Yona Ro OPI te
1 'Dooko OPI atate Yona ri pere ṛirina si, ekye: 2 “Miŋga nyoyi Ninewe ya, 'bakici se 'desi ana ya, ago mipe lazo se mabe tana itina miri ono kigye.” 3 Ndi Yona ŋgate, ago oyite Ninewe ya, oso ata OPI ro ronye. Ninewe orivoya 'bakici 'desi yi, käkpuna abane kigyesi uruna u'du nätu. 4 Yona eto oyite 'bakici yasi, abate kitu alo zwi, taopebe ekye: “E'bete u'du 'butesu, eperena Ninewe 'da.”
5 Ago lidri Ninewe ro mayi ta te lazo Lu ro ya; ànya rayi ta te akpane, ago soyi guniya te, etoni 'di'desii ànyaro yasi le 'di giṛiŋwa ro ànyaro ya.
6 'Dooko lazo sate 'bädri'ba Ninewe ro ri, ago nda ŋgate ni giti ndaro drisi, tri boŋgo runduṛuro ndaro te, ago vo guniya te andivo ndaro lomvo, ago rite torofo ya. 7 Ago nda ayo ta te ago alari tana te Ninewe yasi gbikyi ekye: “Ota 'bädri'ba ro ndi 'desii ndaro be si, mì'ba 'dialo aza kode koronyai 'ba ro cini ketembe ŋga aza ko, mì'ba ànya konyayi ŋgaonya ko, ca kumvuyi gyi kpa ko, 8 oko mì'ba lidri ndi koronyai 'ba ro be kovoyi guniya iyi lomvosi, ago 'di cini koye mätu amba Lu ri, ago 'di cini alo alo ketadri ni liti taoyero koziro iro yasi ago ni taoye se drì ndaro kabe oyena yasi. 9 A'di nini, azaya Lu läpina tausu ndaro gwo ni kyila kozipara ndaro yasi, ndi màrina gwo rueza ako.”
10 Ondro Lu kondrete tase ànya koyebe ono, anjioko ànya zayidrite ni liti taoyero koziro ànyaro yasi oko, Lu e'be tase koziro nda katabe oyene ànyari 'do oyena te; ndi nda ye kote.
Jonah Goes to Nineveh
1 Once again the Lord told Jonah 2 to go to that great city of Nineveh and preach his message of doom.
3 Jonah obeyed the Lord and went to Nineveh. The city was so big that it took three days just to walk through it. 4 After walking for a day, Jonah warned the people, “Forty days from now, Nineveh will be destroyed!”
5 They believed God's message and set a time when they would go without eating to show their sorrow. Then everyone in the city, no matter who they were, dressed in sackcloth.
6 When the king of Nineveh heard what was happening, he also dressed in sackcloth; he left the royal palace and sat in dust. 7-9 Then he and his officials sent out an order for everyone in the city to obey. It said:
None of you or your animals may eat or drink a thing. Each of you must wear sackcloth, and you must even put sackcloth on your animals.
You must also pray to the Lord God with all your heart and stop being sinful and cruel. Maybe God will change his mind and have mercy on us, so we won't be destroyed.
10 When God saw that the people had stopped doing evil things, he had pity and did not destroy them as he had planned.