà se ndroa na be alodi se teinye mämbiako iyi njidrieri; 12 ago telesi nina 'bute koma kyira ndändärändä ro ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro, dro'bedro'bero ido si, ta 'daŋgo alo alo rota; ago telesi ritu 'bute koma kyira ndändärändäro ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro ozone, dro'bedro'bero ido si ta timelegogo alo rota; 13 ago telesi alo 'bute koma kyira ndändärändäro ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro dro'bedro'bero ido si ozone ta timelegogoŋwà cini rota; ŋgapäṛi ozaro tägyi tagyiriro asi si ro OPI ri. 14 Ŋgapäṛi vinoro ànyaro a'done ya 'boṛoŋwa vino ro kpäkyi alo ta 'daŋgo alo rota, ago telesi nina 'boṛoŋwa ro ta timelegogoŋwa alo rota; ago telesi alo lisu 'boṛoŋwa ro ta timelegogo rota. Ono ni ŋgapäṛi se oyene imba cini ya ndroa cini si owo. 15 Ago kpa tego ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota OPI ri, a'done kinja ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro OPI ri rriro ndi ŋgapäṛi vino na be ro.
Ŋgapäṛi Tu Karama Ambata Loŋgaako ro rosi
(Lewe'bai 23:5-14)
16 “Karama Lävu Odra ro ro OPI oro ro oyene u'du 'butealo fosu imba käti rosi. 17 'Dooko u'du 'butealo fonji imba ono ro si oko, karama ambata loŋgaako ro etona gwo. Ämiri ambata loŋgaako onyane u'duna njidrieri. 18 U'du käti ri a'done kalakoto alokado ro, ämiri losi oyene tuna 'do si i'do, 19 oko ämiri ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ozone ozane OPI ri: 'daŋgoi ombato'diro ritu, timelegogo alodi, ago timelegogoŋwà se ndroa na be alodi iyi njidrieri, se teinye mämbiako iyi ayani; 20 ago ŋgapäṛi inya ànyaro rota kyira ndändärändäro dro'bedro'bero ido ice ido ro rosi; ämiri telesi nina 'bute koma ro ozone ta 'daŋgo alo rota. Ago telesi ritu 'bute koma ro ta timelegogo alo rota, 21 ago telesi alo 'bute ro ämiri ozone ta timelegogoŋwà njidrieri alo alo rota; 22 Tego alodi kpa ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota, ta 'diwäṛiro oyezana ämiri. 23 Se cini kwoi ämiri ozone kinja ŋgapäṛi kyenoŋbo ro ro, se orivoya ŋgapäṛi ozaro rriro yi. 24 Kpa ämiri ŋgaonyaro ozaro asi si oyene oso inye ondoalo, madale u'duna njidrieri, tägyi tagyiri ro OPI ri, a'done kinja ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si rriro ndi ŋgapäṛi vino na be ro. 25 U'du njidrieri si ämiri kalakotone mätune; ko ämiri losi oyene tu 'do si.
Ŋgapäṛi Karama Jalai ro ro
(Lewe'bai 23:15-22)
26 “Tu doŋgo drikäti rosi, ondro nyàte inya to'di amiro ozona ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri tu karama u'du njidrieri rosi, ämiri kalakotone mätu oyene; ko ämiri losi oyene tu 'do si. 27 Nyòzo ŋgapäṛi ozaro, tägyi tagyiri ro OPI ri; 'daŋgoi ombato'diro ritu, timelegogo alodi, timelegogoŋwà se ndroa na be alodi iyi njidrieri; 28 ago ŋgapäṛi inya na ro ro kyira ndändärändäro dro'bedro'bero ido ice ido ro rosi, ämiri telesi nina 'bute koma ro ozone ta 'daŋgo alo alo rota, ago telesi ritu 'bute koma ro ozone ta timelegogo alo rota, 29 ago telesi alo 'bute ro ämiri ozone ta timelegogoŋwà njidrieri rota. 30 Tego alodi be ta 'diwäṛiro oyezana ta amiro ta. 31 Se cini kwoi ämiri ozone kinja ŋgapäṛi ozaro rriro ndi ŋgapäṛi inya ro na be, ndi ŋgapäṛi ànyaro vinoro be. Mindre se teinye mämbiako iyi ayani.
Regular Daily Sacrifices
(Exodus 29.38-43Leviticus 6.8-13)
1 The Lord told Moses 2 to say to the people of Israel:
Offer sacrifices to me at the appointed times of worship, so that I will smell the smoke and be pleased.
3 Each day offer two rams a year old as sacrifices to please me. The animals must have nothing wrong with them; 4 one will be sacrificed in the morning, and the other in the evening. 5 Along with each of them, one kilogram of your finest flour mixed with a liter of olive oil must be offered as a grain sacrifice. 6 This sacrifice to please me was first offered at Mount Sinai. 7 Finally, along with each of these two sacrifices, a liter of wine must be poured on the altar as a drink offering. 8 The second ram will be sacrificed that evening, along with the other offerings, just like the one sacrificed that morning. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices will please me.
The Sacrifice on the Sabbath
The Lord said:
9-10 On the Sabbath, in addition to the regular daily sacrifices, you must sacrifice two rams a year old to please me. These rams must have nothing wrong with them, and they will be sacrificed with a drink offering and two kilograms of your finest flour mixed with olive oil.
The Sacrifices on the First Day of the Month
The Lord said:
11 On the first day of each month, bring to the altar two bulls, one full-grown ram, and seven rams a year old that have nothing wrong with them. Then offer these as sacrifices to please me. 12 Three kilograms of your finest flour mixed with olive oil must be offered with each bull as a grain sacrifice. Two kilograms of flour mixed with oil must be offered with the ram, 13 and one kilogram of flour mixed with oil must be offered with each of the young rams. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices will please me.
14-15 Offer two liters of wine as a drink offering with each bull, one and a half liters with the ram, and one liter with each of the young rams.
Finally, you must offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin.
These sacrifices are to be offered on the first day of each month, in addition to the regular daily sacrifices.
The Sacrifices during Passover and the Festival of Thin Bread
(Leviticus 23.4-8)
The Lord said:
16 Celebrate Passover in honor of me on the fourteenth day of the first month of each year. 17 The following day will begin the Festival of Thin Bread, which will last for a week. During this time you must honor me by eating bread made without yeast.
18 On the first day of this festival, you must rest from your work and come together for worship. 19 Bring to the altar two bulls, one full-grown ram, and seven rams a year old that have nothing wrong with them. And then offer these as sacrifices to please me. 20 Three kilograms of your finest flour mixed with olive oil must be offered with each bull as a grain sacrifice. Two kilograms of flour mixed with oil must be offered with the ram, 21 and one kilogram of flour mixed with oil must be offered with each of the young rams. 22 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for the sins of the people. 23-24 All of these are to be offered each day of the festival in additional to the regular sacrifices, and the smoke from them will please me. 25 Then on the last day of the festival, you must once again rest from work and come together for worship.
The Sacrifices during the Harvest Festival
(Leviticus 23.15-22)
The Lord said:
26 On the first day of the Harvest Festival, you must rest from your work, come together for worship, and bring a sacrifice of new grain. 27 Offer two young bulls, one full-grown ram, and seven rams a year old as sacrifices to please me. 28 Three kilograms of your finest flour mixed with olive oil must be offered with each bull as a grain sacrifice. Two kilograms of flour mixed with oil must be offered with the ram, 29 and one kilogram of flour mixed with oil must be offered with each of the young rams. 30 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin. 31 The animals must have nothing wrong with them and are to be sacrificed along with the regular daily sacrifices.