Takado Yisaraele ro Enjirute
1 Mate kandrakozi be! Tana malabate oso mano se täbiriro, se usu doŋgo kote ice dri ago doŋgo vole kono ro kote koni dri topina vosi 'do ronye. Doŋgo aza te i'do onyane, ca doŋgo kyi'du ro otopite kpeye. 2 Lidri ta'diri'bai kyete ni 'bädri yasi, ago 'diaza a'do kote ŋgye lidri lako. 'Dicini ka azi kote ufune. Ànya cini kayi lidri 'bädri azi ànyaro ro gogona ufune. 3 Ànya cini orivoya tauni be tase undiro oyeza. Dri'bai ndi vureope'bai be ka taeji ta miogye rota. Mano se mbararo ka taundiro se nda kolebe atana ayani, ago ànya kayi taora troalo. 4 Ca 'dise ànyaro kadopara iyi a'dote oso kukyi ronye ago 'dise ndra 'diriro iyi a'dote oso kaŋwa ronye.
Tu se nebii kata tana be ànya ezaza 'do kate esa. Yauono ànya kate a'do wiriwiriro. 5 Mima ta ko oriazi miro ya ago miyi ta ko bereazi miro ya. Nya'do miomba be tase nyabe atana ya ca toko miro ri. 6 Tu kwoi si ŋgwàagoro oyenayi täpii ànyaro 'da koziro ndiriŋwa o'bena kyila 'da endrei ànyaro be, 'ditokoza openayi kala ṛo ope adraŋwai ànyaro be; kyila'baazi 'di alo ro a'dona gi loto ni gboko katidri modo ndaro ro yasi.
7 Oko ta maro ta, mandrena vo maro ndi OPI dri; mokotena Lu opa'ba maro ndi, se opana ma ndi. Lu maro erina ma ndi.
OPI Ka Ŋgaopa ezi
8 Ami kyila'baazii amaro mìgu ma ko. Màlapa ca, oko màŋgana 'da; màri ca vouni ya, oko OPI ozona ŋgaeyi 'da ämäri. 9 Beṛo ämäri kyila OPI ro iŋgyine tana màye takozi te nda lomvo. Oko äduro oko nda gagana ama 'da ago opena vure amaro 'da. Nda lofona ama 'da tesi ŋgaeyi ya; ago màndrena nda 'da ama opavoya. 10 'Dooko kyila'baazii amaro ondrenayi tase ono 'da, ago ànya a'donayi 'da driupiro ànya gi kayibe ama eji ekye: “OPI Lu amiro gaŋwaroya?” Màndrena 'da ape ànya te ṛe, atona ànya 'da vuru oso koro litiŋwà drisi ronye.
11 Lidri Yerusalema ro, tu tiṛi 'bakici amiro obena ro kate esa. Tu gi ana si kishwe wari amiro ro afona 'da. 12 Tu gi ana si, lidri amiro egonayi 'da amire, ni Asaria yasi, ago ni Ezipeto yasi, ni wari golo Eferata ro ro yasi, ni gyi'desii lozo ro yasi ago ni 'bereŋwai cini yasi. 13 Oko gyini a'dona 'da vocowa ro ta takozi ànya se kayibe ori kigye rota.
Yauni OPI ro Yisaraele'bai ri
14 OPI, nyelekye lidri miro dofo miro si, lidri se minjibe ono, ànya kori gica iṛe vocowa ya, gyini kado be gbikyi ànya lomvosi oko, mi'ba ànya koyiyi konyayi ŋga lowo 'buṛu'buṛu Basana ndi Gilada be roya, oso se tu kyeno kai si ana ronye.
15 OPI, miye talaro ro ämäri, oso miyebe tuse nyolofo ama be sina tesi ni Ezipeto yasi ana ronye. 16 Tu'dei amba ondrenayi ta ono 'da ago a'donayi 'da wiriwiri ro. Ànya a'bonayi kala ànyaro 'da ago tisinayi bi ànyaro 'da. 17 Ànya udinayi 'da durufu yasi oso inii ronye; ago oso ŋgatega tegaŋwa gyini ro ronye; ànya efonayi 'da ni tiṛi mbaraekye ànyaro yasi, lä'bilä'biro. Ànya etanayi drî 'da turi si OPI Lu amaro re ago turinayi a'do 'desi ndaro 'da.
18 Lu aza i'do oso mi ronye, se kabe lidri miro se ke'bebe lidriidriro ono ebe ta takozi rota. Nya'do kote kyilaro äduako, oko nya ugu ŋgalu 'duro miro ka'dana te ämäri yai'dwesi. 19 Migo nya'dona kpa 'da yauni amba be ämäri. Mitona takozii amaro 'da vuru pa zele ago mivona ànya 'da le gyi'desi zele! 20 Nyaka'dana ta'diri miro 'da zelevoi Yakoba ro ri ago ŋgalu 'duro miro 'da zelevoi lidri miro Abarayama ro ri, oso mi'ba tao'ba be zutui amaro ri kyeno ana ronye.
Israel Is Corrupt
1 I feel so empty inside—
like someone starving
for grapes or figs,
after the vines and trees
have all been picked clean.
2 No one is loyal to God;
no one does right.
Everyone is brutal
and eager to deceive
everyone else.
3 People cooperate to commit crime.
Judges and leaders demand bribes,
and rulers cheat in court.
4 The most honest of them
is worse than a thorn patch.

Your doom has come!
Lookouts sound the warning,
and everyone panics.
5 Don't trust anyone,
not even your best friend,
and be careful what you say
to the one you love.

6 Sons refuse to respect
their own fathers,
daughters rebel against
their own mothers,
and daughters-in-law despise
their mothers-in-law.
Your family is now your enemy.
7 But I trust the Lord God
to save me,
and I will wait for him
to answer my prayer.
The Nation Turns to God
8 My enemies, don't be glad
because of my troubles!
I may have fallen,
but I will get up;
I may be sitting in the dark,
but the Lord is my light.
9 I have sinned against the Lord.
And so I must endure his anger,
until he comes to my defense.
But I know that I will see him
making things right for me
and leading me to the light.

10 You, my enemies, said,
“The Lord God is helpless.”
Now each of you
will be disgraced
and put to shame.
I will see you trampled
like mud in the street.
A Bright Future
11 Towns of Judah, the day is coming
when your walls will be rebuilt,
and your boundaries enlarged.
12 People will flock to you
from Assyria and Egypt,
from Babylonia
and everywhere else.
13 Those nations will suffer disaster
because of what they did.
Micah's Prayer and the Lord's Answer
14 Lead your people, Lord!
Come and be our shepherd.
Grasslands surround us,
but we live in a forest.
So lead us to Bashan and Gilead,
and let us find pasture
as we did long ago.

15 I, the Lord, will work miracles
just as I did when I led you
out of Egypt.
16 Nations will see this
and be ashamed because
of their helpless armies.
They will be in shock,
unable to speak or hear,
17 because of their fear of me,
your Lord and God.
Then they will come trembling,
crawling out of their fortresses
like insects or snakes,
lapping up the dust.
No One Is Like God
The people said:
18 Our God, no one is like you.
We are all that is left
of your chosen people,
and you freely forgive
our sin and guilt.
You don't stay angry forever;
you're glad to have pity
19 and pleased to be merciful.
You will trample on our sins
and throw them in the sea.
20 You will keep your word
and be faithful to Jacob
and to Abraham,
as you promised our ancestors
many years ago.