Vure OPI ro Yisaraele lomvo
1 Nyèri tase OPI kabe atana ono. Äye OPI, miŋga ago nyezi vure miro; mi'ba 'bereŋwai ndi lutui be keriyi tase nyabe atana 'do.
2 Ami 'bereŋwai nyèri vure OPI ro, ami kotopai äduako 'bädri ro, nyèri vure OPI ro tana! OPI orivoya vure be lidri ndaro lomvo. Nda ka oye Yisaraele kicune.
3 OPI ekye: “Ami Lidri maro, maye e'diyi ämiri ya? Ma'do ŋgaläŋgyiro ämiri eŋwanyeya? Mìzatadri maro. 4 Molofo ami te ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi; ago mapa ami teni a'do iyeäṛiro yasi; ndi mazo Musa, Arona ndi Miriama be te ami lepene. 5 Lidri maro, mìyi tase Balaka 'bädri'ba Moaba ro kora tana be oyene ämiri 'do, ndi tase Balama ŋgwa Beora ro kozatadri ndaro be sina ana be, ago tase ka'dobe liti ya ni Sitimi ya le Gilegala ya ana mìyi tana. Mìyi tana, tana mìni ta ŋgaopa ma OPI ro tana robe.”
Tase OPI Kolebe
6 Mezina e'di OPI, Lu vo'buyakuru ro ro mätuza ya? Inye'do mezina tijoroŋwai se ndroa na alodi iyi aya ŋgapäṛi ozaro roya? 7 Inye'do OPI a'dona gindi yai'dwesi ta timele kutu ro rota, ago ta ido ice ido ro amba se kabe udi oso golo ronye 'do rota ya? Inye'do mozona ŋgwa kayo maro ayani ta takozi maro rota ya? 8 Ŋgase kado OPI iti tana te märi. Tase Lu keji ama be oyene ni ono; ta'diri oyene, ŋgalu 'duro ka'dane, ago orine mäwuako rumora si Lu amaro be.
9 OPI ka 'bakici uzi, nda turine ni orivoya tavouni kado yi. Nyèri, ami lidri, ami se nyàbe kalaombi 'bakici ya ono! 10 Inye'do mijena ta lakazà se usube ta'diri oyeako si, se orivoya zoi taundi oye'bai roya, ndi koma ŋgaojoro kowesi se latri be iyi ro ndi ya? 11 Inye'do me'bena lidri se kabe läŋgyi ŋga ro ojo kowe si ago oca ŋgaro ojo ta'diriako si iyi ro gindi ezaako ya? 12 Lidri maro se ŋgaamba be iyi orivoya siomba'bai; ago ami ṛo cini koweoga'bai kowe orivoya twi kala amiro ya. 13 Ta'doro meto ami tufu ṛote nja, mate ami o'ba tandroro ago mate ami pere ta takozi amiro rota. 14 Mìnyana ŋga ndi, oko ojona ami ko täbiri a'dona gi'du ami ufuufuro; nyùluŋgyina ŋga ndi, oko mìnina ko ànya etane; ŋgase nyàbe etana meperena 'da kyila si. 15 Mìrina kwari ndi, oko mìlona ŋga jalia na ro ko. Mìzwana ido 'da ni ice ido ro yasi, oko andivo amiro mìpina ido na ko alona. Mìzwana doŋgo kono ro ndi, ko mìmvuna vino na ko. 16 Tase ono a'dona ndi inye tana mìsote taoye undiro 'Bädri'ba Omeri ndi ŋgwa ndaro 'Bädri'ba Aba robe vo. Mìrite 'du taoye ànyaro oyene ayani, tana ta'doro meperena ami 'da tandro ro, ago 'dicini mawona ami 'da. Lidri vo cini yasi oŋgona ṛo oŋgo ämidri.
The Lord's Challenge to His People
1 The Lord said to his people:
Come and present your case
to the hills and mountains.
2 Israel, I am bringing charges
against you—
I call upon the mountains
and the earth's firm foundation
to be my witnesses.

3 My people, have I wronged you
in any way at all?
Please tell me.
4 I rescued you from Egypt,
where you were slaves.
I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam
to be your leaders.
5 Don't forget the evil plans
of King Balak of Moab
or what Balaam son of Beor
said to him.
Remember how I, the Lord,
saved you many times
on your way from Acacia
to Gilgal.
True Obedience
6 What offering should I bring
when I bow down to worship
the Lord God Most High?
Should I try to please him
by sacrificing
calves a year old?
7 Will thousands of sheep
or rivers of olive oil
make God satisfied with me?
Should I sacrifice to the Lord
my first-born child as payment
for my terrible sins?
8 The Lord God has told us
what is right
and what he demands:
“See that justice is done,
let mercy be your first concern,
and humbly obey your God.”
Cheating and Violence
9 I am the Lord,
and you are wise to respect
my power to punish.
So listen to my message
for the city of Jerusalem:
10 You store up stolen treasures
and use dishonest scales.
11 But I, the Lord, will punish you
for cheating with weights
and with measures.
12 You rich people are violent,
and everyone tells lies.

13 Because of your sins,
I will wound you and leave you
ruined and defenseless.
14 You will eat,
but still be hungry;
you will store up goods,
but lose everything—
I, the Lord, will let it all
be captured in war.
15 You won't harvest what you plant
or use the oil
from your olive trees
or drink the wine
from grapes you grow.

16 Jerusalem, this will happen
because you followed
the sinful example
of kings Omri and Ahab.
Now I will destroy you
and your property.
Then the people of every nation
will make fun and insult you.