1 Ondro Balama kondrete tana si OPI te ndäri Yisaraele äṛune oko, nda oyi kote, oso se käti ana ronye tavo uṛine tase oyene ta, oko za mi ndaro te vocowa driro. 2 Balama eŋga mi ndaro te kuru ago ndre lidri Yisaraele ro otoyi gawa te ba 'bakala ro 'bakala ro. Ndi tori Lu ro ikyite nda dri, 3 ago nda eto taope ndaro ono te ekye:
“Ata Balama mano Beora ro ro,
ata mano se mi na äpite vo ondrene ro,
4 Ata nda se kabe ata Lu ro erina ro, nda se kabe rulofo Lu Mbarapara ro ondrena,
'dete vuru oko mi ndaro uŋbo.
5 Zoi boŋgoro lidri Yakoba ro ro orivoya liŋgyiekye,
ago 'bai amiro liŋgyiekye lidri Yisaraele ro.
6 Laba oso vodelero ociekye ronye.
Oso ämvu se golo kalasi ronye,
oso äṛiandara se OPI kikyi'di beni
ago ice wiri ro gyi kalasi ronye.
7 'Bu u'dina 'da amba ànyari;
ago kwari ànyaro a'dona 'da amba driigye,
'bädri'ba ànyaro a'dona 'da ndrani Agaga ri,
ago miri ndaro uguna ruafo 'da.
8 Lu lofo ànya te tesi ni Ezipeto yasi;
nda ka kyila oye ànya ta oso udru ronye,
ànya opena tu'dei kyila'baazii ànyaro 'da ṛe,
toŋgona kowa ànyaro 'da jinyijinyi ago u'bona ànya 'da ätu si.
9 Tu'de ono kauvu oso ibiago ronye;
ondro ku'dute vuru oso ibitoko ronye a'di teŋgana niya?
Äṛuna 'dise kabe Yisaraele äṛu ndi,
ago atrina 'dise kabe Yisaraele otri ndi.”
10 'Dooko kyila Balaka ro lerute Balama be, nda utu drì ndaro te ago atate Balama ri ekye: “Mäzi mi te kyila'baazii maro otrine, oko mindre pere nätu ono ya nyäṛu ànya te äṛu. 11 Ka'do inye nyoyi teri 'bäru mirigä, ma'ba tate endaro päläti ozone miri, oko OPI laga mi tezo ni päläti uruvoya.” 12 Balama zatadri Balaka rote ekye: “Inye'do mata ṛo ko lazo'bai miro se mizobe mare kai ri makye: 13 Ondro aba mi Balaka nyozo zo'desi miri ro miro gica märi twi mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be, mänina ko ŋga aza oyene ta maro ronye, ca takado kode takozi, lävune märi ndrani ota OPI ro drisi te i'do, oko beṛo märi tase OPI kabe atana itine ayani ya?”
Taope Ädu Balama ro
14 Balama atate Balaka ri ekye: “Yauono mate ugu oyi lidri maro re; nyikyi, ma'bana mi ŋgase lidri ono ka oyebe oyene lidri miro ri tu mileya ya tana unine.” 15 'Dooko nda eto taope ndaro ono te ekye:
“Ata Balama ŋgwa Beora ro ro
ata mano se äpi mi na te vo ondrene kadoro ro,
16 Ata nda se kabe ata Lu ro erina ro.
Ago kabe tauni se kabe ikyi ni nda se Fopara ndra ono resi unine.
Nda se kabe rulofo Lu Mbarapara ro ondrena.
'Dete vuru oko mi ndaro uŋbo.
17 Ma tase mileya ondrena,
ago ma tu'de Yisaraele ro ondrena.
'Bädri'ba aza oso 'bi'bi ronye efona 'da ni zelevoi Yakoba ro yasi.
'Bädri'ba efona 'da ni Yisaraele yasi.
Nda togana dri'bai Moaba ro 'da
ago to'bina lidri Seta ro 'da kpeye.
18 Nda opena Edoma'bai 'da ṛe
nda opena kyila'baazii ndaro Seira ya kpa 'da ṛe
oko Yisaraele a'dona 'du ŋgaopeopero ṛe.
19 Alo aza ni zelevoi Yakoba ro yasi kyiyina ànya 'da vuru
ago tufuna 'dise cini kotabe lidriidriro 'bakicii ya 'da kpeye.”
20 'Dooko Balama ndre Amaleka'bai te rulofo ya, ndi nda eto taope ndaro ono te ekye:
“Amaleka se käti mbara be para tu'dei lako ono,
äduro oko eperena 'da riya äduako.”
21 Ago nda ndre Kena'bai te rulofo ya, ago eto taope ndaro ono te ekye:
“Vo oriro miro orivoya ŋgyiri
orivoya londro ro oso zo ari ro luutu dri ronye,
22 Caoko eperena Kena 'da tandroro
tuse Asaria'bai urunayi ami 'da lozo kamba'bai ro 'do si.”
23 Ago nda eto taope ndaro ono kpate ekye:
“Kuwuyi, Lu koye tase ono bete a'di orina ni ya?
24 Lidri ikyina 'da toŋboi si ni Kitima yasi;
ànya openayi Asaria ndi Ebera be 'da ṛe,
oko kovolesi, utufuna anya 'da.”
25 'Dooko Balama ŋgate, ago oyite 'bäru irigä, ago Balaka oyi kpate liti ndaro ya nda rigä.
1 Balaam was sure that the Lord would tell him to bless Israel again. So he did not use any magic to find out what the Lord wanted him to do, as he had the first two times. Instead, he looked out toward the desert 2 and saw the tribes of Israel camped below. Just then, God's Spirit took control of him, 3 and Balaam said:

