Eyobo Eṛo Tate Ekye Yojokote Ŋgaaza Oyene
1 'Dooko Eyobo zatadri OPI rote ekye:
2 Mänite, minina ndi ŋga cini oyene;
ago ŋgase cini milebe oyene unina ko miperene.
3 Nya taeji mikye a'di ka ni tavouni iro tana ejina tauniako siya?
Matate ŋgase mäni ko tana ayani
se orivoya talaro ro ndra yi märi, se mäni ko ono.
4 Nyatate märi ta erine ondro nyate ata owo
ago tadri miro ozane ondro nyeji ta te owo.
5 Meri ta miro kätina te bi si,
oko yauono mandre mi te mi modo maro si.
6 Ta'dota ma te orivoya driupiro,
ago ma drieta orisi durufu ndi torofo be ya.
Opi Ka Ŋgadriamba Eyobo ro Vona Logo
7 Ondro OPI katate Eyobo ri oko, nda atate Elipaza Temana'ba ri ekye: “Ma orivoya kyilaro ndra mibe ago bereazii ritu miro be, tana nyìti taŋgye maro tana ko'de, oso ruindu'ba maro Eyobo katabe ronye. 8 Ka'do inye nyèzi 'daŋgoi njidrieri ndi timelegogoi njidrieri be, ago nyòyi sina ruinduba maro Eyobo re, ago mìlo ànya ŋgapäṛi ozaro tori ro ta andivo amiro rota, 'dooko Eyobo mätuna 'da ami ta, ago mazana mätu ndaro tadrina 'da, ko ami oyeza koziro oso se aba sibe oyene ämiri ronye, tana nyìti taŋgye maro tana kote oso ruindu'ba maro Eyobo kitibe ronye.”
9 'Dooko Elipaza Temana'ba, Biledada Sua'ba, ndi Zofara Naama'ba be oyiyi te yeyite oso OPI katabe ànyari oyene ronye, ago OPI zatadri mätu Eyobo ro rote.
10 Ondro mätu Eyobo ro bereazii ndaro ta vosi oko, OPI go logo ŋgaamba Eyobo rote, Opi go ozo ŋgate ndäri amba perena ritu ndrani se nda ka'dobe sina käti ana drisi. 11 Ndi ädrupii cini Eyobo ro ndi endreŋwai be ndi bereazii se kyeno iyi be ikyiyite nda täkyine, ago nyayi ŋgaonya te nda be zo ndaro ya. Ka'dayi tusu ànyaro te ndäri ago i'dweyi nda te ta tase cini koziro OPI kezobe nda dri ana rota. Ago ànya ba alo alo ozoyi parata te ndäri ndi mäŋgusi läguläguro be.
12 Ago OPI äṛu ori ädu Eyobo rote ndrani se nda käṛu nda be käti ana drisi. Eyobo a'dote timele be kutu 'butealo fosu (14,000), gamelei be kutu njidrialo (6,000), ti be kutu ritu (2,000), ago doŋgyii be kutu ritu (2,000). 13 Nda a'do kpate ŋgwàagoro be njidrieri ago ndiriŋwa be nätu. 14 Nda zi ŋguti se kayoro ävuruna te Jemima; ago ṛirina Kezia, ago ninana Kerena Hapuka. 15 Ago 'bädri cini yasi 'ditoko aza liŋgyi kote oso ndiriŋwa Eyobo ro ronye; täpi ànyaro la'do drimbi te ànyari ädrupii ànyaro yibe.
16 Ago ono vosi Eyobo rite ndroa kama alo 'butesu (140), nda rite madaro ago ndre kwozoi ndaro te, le zelevoi lisu na ya. 17 Eyobo drate, le agoambago ro, ndroa amba vosi.
Job's Reply to the Lord
No One Can Oppose You
1 Job said:
2 No one can oppose you,
because you have the power
to do what you want.
3 You asked why I talk so much
when I know so little.
I have talked about things
that are far beyond
my understanding.
4 You told me to listen
and answer your questions.
5 I heard about you from others;
now I have seen you
with my own eyes.
6 That's why I hate myself
and sit here in dust and ashes
to show my sorrow.
The Lord Corrects Job's Friends
7 The Lord said to Eliphaz:
What my servant Job has said about me is true, but I am angry with you and your two friends for not telling the truth. 8 So I want you to go over to Job and offer seven bulls and seven goats on an altar as a sacrifice to please me. After this, Job will pray, and I will agree not to punish you for your foolishness.
9 Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar obeyed the Lord, and he answered Job's prayer.
A Happy Ending
10 After Job had prayed for his three friends, the Lord made Job twice as rich as he had been before. 11 Then Job gave a feast for his brothers and sisters and for his old friends. They expressed their sorrow for the suffering the Lord had brought on him, and they each gave Job some silver and a gold ring.
12 The Lord now blessed Job more than ever; he gave him 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 pair of oxen, and 1,000 donkeys.
13 In addition to seven sons, Job had three daughters, 14 whose names were Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren Happuch. 15 They were the most beautiful women in that part of the world, and Job gave them shares of his property, along with their brothers.
16 Job lived for another 140 years—long enough to see his great-grandchildren have children of their own— 17 and when he finally died, he was very old.