Tadrioza Eyobo ro
1 'Dooko Eyobo zatadrite ekye:
2 Owo, meri tase cini kwoi te.
Oko lidri unina a'done ŋgye Lu mile eŋwanyeya?
3 'Diaza unina ko kaladiṛine Lu be.
Lu unina ndi taejine kutu alo (1,000),
se 'diaza unina ko tadrina alo ozane.
4 Lu orivoya tavouni'ba yi; ago mbaraekye;
a'di unina ni edrene ŋbi nda mile ago pe ŋga gwo ṛe ya?
5 Nda kani 'bereŋwai uswena teinye ànyari tana uniako
ago ka ànya tufu kyila ndaro si.
6 Lu ka gyini o'ba ni rukandane;
nda ka läŋgyiri se kabe gyini äti iyi o'ba ni rukandane.
7 Nda ka ota ozoni kitu ri orine ituako,
ago ka 'bi'bi o'bani orine voeyiako.
8 Toto Lu iṛe ye losi vo'buyakuru ro lararo ni
ago to kundu äkpuruku gyi'desi ro ni.
9 Lu 'ba 'bi'bii se azibe Mänyisile 'Desi,
Minyiminyi, Dorooro, ndi 'bi'bii ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi be ni.
10 Nda ka ŋgase 'desiro oyena teinye lidri ri tana uniako.
Ago talaro ro ndaro orivoya okyeako.

11 Lu ka lävu malomvosi, caoko mandre nda kote.
Nda ka ugu oyi, oko musu vona kote.
12 Nda ka ŋgase nda kolebe uruna, ago a'di lagana nda niya?
A'di ejina nda ni ekye: “Nya'do e'di oye ya?”
13 Kyila Lu ro uninako okyene.
Nda ronyo kyila'baazii ndaro se kopayi Raba be ana te.
14 Ka'do inye mazana tadri Lu ro eŋwanyeya? Musuna ata ni eŋwaro ta ndaro diliza ya?
15 Ma gica orivoya taenjiako'ba ro ono, märi tadri ndaro ozane ido
märi toto mio'bane yauni ta ayani ni vureope'ba maro Lu resi.
16 Aba ondro ka'do mäzi nda ca vure ya ago koza tadri maro ca nda ko'ba ma ca atane,
mama ndi nda unina ko ta maro erine.
17 Nda ezi oligbiriṛibe te ma teŋgwane ago ugu rueza ezite ndra mari
teinye ta aza ako cu.
18 Nda laga lawavo maro zo;
nda 'ba ma te orine kandrakozi ya.
19 Ka'do be ta mbara rota, Lu orivoya mbarabe ndra mädrisi ka'dobe ta taŋgye rota, a'di uguna nda ni vure ya ya?
20 Ma gica orivoya taenjiako'ba yi, oko ata kala maro ro ka ma luku,
ma gica taŋgyeba yi nda usuna ma taenji be.
21 Ma orivoya taŋgye'ba yi, caoko mati ta maro kote, manjate adri maro lomvo.
22 Ŋga cini ojoojoro ni ma'de go atane makye:
Lu ka taŋgye'ba ndi takozi'ba be tufuna ni.
23 Ondro rriti kezi odra te mano se taenjiako dri,
Lu ka ruezana uguna.
24 Lu ozo 'bädri te takozi'bai ri.
Nda 'ba vureope'bai cini te miako.
Oko ondro ka'do Lu ko'ba ta iyi kote ni, 'dooko a'di 'bani ya?
25 U'du maro ori ro ka umu ndrindri ndrani 'di umuekye drisi, riyä aza alona i'do kigye.

26 U'du maro ka lävu oso toŋbo ŋguekye ronye,
gbiriṛi si oso ägyiribi kabe eli vuru iza dri 'do ronye.
27 Ondro ka'do makye mejena driovi maro tana ndi,
ago manana lenje maro ndi, mägu robe moro moro oko,
28 tusu rueza maro ro go ego ro mädri
tana mäni ndi anjioko Lu ti ma ko taŋgye'ba ro.
29 Oso ma bete taenji'ba yi ono ronye,
mäfuna ma gi'de awi etaya?
30 Malasa ca gyi wäṛisi ago majo drì maro ca sä'buni si,
31 Lu ovona ma ro 'bu koro be ya,
ca boŋgo maro o'bana ma ṛo driupiro.
32 Lu ko lidri yi oso ma ronye se märi tadri ndaro ozane;
ago oyine nda be vure ya.
33 'Diaza i'do lata amaro otane,
'diaza i'do vure amaro Lu be opene.
34 Lu, nyana taezaro lozo ni mädrisi!
Mi'ba turi na koso mako!
35 'Dooko matana ndi turiako si,
tana mäni ya modo maro rote.
Job's Reply to Bildad
What You Say Is True
1 Job said:
2 What you say is true.
No human is innocent
in the sight of God.
3 Not once in a thousand times
could we win our case
if we took him to court.
4 God is wise and powerful—
who could possibly
oppose him and win?
5 When God becomes angry,
he can move mountains
before they even know it.
6 God can shake the earth loose
from its foundations
7 or command the sun and stars
to hold back their light.
8 God alone stretched out the sky,
stepped on the sea,
9 and set the stars in place—
the Big Dipper and Orion,
the Pleiades and the stars
in the southern sky.
10 Of all the miracles God works,
we cannot understand a one.
11 God walks right past me,
without making a sound.
12 And if he grabs something,
who can stop him
or raise a question?

13 When God showed his anger,
the servants of the sea monster
fell at his feet.
14 How, then, could I possibly
argue my case with God?
Though I Am Innocent
15 Even though I am innocent,
I can only beg for mercy.
16 And if God came into court
when I called him,
he would not hear my case.
17 He would strike me with a storm
and increase my injuries
for no reason at all.
18 Before I could get my breath,
my miseries would multiply.
19 God is much stronger than I am,
and who would call me into court
to give me justice?

20 Even if I were innocent,
God would prove me wrong.
21 I am not guilty,
but I no longer care
what happens to me.
22 What difference does it make?
God destroys the innocent
along with the guilty.
23 When a good person dies
a sudden death,
God sits back and laughs.
24 And who else but God
blindfolds the judges,
then lets the wicked
take over the earth?
My Life Is Speeding By
25 My life is speeding by,
without a hope of happiness.
26 Each day passes swifter
than a sailing ship
or an eagle swooping down.
27 Sometimes I try to be cheerful
and to stop complaining,
28 but my sufferings frighten me,
because I know that God
still considers me guilty.
29 So what's the use of trying
to prove my innocence?
30 Even if I washed myself
with the strongest soap,
31 God would throw me into a pit
of stinking slime, leaving me
disgusting to my clothes.

32 God isn't a mere human like me.
I can't put him on trial.
33 Who could possibly judge
between the two of us?
34 Can someone snatch away
the stick God carries
to frighten me?
35 Then I could speak up
without fear of him,
but for now, I cannot speak.