“I am the son of Beor,
and my words are true,
so listen to my message!
4 It comes from the Lord,
the God All-Powerful.
I bowed down to him
and saw a vision of Israel.

5 “People of Israel,
your camp is lovely.
6 It's like a grove of palm trees
or a garden beside a river.
You are like tall aloe trees
that the Lord has planted,
or like cedars
growing near water.
7 You and your descendants
will prosper like an orchard
beside a stream.
Your king will rule with power
and be a greater king
than Agag the Amalekite.
8 With the strength of a wild ox,
God led you out of Egypt.
You will defeat your enemies,
shooting them with arrows
and crushing their bones.
9 Like a lion you lie down,
resting after an attack.
Who would dare disturb you?

“Anyone who blesses you
will be blessed;
anyone who curses you
will be cursed.”

10 When Balak heard this, he was so furious that he pounded his fist against his hand and said, “I called you here to place a curse on my enemies, and you've blessed them three times. 11 Leave now and go home! I told you I would pay you well, but since the Lord didn't let you do what I asked, you won't be paid.”
12 Balaam answered, “I told your messengers 13 that even if you offered me a palace full of silver or gold, I would still obey the Lord. And I explained that I would say only what he told me. 14 So I'm going back home, but I'm leaving you with a warning about what the Israelites will someday do to your nation.”
Balaam's Fourth Message
15 Balaam said:

“I am the son of Beor,
and my words are true,
so listen to my message!
16 My knowledge comes
from God Most High,
the Lord All-Powerful.
I bowed down to him
and saw a vision of Israel.

17 “What I saw in my vision
hasn't happened yet.
But someday, a king of Israel
will appear like a star.
He will wipe out you Moabites
and destroy those tribes
who live in the desert.
18 Israel will conquer Edom
and capture the land
of that enemy nation.
19 The king of Israel will rule
and destroy the survivors
of every town there.

20 “And I saw this vision
about the Amalekites:
Their nation is now great,
but it will someday
disappear forever.

21 “And this is what I saw
about the Kenites:
They think they're safe,
living among the rocks,
22 but they will be wiped out
when Assyria conquers them.

23 “No one can survive
if God plans destruction.
24 Ships will come from Cyprus,
bringing people who will invade
the lands of Assyria and Eber.
But finally, Cyprus itself
will be ruined.”

25 After Balaam finished, he started home, and Balak also left.