Odra Yoane Bapatisi'ba ro
(Marako 6:14-29Luka 9:7-9)
1 Tu ana si Eroda , miri'ba Galilaya ro eri liku Yesu ro tana te. 2 Nda ititate dri'bai losiro ndaro ri ekye: “Endaro nda orivoya Yoane Bapatisi'ba owo, nda go adrite; 'bani nda orivoya mbara ono be talaro ro oyeza wo.”
3 Tana kyeno Eroda ozotate äru Yoane te, ago nda embe nda te ago 'ba nda te kamba ya. Nda ye ta ono te ta Erodia, toko ädrupi ndaro Filipo rota. 4 Tana Yoane Bapatisi'ba atate Eroda ri ekye: “Ko kado miri Erodia ogyene!” 5 Eroda lete nda ufune, oko nda orivoya turiro ni lidri Yudai ro ri, tana ànya niyite Yoane ni nebi yi.
6 Utitu Eroda rosi ŋguti Erodia ro to läri te lowa cini milesi. Tana si Eroda tawi 7 ta'dota nda 'ba tao'ba te anyari ekye: “Mäṛu ma te anjioko mozona ŋgase aza nyabe ejina ndi miri!”
8 Ta endre anyaro ro ronye anya eji nda te ekye: “Nyozo drî Yoane Bapatisi'ba ro yau noŋwa märi deŋbele si!”
9 'Bädri'ba a'dote tusuro, oko tana ta tao'ba se nda ko'babe ŋgwazii ndaro kandra ana rota nda ozotate anjioko ŋgase anya kolebe ana ndi ozone. 10 Ta'doro nda täṛi drî Yoane rote kamba ya. 11 Ezi drî ndaro te deŋbele si ago ozote ŋguti ana ri, ndi ugute endre anyaro ri. 12 Taeri'bai Yoane ro ikyiyite, ŋgyiyi avo ndaro te, ago seyite; 'dooko ànya oyiyite ago itiyi tana te Yesu ri.
Yesu Ozo Ŋgaonya te Lidri Ndrani Kutu Nji (5,000) drisi ri
(Marako 6:30-44Luka 9:10-17Yoane 6:1-14)
13 Ondro Yesu keri lazo Yoane rote oko, nda oyite ni nasi cite toŋbo ya ago oyite vo oriro andivo ndaro ro iṛe ya. Ondro lidri keri tana te oko, ànya e'beyi 'ba'desii ànyaro te ago soyite nda vo abayite pa si. 14 Ondro Yesu kefote ni toŋbo yasi oko, nda ndre lowa amba te, ago ya ndaro nite ànya lomvo, ago nda ede adravo'bai ànyaro te.
15 Tandrole ana si taeri'bai ndaro ikyiyite ndare ago atayite ekye: “Ono orivoya vocowa yi, ago kitu kate o'de, nyepere lidri ono ànya koyiyi robe 'baŋwà yasi ŋgaonya ogyene andivo ànyaro ri.”
16 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Ànyari oyine i'do. Ami modo nyòzo ŋga aza ànyari onyane!”
17 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Noŋwa ono ama toto ambata nji be ago ti'bi ritu be.”
18 'Dooko Yesu atate ekye: “Nyèzi ànya mare noŋwa.” 19 Nda ta lidri te orine vuru käyi dri, 'dooko nda ru ambata nji se ana te ndi ti'bi se ritu ana be, ndrevote kuru vo'buyakuru ya, ago ozo aro'boya te Lu ri. Nda wa ambata te ago ozo ànya te taeri'bai rigyesi, ndi taeri'bai ozo ànya te lidri ri. 20 Vona cini nyate ago ojo ànya te. 'Dooko taeri'bai otoyi anjoko ŋgase ke'bebe ana rote koṛiga na 'butealo foritu twitwi. 21 Oti mànoago se konya yibe ana ro orivoya kutu nji (5,000), teinye 'ditoko ndi ŋgàga be otiako.
Yesu Abate Gyi drisi
(Marako 6:45-52Yoane 6:15-21)
22 'Dooko Yesu 'ba taeri'bai te ocine toŋbo ya ago oyine mile ndaro ya fofo tasi, ondro nda kadri lowa lidri ro perena owo. 23 Ondro pere lidri ro vosi oko, nda andivo tute lutu dri mätune. Vouni ta Yesu te iṛe lau; 24 ago saa ana si toŋbo te le kitoriya fofo roya, te pelepelero ni gbulä gyi ro ri, tana oli kate eli driigyero.
25 Lakole saa nina ndi saa njidrialo ro ya vo ri iwivoya oko Yesu ikyite taeri'bai re, ka ezi aba gyi drisi. 26 Ondro ànya kondreyi nda te abavoya gyi drisi oko, ànya a'doyite turituriro. Ànya atayite ekye: “'Do orivoya tori avo ro!” Ago ànya totreyite turi si.
