Odi To Arona ndi Ŋgwàagoro Ndaro be ro
(Ofo 29:1-37)
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Miru Arona ndi tro ŋgwàagoro ndaro yibe, ndi boŋgo runduṛuro kohanii robe, ago ido 'diäṛu ro, 'daŋgo alodi olone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota, timelegogoi ritu, ndi koṛiga alodi ambata loŋgaako robe. 3 'Dooko mimbikala lowa cini ro käläsi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro kala.”
4 Ago Musa yete oso se OPI kota nda be 'do ronye; ago lowa mbikalate käläsi mutuguṛi ro kala. 5 Nda atate ekye: “Ono ni tase OPI kozo ota na be oyene owo.”
6 Musa lofo Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be te mileya, ago ja ànyate gyisi. 7 Ago nda so boŋgo kätäti rote Arona lomvo ago embe bindi te ibaembevo anyaro yasi, ago so boŋgo ruinduṛuro te anya lomvo. Nda so boŋgo ga juṛuŋwa rote anya lomvo ago embete kyini na kundu ro se a'dibe kadoro ana si ibaembevo na ya. 8 Nda so boŋgoŋwa kätätidri rote anya lomvo ago 'ba Urima ndi Tumima be te kigye. 9 Nda vu boŋgo uvuuvuro te Arona dri ago 'ba logo läguläguro te tagyia alokado mile boŋgo uvuuvuro ya, oso OPI kozo ota na be ndäri ronye.
10 'Dooko Musa ru ido 'diäṛu rote, ago logyite Mutuguṛi OPI ro dri ndi ŋgase cini kigye be, ago di ànya te to OPI ri. 11 Musa logyi azana te vo tori oloro dri perena njidrieri, logyite vo tori oloro dri ndi lakazà na cini ndi saani na cini ndi jope na be drisi, ànya odizana to OPI ri. 12 Ago nda da ido 'diäṛu ro aza te Arona dri ago äṛu nda te nda odiza to. 13 'Do vosi Musa ezi ŋgwàagoro Arona rote mileya, ago so boŋgo kätäti rote ànya lomvosi, ago embe bindi te ibaembevo ànyaro yasi, ago embe tagyia pärägäŋwà rote ànya drisi, oso OPI kozo ota na be ndäri ronye.
14 'Dooko Musa ezi 'daŋgo ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota te; ago Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be 'bayi drìi ànyaro te drî na ya. 15 'Dooko Musa fute ago ru kari na aza te, ago 'bete driŋgwa ndaro si koyi cukudri vo tori oloro ya kai lomvosi, wäṛizana. 'Dooko nda da anjoko kari rote vo tori oloro zele. Nda dite to ago wäṛite. 16 Musa ewe vose cini ombiombiro lakazà yasi lomvosi, telesi togo ro se kadopara 'do, koṛomoci ritu ndi vo ombiombi na be te, ago za ànyate vo tori oloro dri. 17 Nda ru anjoko iza 'daŋgo ro, kyini na, iza ro'bo na, ndi ici na be te, ago zate asi si tesi gawa kundusi, oso OPI kozo ota na be ndäri ronye.
18 'Dooko Musa ezi timelegogo te ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro; ago Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be 'bayi drìi ànyaro te drî na ya. 19 Ndi Musa fute ago luvu kari na te gbikyi vo tori oloro lomvosi. 20 Ondro otolo timelegogo te jinyijinyi oko Musa za drî nate ndi izana otolobe jinyijinyi 'do be ndi voombiombi nabe. 21 Ago ondro aja lakazà yasi ndi ŋbiṛi nai be te oko, Musa za timelegogo te cu vo tori oloro dri, ŋgapäṛi ozaro tägyi kadoro ro ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonyaro ro OPI ri, oso Opi kozo ota na be ndäri ronye.
22 'Dooko Musa ezi timelegogo ṛiri te, timelegogo 'di o'baro kohanii ro; ago Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be 'bayi drìi ànyaro te drî na ya. 23 Ndi Musa fute, ago ru kari na aza te ago 'bete bizevo drigwo yasi Arona roya, driago Arona ro drigwo yasi ya, ago paago drigwo yasi ndaro ya. 24 Ago olofo ŋgwàagoro Arona rote mileya ago Musa 'be kari na aza te bizevo cini ànyaro drigwo ro yasi, driàgo ànyaro drigwo ro yasi, ago paàgo ànyaro drigwo ro yasi. 'Dooko Musa luvu anjoko kari rote vo tori oloro ro lomvosi gbikyi. 25 Nda ru vo ombiombiro, vo ombiombiro tavi ro, vo ombiombiro cini lakazà yasi ro, telesi togo ro se kadopara 'do, koṛomoci ritu ndi vo ombiombi na be, ndi ŋbiṛi drigwo yasi be te. 26 'Dooko nda ru ambata loŋgaako alodi se adibe OPI ri 'do te ni koṛiga yasi, ambata ido si alodi, ago kulugbu alodi, 'ba ànya te vo ombiombiro ndi ŋbiṛi drigwo yasi be dri. 27 Nda ozo ŋgaonya se cini kwoi te drì Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be roya, ago ànya ozoyite ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro OPI ri. 28 'Dooko Musa ru ŋgaonya se kwoi te ni ànya rigyesi, ago zate vo tori oloro dri ŋgapäṛi ozaro be ŋgapäṛi 'dio'baro ro. Ono orivoya ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya tägyi kadoro yi Opi ri. 29 'Dooko Musa ru kätäti na te ago ozote ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro OPI ri. Telesi iza timelegogo 'dio'baro 'do ni ŋgase a'done Musa ri owo. Oso se OPI kozo ota na be ndäri ronye.
