Yosua Pe Jabina ndi Bereazii Ndaro be te Ṛe
1 Ondro lazo ŋgaopeṛe Yisaraele'bai ro ro kosate Jabina 'bädri'ba Azora ro ri oko, nda zo lazo te Jobaba 'bädri'ba Madona ro ago, 'bädri'bai Simerona ro ndi Akesafa robe ri, 2 ago 'bädri'bai se mä'dudrisi 'bädri luturo yasi, Vodelero Yaradene ro ŋgäṛiŋgwadri Fofo Galilaya ro yasi, lutui pasi, ndi Nafatadora se aŋgoyasi be ri. 3 Nda zo lazo kpate Kanana'bai se koriyibe lamadri riti Golo Yaradene ro yasi iyi ri, Amora'bai, Ete'bai, Pereza'bai ndi Jebusa'bai se 'bädri luturo yasi kai be ri, ago kpa Iva'bai se koriyibe 'Bereŋwa Eremona pa wari Mizepa roya ana ri. 4 Ànya ikyiyite kyila'bai cini ànyaro yibe, lowa ro, oso siŋgwa kototi gyi'desi roya ronye. Ago ànya kpa farasii ndi arabia kyilaro be amba. 5 'Bädri'bai se cini kwoi dro'beyi kyila'bai ànyaro te, ago ànya ikyi otoyi gawa te voaloya Goloŋwa Meroma ro kala, kyila oyene Yisaraele'bai be.
6 Ago OPI atate Yosua ri ekye: “Nya'do ko turiro ni ànyari. Tana ondo oso saa nonye oko mutufuna ànya cini 'da Yisaraele ri. 'Dooko nyòtoga riŋgo farasii ànyaro ro ago mìza arabia kyila ro ànyaro asi si.” 7 Ta'dota Yosua ndi lidri cini ndaro kyilaoye robe gotayi ànya te ätruku'du ro Goloŋwa Meroma ro kala. 8 OPI ozo ànya te drì Yisaraele'bai roya se peyi ànya te ṛe, ago njayi ànya te le Sidona ya le Miserefota Maima ya, ago le ogone 'buzele vodelero Mizepa roya. Ànya uguyi kyila oyete madale alo aza kyila'baazii ànyaro ro e'be kote lidriidriro. 9 Ago Yosua yetate ànyari oso se OPI kozo ota na be ndäri ronye; nda toga riŋgo farasii ànyaro rote, ago zayi arabia kyila ro ànyaro te asi si.
10 'Dooko Yosua egote kovole, ru 'bakici Azora ro te ago fu 'bädri'ba na te. (Tana tugi kai si Azora ni vose mbaraekye ndra yi ni vo azii se cini lau kai drisi.) 11 Ànya tufuyi 'dise cini kigye lau kai te kpeye; e'be 'diaza alo kote lidriidriro, ago ànya za 'bakici Azora rote asi si.
12 Yosua ru 'bakici se cini kai te, ndi 'bädri'bai ànyaro be, tufuyi 'dicini te kpeye, oso Musa ruindu'ba OPI ro, kozo ota na be ronye. 13 Caoko, Yisaraele'bai zayi 'bakici se cini abebe votoŋgoro yasi kote, Yosua za toto Azora ayani. 14 Lidri Yisaraele ro ruyi ŋgase cini kadokado ndi koronyai 'ba ro be teni 'bakicii cini kwoi yasi ago etayite andivo ànyaro ri. Oko ànya tufuyi lidri cini te; e'beyi 'diaza alo kote lidriidriro. 15 Tana OPI ozo ota te Musa ruindu'ba ndaro ri, ago Musa ozote Yosua ri, ndi Yosua ro ànya te. Yosua ye ŋgase cini OPI kota Musa be oyene ana te.
Wari se Yosua Kurube
16 Yosua ru wari cini ono te, 'bädri lutu ro ndi Negebe be ndi wari cini Gosena ro ago vodelero ya ndi Araba be ago 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro ndi vodelero nabe. 17 Eto ṛoni wari 'Bereŋwa Alaka ro loto Edoma lomvo yasi, sagwo le Balegada ya, le Vodelero Lebanona roya 'Bereŋwa Eremona roya. Nda ru 'bädri'bai ànyaro te cini ago tufu ànya te. 18 Yosua ye kyila te 'bädri'bai se cini wari kwoi robe ndroa na amba. 19 'Bakici se ko'ba taliatokpe be lidri Yisaraele robe ni toto Gibeona se Iva'bai koribe kigye ana. Oko anjoko 'bakicii ro ärute kpeye kyila ya. 20 OPI 'ba ànya ni a'done taeriako ago kyila oyene Yisaraele'bai be, tana epere ago utufu ànya robe kpaye teinye yauni ako oso se OPI kota Musa be ronye.