27 Dori Yesu atate ànyari ekye: “Nyà'do agoago be! Nyùturi ko! Ono ma owo.”
28 'Dooko Petero atate ekye: “Opi, ondro ka'do gi endaro mi owo oko, mi'ba ma ukyine mire gyi drisi.”
29 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Nyikyi!” Ndi Petero efote ni toŋbo yasi ago eto oyite gyi drisi Yesu re. 30 Oko ondro nda kondre oli mbaraekye te oko, nda a'dote turiro ago eto ocite gyi zele, ago nda trete ekye: “Opi, mipa ma.”
31 Dori Yesu ozo drí te ago ru nda te anda ago atate ekye: “Mi orivoya taoma giṛiŋwa be! Nyolo'be mi te etaya?”
32 Ànya riti ciyite toŋbo ya, ndi oli edrete. 33 'Dooko taeri'bai se toŋbo ya ana mätuyi Yesu te. Ànya atayite ekye: “Endaro mi orivoya Ŋgwa Lu ro.”
Yesu Ede Adravo'bai te Genesareta ya
(Marako 6:53-56)
34 Ànya zayidri fofo rote ago ikyiyite wari Genesareta roya, 35 ago lidri vo ana ro niyi Yesu te. Ago ànya zoyi lazo te lidri adravoro se cini gbikyi 'bädri ana yasi vo ndi eziyi ànya te Yesu re. 36 Ànya lo'baruyite ndäri adravo'bai o'bane toto sidri boŋgo ndaro ro odone ayani, ago vona se cini kodobe ana edete kadoro.
The Death of John the Baptist
(Mark 6.14-29Luke 9.7-9)
1 About this time Herod the ruler heard the news about Jesus 2 and told his officials, “This is John the Baptist! He has come back from death, and that's why he has the power to work these miracles.”
3-4 Herod had earlier arrested John and had him chained and put in prison. He did this because John had told him, “It isn't right for you to take Herodias, the wife of your brother Philip.” 5 Herod wanted to kill John. But the people thought John was a prophet, and Herod was afraid of what they might do.
6 When Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests. She pleased Herod 7 so much he swore to give her whatever she wanted. 8 But the girl's mother told her to say, “Here on a serving plate I want the head of John the Baptist!”
9 Herod was sorry for what he had said. But he did not want to break the promise he had made in front of his guests. So he ordered a guard 10 to go to the prison and cut off John's head. 11 It was taken on a serving plate to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 12 John's followers took his body and buried it. Then they told Jesus what had happened.
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
(Mark 6.30-44Luke 9.10-17John 6.1-14)
13 After Jesus heard about John, he crossed Lake Galilee to go to some place where he could be alone. But the crowds found out and followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw the large crowd. He felt sorry for them and healed everyone who was sick.
15 That evening the disciples came to Jesus and said, “This place is like a desert, and it's already late. Let the crowds leave, so they can go to the villages and buy some food.”
16 Jesus replied, “They don't have to leave. Why don't you give them something to eat?”
17 But they said, “We have only five small loaves of bread and two fish.” 18 Jesus asked his disciples to bring the food to him, 19 and he told the crowd to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish. He looked up toward heaven and blessed the food. Then he broke the bread and handed it to his disciples, and they gave it to the people.
20 After everyone had eaten all they wanted, Jesus' disciples picked up twelve large baskets of leftovers.
21 There were about 5,000 men who ate, not counting the women and children.
Jesus Walks on the Water
(Mark 6.45-52John 6.15-21)
22 At once, Jesus made his disciples get into a boat and start back across the lake. But he stayed until he had sent the crowds away. 23 Then he went up on a mountain where he could be alone and pray. Later in the evening, he was still there.
24 By this time the boat was a long way from the shore. It was going against the wind and was being tossed around by the waves. 25 A little while before morning, Jesus came walking on the water toward his disciples. 26 When they saw him, they thought he was a ghost. They were terrified and started screaming.
27 At once, Jesus said to them, “Don't worry! I am Jesus. Don't be afraid.”
28 Peter replied, “Lord, if it really is you, tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come on!” Jesus said. Peter then got out of the boat and started walking on the water toward him.
30 But when Peter saw how strong the wind was, he was afraid and started sinking. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.
31 At once, Jesus reached out his hand. He helped Peter up and said, “You surely don't have much faith. Why do you doubt?”
32 When Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind died down. 33 The men in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, “You really are the Son of God!”
Jesus Heals Sick People in Gennesaret
(Mark 6.53-56)
34 Jesus and his disciples crossed the lake and came to shore near the town of Gennesaret. 35 The people found out he was there, and they sent word to everyone who lived in this part of the country. So they brought all the sick people to Jesus. 36 They begged him just to let them touch his clothes, and everyone who did was healed.