30 'Dooko Musa ru ido 'diäṛu rote ndi kari se vo tori oloro dri 'do azana be ago logyite Arona ndi boŋgo anyaro be drisi, ago kpa ŋgwàagoro Arona ndi boŋgo ànyaro be drisi. Nda di ànya te to ndi boŋgoi ànyaro be OPI ri.
31 Musa atate Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ekye: “Nyàla'di iza na 'do käläsi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro kala, ago mìnya lau ndi ambata se orivoya koṛiga ŋgapäṛi 'dio'baro ro ya ana be, oso se OPI kozo ota na be ronye. 32 Anjoko iza ro kode ambata ro se kabe e'be 'do miza asi si. 33 Ago beṛo ko ämiri ofone tesi käläsi Mutuguṛi ro yasi u'duna njidrieri, madale u'du ami o'ba ro okyena lutu. Tana uruna u'du njidrieri ami o'baza. 34 OPI ozo ota ni tase màyebe ondro ono oyene inye, takozi amiro onaza. 35 Beṛo ämiri orine käläsi Mutuguṛi ro kala kitu si ago ŋgäkyi si u'duna njidrieri, ota se OPI kozobe ono oyene. Ondro ka'do mìye kote mìdrana ndi. 'Do ni ota se OPI kozobe märi owo.” 36 Ta'dota Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be yeyi tase cini OPI kozo ota na be ànyari Musa si oyene kai te.
The Ceremony for Ordaining Priests
(Exodus 29.1-37)
1 The Lord said to Moses:
2 Send for Aaron and his sons, as well as their priestly clothes, the oil for ordination, the bull for the sin offering, the two rams, and a basket of bread made without yeast. 3 Then bring the whole community of Israel together at the entrance to the sacred tent.
4 Moses obeyed the Lord, and when everyone had come together, 5 he said, “We are here to follow the Lord's instructions.”
6 After Moses told Aaron and his sons to step forward, he told them to wash themselves. 7 He put the priestly shirt and robe on Aaron and wrapped the sash around his waist. Then he put the sacred vest on Aaron and fastened it with the finely woven belt. 8 Next, he put on Aaron the sacred breastpiece that was used in finding out what the Lord wanted his people to do. 9 He placed the turban on Aaron's head, and on the front of the turban was the narrow strip of thin gold as a sign of his dedication to the Lord.
10 Moses then dedicated the sacred tent and everything in it to the Lord by sprinkling them with some of the oil for ordination. 11 He sprinkled the bronze altar seven times, and he sprinkled its equipment, as well as the large bronze bowl and its base. 12 He also poured some of the oil on Aaron's head to dedicate him to the Lord. 13 Next, Moses dressed Aaron's sons in their shirts, then tied sashes around them and put special caps on them, just as the Lord had commanded.
14 Moses led out the bull that was to be sacrificed for sin, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head. 15 After it was killed, Moses dipped a finger in the blood and smeared some of it on each of the four corners of the bronze altar, before pouring out the rest at the foot of the altar. This purified the altar and made it a fit place for offering the sacrifice for sin. 16 Moses then took the fat on the bull's insides, as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat, and sent them up in smoke on the altar fire. 17 Finally, he took the skin and the flesh of the bull, together with the food still in its stomach, and burned them outside the camp, just as the Lord had commanded.
18 Moses led out the ram for the sacrifice to please the Lord. After Aaron and his sons had laid their hands on its head, 19 Moses killed the ram and splattered its blood against the four sides of the altar. 20-21 Moses had the animal cut up, and he washed its insides and hind legs. Then he laid the head, the fat, and the rest of the ram on the altar and sent them up in smoke with a smell that pleased the Lord. All this was done just as the Lord had commanded.
22 Moses led out the ram for the ceremony of ordination. Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head, 23 and it was killed. Moses smeared some of its blood on Aaron's right earlobe, some on his right thumb, and some on the big toe of his right foot. 24 Moses did the same thing for Aaron's sons, before splattering the rest of the blood against the four sides of the altar. 25 He took the animal's fat tail, the fat on its insides, and the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat, and the right hind leg. 26 Then he took from a basket some of each of the three kinds of bread that had been made without yeast and had been dedicated to the Lord.
27 Moses placed the bread on top of the meat and gave it all to Aaron and his sons, who lifted it up to show that it was dedicated to the Lord. 28 After this, Moses placed it on the fires of the altar and sent it up in smoke with a smell that pleased the Lord. This was part of the ordination ceremony. 29 Moses lifted up the choice ribs of the ram to show that they were dedicated to the Lord. This was the part that the Lord had said Moses could have.
30 Finally, Moses sprinkled the priestly clothes of Aaron and his sons with some of the oil for ordination and with some of the blood from the altar. So Aaron and his sons, together with their priestly clothes, were dedicated to the Lord.
31 Moses said to Aaron and his sons:
The Lord told me that you must boil this meat at the entrance to the sacred tent and eat it there with the bread. 32 Burn what is left over 33 and stay near the entrance to the sacred tent until the ordination ceremony ends seven days from now. 34 We have obeyed the Lord in everything that has been done today, so that your sins may be forgiven. 35 The Lord has told me that you must stay near the entrance to the tent for seven days and nights, or else you will die.
36 Aaron and his sons obeyed everything that the Lord had told Moses they must do.