Ikyi Tavouni'bai ro ni 'Buzelesi
1 Äti Yesu te 'ba'desi Beteleme se orivoya Yuda ya ana ya tu Eroda 'bädri'ba rosi. Uti ndaro vosi oko, tavouni'bai ikyiyite ni 'buzelesi le Yerusalema ya 2 ejiyitate ekye: “Nda se ätibe a'done 'bädri'ba Yudai ro ono gaŋwaro ya? Tana màndre 'bi'bi ndaro efote ni 'buzelesi, ago mìkyi ono nda mätune.”
3 Ondro Eroda 'bädri'ba keri ta ono te oko yana a'dote loŋgaloŋga ro, ago Yerusalema'bai cini kpa inye. 4 Ago ondro nda kokotokala kohanii 'desi ndi miemba'bai Ota robe te oko, nda eji ànya te ekye: “Ätina Mesiya eŋwaro ya?”
5 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Beteleme Yuda roya; tana ono ni tase nebi kegyibe owo ekye:
6 ‘Mi Beteleme se wari Yuda roya ono,
mi ko orivoya pari giṛiŋwa ni 'bakicii Yuda ro lakosi;
tana ni miya dri'ba efona 'da
se lepena lidri maro Yisaraele 'da.’ ”
7 'Dooko Eroda zi tavouni'bai te ndrwi ago usu tuse 'bi'bi kaka'darube sina ana taŋgyena teni ànya resi. 8 Ndi nda zo ànya te Beteleme ya, atate ekye: “Nyòyi nyèji tavo ŋgagaŋwa se ono ro ŋgye; ondro nyùsu nda te oko, nyòlogo tana märi mäkyi robe kpa nda mätune.”
9 Tavouni'bai oyiyite oso 'bädri'ba kota ànya be ronye; ago 'bi'bi se ànya kondreyibe ṛoni 'buzele ana, 'dete käti ànyari, kyi edrete le vose ŋgagaŋwa ana ku'dube kigye ana dri. 10 Ondro tavouni'bai kondreyi 'bi'bi te oko, ànya yeyi riyä te ndra ago a'doyite riyäro amba. 11 Ago ànya ciyite zo ya ago ndreyi ŋgagaŋwa se ana te ndi Maria endre ndaro be, ndi ànya soyi kaya te vuru ndi mätuyi nda te. 'Dooko ànya piyi gbolo ànyaro te, ozoyi ŋgapäṛi te ndäri, logo läguläguro, ŋga ŋgutruro yi, ndi Koto'boŋwà tägyi ŋgutruro be.
12 Ago Lu emba tavouni'bai te tori si ko ànyari ogone Eroda resi, ago ànya goyite 'bädri ànyaro ya liti to yasi.
Umu Ezipeto ya
13 Oyi tavouni'bai ro vosi oko, malaika Opi ro ka'darute Yosepa ri tori si ekye: “Miŋga, miru ŋgagaŋwa 'do ndi endre ndaro be, mimu ànya be Ezipeto ya, ago miri lau madale mapena ta ni miri; tana Eroda kaoye tavo uṛine ŋgagaŋwa 'do ufune.”
14 Yosepa ŋgate ni u'duvoya, ru ŋgagaŋwa ana ndi endre ndaro be te ŋgäkyi si, oyite ànya be Ezipeto ya, 15 ago rite lau madale Eroda dra lutu. Tase ono a'dote nonye tana tase Opi katabe nebi si ana ka'do robe ŋgye, se ekye: “Mäzi ŋgwa maro teni Ezipeto yasi.”
Ufu ŋgagaŋwai ro
16 Ondro Eroda kondrete tavouni'bai odoyi nda te oko, nda a'dote kyilaro, ago ozotate ŋgagaŋwai cini àgoro se Beteleme ya ndi 'batiazi se lomvoigyesi 'do robe tufune, eto ni se ndroa na ritu ya egogwo vuru ro, oso se nda kuni tana be ni tavouni'bai resi ana ronye.
17 Tase ono 'ba ata se nebi Yeremaya katabe ana sate ŋgye mina ya se ekye:
18 “Eri kporo teni Rama yasi,
liyi ndi ruṛu be.
Raele ka liyi ni ŋgàga anyaro ta;
anya gatezo yi i'dwene,
tana ànya todrate.”
Ego ni Ezipeto yasi
19 Odra Eroda ro vosi oko, malaika Opi ro ka'darute Yosepa ri tori si Ezipeto ya, 20 atate ekye: “Miŋga teri, miru ŋgagaŋwa 'do ndi endre ndaro be, ago migo wari Yisaraele roya, tana ànya se koleyibe ŋgagaŋwa 'do ufune iyi todrayite.” 21 Ta'dota nda ŋgate, ru ŋgagaŋwa se ana te ndi endre ndaro be, ago goyite wari Yisaraele roya.
22 Ondro Yosepa keri tate ekye Erekelausa go rini 'bädri'ba ro Yuda dri vo Eroda täpi ndaro roya oko, nda a'dote turiro ogovoya lau. Ago emba nda te tori si, ago nda pirute wari Galilaya roya 23 nda oyite ago rite 'ba'desi se äzibe Nazareta ana ya. Tana tase ata be nebi si ana ka'do robe ŋgye, se ekye: “Äzina nda 'da Nazareta'ba.”
The Wise Men
1 When Jesus was born in the village of Bethlehem in Judea, Herod was king. During this time some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and said, “Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
3 When King Herod heard about this, he was worried, and so was everyone else in Jerusalem. 4 Herod brought together the chief priests and the teachers of the Law of Moses and asked them, “Where will the Messiah be born?”
5 They told him, “He will be born in Bethlehem, just as the prophet wrote,

6 ‘Bethlehem in the land
of Judea,
you are very important
among the towns of Judea.
From your town
will come a leader,
who will be like a shepherd
for my people Israel.’ ”

7 Herod secretly called in the wise men and asked them when they had first seen the star. 8 He told them, “Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, let me know. I also want to go and worship him.”
9 The wise men listened to what the king said and then left. And the star they had seen in the east went on ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 They were thrilled and excited to see the star.
11 When the men went into the house and saw the child with Mary, his mother, they knelt down and worshiped him. They took out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and gave them to him. 12 Later they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, and they went back home by another road.
The Escape to Egypt
13 After the wise men had gone, an angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Hurry and take the child and his mother to Egypt! Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is looking for the child and wants to kill him.”
14 That night, Joseph got up and took his wife and the child to Egypt, 15 where they stayed until Herod died. So the Lord's promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “I called my son out of Egypt.”
The Killing of the Children
16 When Herod found out that the wise men from the east had tricked him, he was very angry. He gave orders for his men to kill all the boys who lived in or near Bethlehem and were two years old and younger. This was based on what he had learned from the wise men.
17 So the Lord's promise came true, just as the prophet Jeremiah had said,

18 “In Ramah a voice was heard
crying and weeping loudly.
Rachel was mourning
for her children,
and she refused
to be comforted,
because they were dead.”
The Return from Egypt
19 After King Herod died, an angel from the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph while he was still in Egypt. 20 The angel said, “Get up and take the child and his mother back to Israel. The people who wanted to kill him are now dead.”
21 Joseph got up and left with them for Israel. 22 But when he heard that Herod's son Archelaus was now ruler of Judea, he was afraid to go there. Then in a dream he was told to go to Galilee, 23 and they went to live there in the town of Nazareth. So the Lord's promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “He will be called a Nazarene.”