Ta Lamba ro Otina
(Ofo 27:20-21)
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 Mita lidri Yisaraele ro ido wäṛiro se kadopara ice ido ro ro ezine lamba eyiza Mutuguṛi ya, tana lamba keyi vo robe 'duro. 3 Be Arona ri lamba lerune tandrole cini si, ago ànya o'bane lekone le kyenoŋbo si OPI kandra boŋgo toyitoyiro se mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya ana kundusi, se orivoya Vo Alokado Parandra ya. Ota ono ätine rriro le komvele'bai amiro ya. 4 Be Arona ri lamba se cini ŋga lamba edrero logo wäṛiro drisi iyi o'bane vo eyine 'duro OPI kandra.
Ambata se Ozote Lu ri
5 Miru koma kyira ro 'butealo foritu ago mi'be kulugbu 'butealo foritu sina kulugbu alodi o'bene telesi alo linji koma kyira rosi. 6 Mira ànya gyeree na ritu, njidrialo gyeree alo ya, tara'biza logo ro läguläguro wäṛiro dri. 7 Miri ŋga ŋgutruro wäṛiro o'bane gyeree alo alo ya, ŋgapäṛi taka'da ro ro ozone ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ro OPI ri vo ambata ro ro. 8 Sabata cini si beṛo Arona ri ambata orane OPI kandra, rri ro. Ono orivoya kama lidri Yisaraele ro ro tao'ba ro rriro. 9 Ambata 'do a'done Arona ri ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be, ago be ànyari onyane vo alokado ya, tana ono orivoya ŋga alokado parandra yi se ozote OPI ri a'done kohanii ri.
Taka'daro Ŋgye ndi Taezaro Ŋgye be
10 Mano aza orivoya se täpi na orivoya Ezipeto'ba yi ago endre na Yisaraele'ba yi ävuruna Solomita, ŋguti Diberi ro ni 'bakala Dana ro yasi. Mano ono peyikalate Yisaraele'ba aza be gawa ya. 11 Kalaope ana ya nda 'da Lu te, ta'dota ànya uguyi nda te Musa re. 12 Ànya 'bayi nda te tiko kamba ya tase OPI kabe atana oyene ndäri kotene.
13 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 14 “Nyolofo mano 'do ni gawa yasi. 'Dise cini keriyi nda be la'da o'davoya iyi ko'bayi drì ànyaro nda dri, ago mi'ba lowa cini kovo nda kuni si ṛi. 15 'Dooko nyata lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri mikye: 'Dise kabe Lu o'da beṛo ezane. 16 'Diaza se kabe Opi o'da 'do beṛo ufune, lowa cini ri ndana ovone kuni si. 'Diatra kode Yisaraele'ba aza se ko'da Opi te beṛo ndana ufune.
17 “'Dise aza kabe lidri ufu ndi ufune. 18 'Dise kabe koronya 'ba ro mano aza ro ufuna ndi ndäri vona logone. Ta parandra ni anjioko adri 'bedri ndi adri azi be.
19 “Ondro ka'do mano aza koga manoazi aza te äträ laza be, ŋgase nda koyebe 'do ayena ndi modona ayani ndäri. 20 Ondro ka'do nda koŋgo kowa na aza te, aŋgona kowa ndaro aza kpa, ondro ka'do nda kufu mi alodi te ätucu, äfuna mi ndaro kpa alodi, ondro ka'do nda kopi si te alodi, apina si ndaro kpa alodi ätucu; ŋgase nda koyebe koziro lidri azi ri 'do ayena kpa ayani ndäri. 21 'Dise kabe koronya 'ba ro ufuna ndi vona logone, oko 'dise kabe lidri ufu iro ndi ufune. 22 Ota alodi ono vo ami cini ro ri, Yisaraele'bai ndi atrai se kayibe ori ami yibe iyi ri, tana ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo.”
23 Ndi Musa ata tase ono te lidri Yisaraele ro ri ago, ànya lofoyi mano se ana te tesi ni gawa yasi ago voyi nda te kuni si ṛi. Lidri Yisaraele ro yeyitate oso OPI kota Musa be ronye.
Caring for the Lamps
(Exodus 27.20Exodus 21)
1 The Lord told Moses 2 to say to the community of Israel:
You must supply the purest olive oil for the lamps in the sacred tent, so they will keep burning. 3-4 Aaron will set up the gold lampstand in the holy place of the sacred tent. Then he will light the seven lamps that must be kept burning there in my presence, every night from now on. This law will never change.
The Sacred Bread
The Lord said:
5 Use your finest flour to bake twelve loaves of bread about two kilograms each, 6 then take them into the sacred tent and lay them on the gold table in two rows of six loaves. 7 Alongside each row put some pure incense that will be sent up by fire in place of the bread as an offering to me. 8 Aaron must lay fresh loaves on the table each Sabbath, and priests in all generations must continue this practice as part of Israel's agreement with me. 9 This bread will always belong to Aaron and his family; it is very holy because it was offered to me, and it must be eaten in a holy place.
Punishment for Cursing the Lord
10-11 Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri from the tribe of Dan, had married an Egyptian, and they had a son. One day their son got into a fight with an Israelite man in camp and cursed the name of the Lord. So the young man was dragged off to Moses, 12 who had him guarded while everyone waited for the Lord to tell them what to do.
13 Finally, the Lord said to Moses:
14 This man has cursed me! Take him outside the camp and tell the witnesses to lay their hands on his head. Then command the whole community of Israel to stone him to death. 15-16 And warn the others that everyone else who curses me will die in the same way, whether they are Israelites by birth or foreigners living among you.
17 Death is also the penalty for murder, 18 but the killing of an animal that belongs to someone else requires only that the animal be replaced. 19 Personal injuries to others must be dealt with in keeping with the crime— 20 a broken bone for a broken bone, an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth. 21 It's possible to pay the owner for an animal that has been killed, but death is the penalty for murder. 22 I am the Lord your God, and I demand equal justice both for you Israelites and for those foreigners who live among you.
23 When Moses finished speaking, the people did what the Lord had told Moses, and they stoned to death the man who had cursed the Lord.