21 Ago Tu ana si Yosua oyite ago tufu lidri lombaekye se äzibe Anakima'bai se koriyibe 'bädri luturo yasi, Eberona, Debira, Anaba ndi 'bädri cini luturo Yuda ndi Yisaraele robe yasi kai te. Yosua tufu ànya te kpeye ago pere 'bakicii ànyaro te. 22 E'be Anakima'ba aza alo kote wari se Yisaraele'bai kurube ana ya; oko azaka ànyaro e'be toto fere Gaza, Gata, ndi Asedodo be yasi.
23 Yosua ru wari cini te, oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye. Yosua ozo wari te Yisaraele'bai ri oso drimbi ronye ago lonyi te ba alo alo 'bakala cini ri.
Ta'dota lidri lolite ni kyila oye ri.
Joshua Captures Towns in the North
1 King Jabin of Hazor heard about Joshua's victories, so he sent messages to many nearby kings and asked them to join him in fighting Israel. He sent these messages to King Jobab of Madon, the kings of Shimron and Achshaph, 2 the kings in the northern hill country and in the Jordan River valley south of Lake Galilee, and the kings in the foothills and in Naphath-Dor to the west. 3 He sent messages to the Canaanite kings in the east and the west, to the Amorite, Hittite, Perizzite, and Jebusite kings in the hill country, and to the Hivite kings in the region of Mizpah, near the foot of Mount Hermon.
4-5 The kings and their armies went to Merom Pond, where they set up camp, and got ready to fight Israel. It seemed as though there were more soldiers and horses and chariots than there are grains of sand on a beach.
6 The Lord told Joshua:
Don't let them frighten you! I'll help you defeat them, and by this time tomorrow they will be dead.
When you attack, the first thing you have to do is to cripple their horses. Then after the battle is over, burn their chariots.
7 Joshua and his army made a surprise attack against the enemy camp at Merom Pond 8-9 and crippled the enemies' horses. Joshua followed the Lord's instructions, and the Lord helped Israel defeat the enemy. The Israelite army even chased enemy soldiers as far as Misrephoth-Maim to the northwest, the city of Sidon to the north, and Mizpeh Valley to the northeast. None of the enemy soldiers escaped alive. The Israelites came back after the battle and burned the enemy's chariots.
10 Up to this time, the king of Hazor had controlled the kingdoms that had joined together to attack Israel, so Joshua led his army back and captured Hazor. They killed its king 11 and everyone else, then they set the town on fire.
12-15 Joshua captured all the towns where the enemy kings had ruled. These towns were built on small hills, and Joshua did not set fire to any of these towns, except Hazor. The Israelites kept the animals and everything of value from these towns, but they killed everyone who lived in them, including their kings. That's what the Lord had told his servant Moses to do, that's what Moses had told Joshua to do, and that's exactly what Joshua did.
16 Joshua and his army took control of the northern and southern hill country, the foothills to the west, the Southern Desert, the whole region of Goshen, and the Jordan River valley. 17-18 They took control of the land from Mount Halak near the country of Edom in the south to Baal-Gad in Lebanon Valley at the foot of Mount Hermon in the north. Joshua and his army were at war with the kings in this region for a long time, but finally they captured and put to death the last king.
19-20 The Lord had told Moses that he wanted the towns in this region destroyed and their people killed without mercy. That's why the Lord made the people in the towns stubborn and determined to fight Israel. The only town that signed a peace treaty with Israel was the Hivite town of Gibeon. The Israelite army captured the rest of the towns in battle.
21 During this same time, Joshua and his army killed the Anakim from the northern and southern hill country. They also destroyed the towns where the Anakim had lived, including Hebron, Debir, and Anab. 22 There were not any Anakim left in the regions where the Israelites lived, although there were still some in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.
23 That's how Joshua captured the land, just as the Lord had commanded Moses, and Joshua divided it up among the tribes.
Finally, there was peace in the land.