1 Inye'do mini uti tu indri 'bereŋwa ro ro ndi ya?
Inye'do kaliŋga vocowa ro kabe uti mindre ndi ya?
2 Inye'do mini imba se ànya kabe ori ŋgwà be sina ya ya otina ndi ya?
Ago mini tu ànyaro utiza ndi ya?
3 Mini tuse ànya kabe ato vuru sina utine ago kabe ŋgwà giṛiŋwa
uti sina 'bädri ya ndi ya?
4 Ŋgwà giṛiŋwà ànyaro ka omba mbara be vocowa ya;
ànya oyiyite lozo ago egoyi kote kovole ànya re.

5 A'di ozo ta ni doŋgyii vocowaro ri abane dritai ro ya?
A'di onji ànya ni kolo ago 'ba ànya ni voondene ya?
6 Mozo vocowa te 'ba ro ànyari,
ago ma'ba ànya te orine wari tusuro yasi.
7 Ànya kayi iyi odi pere ni kporo 'bakicii ro ri
ago doŋgyi lekye'bai totre kote ànya dri.
8 Ànya kayi ŋgaonya uṛi 'bereŋwai lakosi.
Ago ànya kayi ŋga azaka se cini lururo uṛina.

9 Inye'do doŋgyi vocowa ro ndi ole be losi oyene miri ya?
Inye'do nda u'duna ndi ŋgäkyi si kägyi miro ya ya?
10 Minina ndi alona aza oyine iba si ŋga osone ya?
kode mi'bana nda ndi ämvu miro 'bulene ŋga vo'bulero si ya?
11 Inye'do mi'bana mi ndi mbara amba ndaro dri
ago nye'bena losi mbaraekye miro ndi ndäri oyene ya?
12 Inye'do nya mio'ba nda dri ikyine
ago inya kotone ni kaladri miro yasi ya?

13 Aricoro ka kufu usi ndrindri!
Caoko aricoro aza unina ko oŋgane oso wala ronye.
14 Aricoro ka 'boi iro e'bena gyini dri
voeme gyini dri 'do ri ànya emene.
15 Anya ni ko ekye ŋga aza kaoye ànya otone pa si
kode koronya vocowaro kaoye ànya tufune.
16 Anya ka taoye siomba si ŋgwai anyaro ri,
osoago ànya ko ŋgwai anyaro,
ago rriti uti anyaro ro tana fu anya kote.
17 Tana ma Lu mozo tavouni kote anyari,
ago mozo tazevouni kote anyari.
18 Oko ondro anya koŋga te umune,
anya ka farasi ndi opi'ba anyaro be uguna ugu.
19 Inye'do mi, Eyobo, nyozo mbara ni farasii ri ya
ago mi'ba kyiri'di ni goya kyembe ànyaro ya ya?
20 Inye'do mi'ba ànya ni loŋgane oso tombi ronye ya?
Komvo osi ànyaro kporo na rritiro amba.
21 Ànya kayi gyini tupi pa si vodele yasi;
ago kayi mbara läzi,
ànya kayi vooŋgo kyila ya.
22 Ànya kayi totre ago turiyi kote,
ago zayi kundu kote ni kyila ri.
23 Lakazà kyila ro volo ya ka ugu amo
troalo äzu läguekye ndi äzu cariro yibe.
24 Farasii ka ugu loŋga mbarasi ago riyä si,
kayi umu mileya;
ànya niyi kote edrene voaloya ondro avo cekuṛe te owo.
25 Ondro cekuṛe kotrete ànya siyi konvo te;
ànya ni ndi kyila äŋgune ni lozo si,
ago ànya kayi otre otaozo'bai ro ndi totre kyila robe erina ayani.
26 Inye'do koliliŋwa ka tauni ni miresi oŋgaza
ondro kate kufu iro perena oŋgane ŋgäṛiŋwadriro owo ya?
27 Inye'do ägyiribi ka ota miro erina ayani oŋgaza kuru
ago zo anyaro omone lekuru ya?
28 Anya ka 'ba iro omona le luutu dri
ago siŋgyiṛi 'bereŋwa ro iyi kani gagana.
29 Ka voondre ni nasi ŋgase anya kolebe ufune ta
ago ka ondrena ro lozo si.
30 Ägyiribi ka kalaoto avo ŋga azaka ro lomvosi,
ago ägyiribi giṛiŋwà kayi kari umvu.
The Lord Continues
When Do Mountain Goats Give Birth?
1 When do mountain goats
and deer give birth?
Have you been there
when their young are born?
* 2 How long are they pregnant
3 before they deliver?
4 Soon their young grow strong
and then leave
to be on their own.

5 Who set wild donkeys free?
6 I alone help them survive
in salty desert sand.
7 They stay far from crowded cities
and refuse to be tamed.
8 Instead, they roam the hills,
searching for pastureland.

9 Would a wild ox agree
to live in your barn
and labor for you?
10 Could you force him to plow
or to drag a heavy log
to smooth out the soil?
11 Can you depend on him
to use his great strength
and do your heavy work?
12 Can you trust him
to harvest your grain
or take it to your barn
from the threshing place?
An Ostrich Proudly Flaps Her Wings
13 An ostrich proudly
flaps her wings,
but not because
she loves her young.
14 She abandons her eggs
and lets the dusty ground
keep them warm.
15 And she doesn't seem to worry
that the feet of an animal
could crush them all.
16 She treats her eggs as though
they were not her own,
unconcerned that her work
might be for nothing.
17 I myself made her foolish
and without common sense.
18 But once she starts running,
she laughs at a rider
on the fastest horse.
Did You Give Horses Their Strength?
19 Did you give horses their strength
and the flowing hair
along their necks?
20 Did you make them able
to jump like grasshoppers
or to frighten people
with their snorting?

21 Before horses are ridden
into battle,
they paw at the ground,
proud of their strength.
22 Laughing at fear, they rush
toward the fighting,
23 while the weapons of their riders
rattle and flash in the sun.
24 Unable to stand still,
they gallop eagerly into battle
when trumpets blast.
25 Stirred by the distant smells
and sounds of war, they snort
in reply to the trumpet.

26 Did you teach hawks to fly south
for the winter?
* 27 Did you train eagles to build
28 their nests on rocky cliffs,
29 where they can look down
to spot their next meal?
30 Then their young gather to feast
wherever the victim lies.