Ata Elihu ro: Lu ka Miomba Ozo ni Lidri ri
1 Yauono, Eyobo, nyeri ta maro,
nyeri tase cini ma oyebe atane ono.
2 Ma oyete kala maro upine atane;
ata cini maro te nja ladra maro dri.
3 Ata cini maro ka taŋgye maro ka'da,
ago kala maro ka taŋgye ata ayani.
4 Tori Lu ro 'ba ma ni, ago lawa Lu Mbarapara ro ozo adri ni märi.

5 Mizatadri maro ondro mini gindi owo;
ago nyede mi kalawikyane mabe.
6 Ama mibe orivoya ojoojoro Lu mile,
a'ba ma kpa ni gyini yasi.
7 Nya'do ko turiro ni märi;
mänina ko mi oyene koziro.

8 Meri tase nyatabe te;
meri tana cini te se mikye:
9 “Ma Eyobo orivoya taenjiako; maye ŋgakozi aza ko.
Ma 'di wäṛi yi ago ma takozi aza ako.
10 Oko Lu usu megyegye gwo ma gotaza
ago ka ma oye oso kyila'baazi ndaro ronye.
11 Nda ka nyori embe pa maro ya;
ago ka aba cini maro okwana.”

12 Oko ta miro ko ŋgye Eyobo, mazana tadri miro ndi.
Lu orivoya ndrani lidri drisi.
13 Nya Lu kicu mikye
nda zatadri driovi iro ro ko alona etaya?
14 Lu kata ta azate käti nda ka kpa delena
caoko 'diaza ga bi kote tase nda kabe atana ya.
15 Lu ka ata tori si ago rulofo si,
ondro lidri ku'du te ŋbi u'duvo ànyaro dri owo.
16 Nda ka ànya o'ba tase nda kabe atana erine,
ago ka ànya o'ba turiro miomba ozo si.
17 Lu ka ata ànyari taoye kozi ànyaro e'beza
ago ànya opaza ni a'dovoya driuŋgyi be.
18 Nda leko ànyari todrane;
nda ka ànya opa ni odra modo ri.
19 Lu ka lidri rita adravo ezi si
ago kowa ndaro o'ba si luwune rriro.
20 Ta'do ta ŋgaonya le kalana kote,
ago ŋgaonya se kadoro landre ṛo koziro.
21 Lomvo ndaro rwete togboṛo;
kowa ndaro landrete ädru.
22 Nda kaoyete odrane,
ago kaoyete oyine 'bädri avo roya.
23 Kode malaika aza ikyina 'da nda opane,
alo aza malaikai kuturo Lu ro ro,
se ka taayo lidri ri ta taŋgye ànyaro rota.
24 Yauni si malaika ana atana 'da ekye: “Nyonji nda!
Ko ndäri oyine 'bädri odra roya.
Musu ŋga driutwero te nda o'baza dritai ro.”
25 Mi'ba lomvo ndaro orone to'diro;
ago mi'ba ka'do oso nda be dri omba to'diro,
ago mbararo ronye;
26 ondro nda kate mätu oko, Lu ozana tadri ndaro 'da;
nda mätuna Lu 'da riyä si;
Lu ogo logona ŋga cini 'da ndäri kadoro.
27 Nda atana 'da lidri ri ekye: Maye takozi te,
ago maso kote taŋgye vo,
caoko Lu eza ma kote.
28 Nda pa ma te ni ocivoya 'bädri odra roya,
ago ma drigi lidriidriro.

29 Lu ka ŋgase cini kwoi oyena lidri ri kpe kpe;
30 adri lidri ro opaza,
ago riyä ozoza ndäri ugu oriza.

31 Ka'do inye, dri Eyobo, nyeri ta maro;
midriti ma oye atane.
32 Oko ondro ka'do nya'dote ta aza be atane,
miza tadri maro;
nyata tana male mi ka'dane taŋgye'ba ro.
33 Oko ondro ta aza ka'dote i'do, nyeri ta maro midriti;
ago membana tavouni 'da miri,
Elihu Speaks
Job, Listen to Me!
1 Job, listen to me!
Pay close attention.
* 2 Everything I will say
3 is true and sincere,
4 just as surely as the Spirit
of God All-Powerful
gave me the breath of life.
5 Now line up your arguments
and prepare to face me.
6 We each were made from clay,
and God has no favorites,
7 so don't be afraid of me
or what I might do.
I Have Heard You Argue
8 I have heard you argue
9 that you are innocent,
guilty of nothing.
10 You claim that God
has made you his enemy,
11 that he has bound your feet
and blocked your path.
12 But, Job, you're wrong—
God is greater
than any human.
13 So why do you challenge God
to answer you?
14 God speaks in different ways,
and we don't always
recognize his voice.
* 15 Sometimes in the night,
he uses terrifying dreams
16 to give us warnings.
17 God does this to make us turn
from sin and pride
18 and to protect us
from being swept away
to the world of the dead.

19 Sometimes we are punished
with a serious illness
and aching joints.
20 Merely the thought
of our favorite food
makes our stomachs sick,
21 and we become so skinny
that our bones stick out.
22 We feel death and the grave
taking us in their grip.

23 One of a thousand angels
then comes to our rescue
by saying we are innocent.
24 The angel shows kindness,
commanding death to release us,
because the price was paid.
25 Our health is restored,
we feel young again,
26 and we ask God to accept us.
Then we joyfully worship God,
and we are rewarded
because we are innocent.
27 When that happens,
we tell everyone,
“I sinned and did wrong,
but God forgave me
28 and rescued me from death!
Now I will see the light.”

29 God gives each of us
chance after chance
30 to be saved from death
and brought into the light
that gives life.
31 So, Job, pay attention
and don't interrupt,
32 though I would gladly listen
to anything you say
that proves you are right.
33 Otherwise, listen in silence
to my wisdom.