Mätu Yona ro
1 'Dooko Yona ye mätu te OPI Lu ndaro ri ni ya ti'bi ro yasi.
2 Nda ekye: “Mäzi mi OPI te ni riti maro yasi,
ago mizatadri maro te,
ni ya 'buociekye avoro yasi, mayodrite miri,
ago nyeri driayo maro te.
3 Tana mivo ma te gyi'desi ya,
le kitoriya gyi'desi roya,
ago gyi gate lwi mädrisi;
rukanda cini miro ndi kpola miro be lävute mädrisi.
4 'Dooko musu ta te makye: ‘Avo ma te zwi ni miresi’;
ago makye: ‘Mago mandrena Yekalu
alokado miro ko tona.’
5 Gyi tako drî maro te, täṛi te drî maro te 'biṛi;
dradra baṛirute drî maro yasi gbikyi.
6 Macite le zevo 'bereŋwai ro gyi'desi zele ya.
Macite le 'bu ociekye ya käläsi na asete mädri äduako;
caoko nyolofo ma te lidriidriro ni 'buociekye yasi OPI Lu maro.
7 Ondro ma'dote mbaraako oko,
maye mätu te OPI ri;
ago mätu maro sate mire Yekalu alokado miro ya.
8 Ànya se kayibe lui edeedero ro awi mätuna
ayani iyi e'beyi mi orote,
9 oko malona tori ndi miri aro'boya oye be;
ŋgase ma'ba tao'bana be ozone mozona ndi.
Ŋgaopa kikyi ni mi OPI resi!”
10 Ago OPI atate ti'bi ri, ago anya 'dwe Yona te tesi kototi.
Jonah's Prayer
1 From inside the fish, Jonah prayed to the Lord his God:

2 When I was in trouble, Lord,
I prayed to you,
and you listened to me.
From deep in the world
of the dead,
I begged for your help,
and you answered my prayer.

3 You threw me down
to the bottom of the sea.
The water was churning
all around;
I was completely covered
by your mighty waves.
4 I thought I was swept away
from your sight,
never again to see
your holy temple.

5 I was almost drowned
by the swirling waters
that surrounded me.
Seaweed had wrapped
around my head.
6 I had sunk down deep
below the mountains
beneath the sea.
I knew that forever,
I would be a prisoner there.

But, you, Lord God,
rescued me from that pit.
7 When my life was slipping away,
I remembered you—
and in your holy temple
you heard my prayer.

8 All who worship worthless idols
turn from the God
who offers them mercy.
9 But with shouts of praise,
I will offer a sacrifice
to you, my Lord.
I will keep my promise,
because you are the one
with power to save.

10 The Lord commanded the fish to vomit up Jonah on the shore. And it did.