Lonyi Wari Aŋgoya Yaradene ro ro
1 Kwoi ni gyini se Kanana ya se Kohani Eleazara, Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro, ndi dri'bai katidrii 'bakalai Yisaraele ro robe lonyiyite lidri Yisaraele ro ri owo. 2 Oso OPI kozo ota na be Musa ri ronye, wari se 'bakalai njidriesu ndi telesi alo aza robe olonyite vodo ovo si. 3 Musa ozo wari ṛote nja 'bakalai ritu ndi telesi alo 'bakala aza robe ri 'buzele Golo Yaradene ro yasi. Musa ozo wari aza kote Lewe'bai ri oso azii ronye. 4 Tana zelevoi Yosepa ro elewete orivoya 'bakala ritu ro, Manase ndi Eperaima be. Oko ozo wari kote Lewe'bai ri oko toto 'bakicii azaka ayani ànyari orizana kigye, se orivoya lowo be tii ànyaro ri ndi koronyai 'ba ro cini ànyaro be. 5 Lidri Yisaraele ro lonyiyi wari te oso OPI kozo ota na be Musa ri ronye.
Ozo 'Bakici Eberona ro te Kaleba ri
6 Oko lidri azaka ni 'bakala Yuda ro yasi ikyiyite Yosua re Gilegala ya. Alo aza ànyaro ni Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune Keneza'ba ro, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Mini tase OPI katabe Musa, mano Lu ro ri ta amaro mibe ta Kadesa Baranea ya ana tana te. 7 Musa ruindu'ba OPI ro ka ma ozo ni Kadesa Baranea yasi wari ono marine oko ndroa maro te orivoya 'butesu. Ago mologo lazo 'diri te ndäri. 8 Oko ädrupii se mòyibe ànya yibe ana soyi turi te lidri amaro ya, caoko maro OPI Lu maro te 'diriro. 9 Tana ta tase mayebe ono rota Musa 'ba tao'ba te wari se mababe kigyesi ana ozone märi ndi ŋgàga maro be 'duro tana maro Opi Lu ndaro te ya cini si. 10 Oko yauono, mindre, tase OPI katabe Musa ri ono yauono ndroa na te orivoya 'butesu fonji. Ṛo kyeno tuse 'dooko Yisaraele'bai ka dri ṛo ezi aba vocowa yasi ana si, ago oso OPI ko'ba tao'ba ana be ronye, nda äti ma drigi orine 'du lidriidriro. Oko ondro ono ndroa maro te orivoya 'butenjidriena fonji (85) 11 ago ma drigi 'du mbara ro oso tuse Musa kozo mabe sina ana ronye. Ma drigba orivoya mbara ro oyine kyila oyene oso se ma'do be kyeno ronye. 12 Ka'do inye, nyozo 'bädri lutu ro ono märi oso se OPI ko'ba tana be tu ana si ronye. Ago tu ana si nyerite lidri se lombaekye Anakima kai orivoya 'bakicii 'desiro lomvo na obeobero tiṛi si yasi lau. OPI a'dona 'da tro mabe, ago manjana ànya 'da ni nasi, oso OPI katabe ronye.”
13 'Dooko Yosua äṛu Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune rote ago ozo 'bakici Eberona rote a'done drimbi ro ndäri. 14 Ago Eberona a'dote 'du zelevoi Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune Keneza'ba ro ri, tana nda ro OPI Lu Yisaraele rote 'diriro. 15 Sedri ävuru 'bakici Eberona ro ro kyenona ni Kiriata Areba. (Areba orivoya mano 'desi parandra yi Anakima'bai lako.) Ago wari lolite ni kyila oye ri.
The Land West of the Jordan River
1-5 Nine and a half tribes still did not have any land, although two and a half tribes had already received land east of the Jordan River. Moses had divided that land among them, and he had also said that the Levi tribe would not receive a large region like the other tribes. Instead, the people of Levi would receive towns and the nearby pastures for their sheep, goats, and cattle. And since the descendants of Joseph had become the two tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, there were still nine and a half tribes that needed land. The Lord had told Moses that he would show those tribes how to divide up the land of Canaan.
When the priest Eleazar, Joshua, and the leaders of the families and tribes of Israel met to divide up the land of Canaan, the Lord showed them how to do it.
Joshua Gives Hebron to Caleb
6 One day while the Israelites were still camped at Gilgal, Caleb the son of Jephunneh went to talk with Joshua. Caleb belonged to the Kenaz clan, and many other people from the Judah tribe went with Caleb. He told Joshua:
You know that back in Kadesh-Barnea the Lord talked to his prophet Moses about you and me. 7 I was 40 years old at the time Moses sent me from Kadesh-Barnea into Canaan as a spy. When I came back and told him about the land, everything I said was true. 8 The other spies said things that made our people afraid, but I completely trusted the Lord God. 9 The same day I came back, Moses told me, “Since you were faithful to the Lord God, I promise that the places where you went as a spy will belong to you and your descendants forever.”
10 Joshua, it was 45 years ago that the Lord told Moses to make that promise, and now I am 85. Even though Israel has moved from place to place in the desert, the Lord has kept me alive all this time as he said he would. 11 I'm just as strong today as I was then, and I can still fight as well in battle.
12 So I'm asking you for the hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You were there. You heard the other spies talk about that part of the hill country and the large, walled towns where the Anakim live. But maybe the Lord will help me take their land, just as he promised.
13 Joshua prayed that God would help Caleb, then he gave Hebron to Caleb and his descendants. 14 And Hebron still belongs to Caleb's descendants, because he was faithful to the Lord God of Israel.
15 Hebron used to be called Arba's Town, because Arba had been one of the greatest of the Anakim.
There was peace in the land.