Karama Lagyeogye ro Kana ya
1 U'du ritu vosi oko, lagyeogye orivoya 'ba'desi Kana ro se Galilaya ya ya. Endre Yesu ro orivoya lau, 2 ago Yesu ndi taeri'bai ndaro be äzi kpate lagye ya. 3 Ondro vino kokyete kyiti oko, endre Yesu ro atate ndäri ekye: “Ànya te teinye vino ako.”
4 Yesu logotate ekye: “Endre maro, 'do ta miro kode ta maro ya? Tu maro esa ko drigba.”
5 'Dooko endre Yesu ro ititate ruindu'bai ri ekye: “Tase nda kabe atana ämiri mìye ri.”
6 Yudai orivoya ota 'diojaro wäṛiro robe, ago ta tase ono rota luku'du njidrialo gyi ro orivoya lau, alona ka kuru gyi ro uru lakole 'buteritu ro ndi 'butenätu be ya. 7 Yesu atate ruindu'bai ri ekye: “Mìso gyi twi twi luku'du kwoi yasi.” Ànya sote twi twi le kalana yasi, 8 ago 'dooko nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ka'do inye mìndi gyi ni kigyesi nyùgu dri'ba karama ro ri.” Ànya uguyi gyi te ndäri, 9 se yauono tozarute vino ro, ago nda tembete. Nda ni kote vino ono ikyini eŋwaro (oko ruindu'bai, se kondiyi gyi be niyite;) ndi nda zi kodrogo te 10 ago atate ndäri ekye: “'Dicini ka vino kadopara ozo käti, ago ŋgwazii kufu iyi te sina oko, nda 'degwo se osoako ozone. Oko nyeta vino se kadopara te le yauono!”
11 Yesu ye talaro ro käti te Kana Galilaya roya, nda ka'da mbara ndaro te lau, ago taeri'bai ndaro mate nda ya.
12 Ono vosi, Yesu, ndi endre ndaro, ndi ädrupii ndaro ndi taeri'bai ndaro be oyiyite Kaperenauma ya ago riyite lau u'duna fere.
Yesu Oyite Yekalu ya
(Matayo 21:12-13Marako 11:15-17Luka 19:45-46)
13 Tu Karama Lävu Odra ro rote ti oko, Yesu oyite Yerusalema ya. 14 Lau nda usu lidri te, ti, timele ndi amoamoi be logyevoya Yekalu ya, ago parata utwe'bai riyi kpate tara'biza ànyaro lomvosi. 15 Ago nda ede co'da de'bele iba rote ago nja koronyai 'ba ro cini te tesi ni Yekalu yasi, timele ndi riti ti be, nda tako tara'biza parata utwe'bai rote ago pere parata kaci ànyaro te. 16 Ago nda atate lidri se kayi amoamoi logye ri ekye: “Nyòlofo ànya tesi ni nosi! Mìnina ko zo Täpi maro ro o'bana vo ŋga ogyero ro!” 17 Tase taegyi katabe ekye: “Ŋgalu maro zo miro ta, Äye Lu, keleko ma ya oso asi ronye.” Tana otote taeri'bai ndaro dri.
18 Drikaca'bai Yudai ro egoyite ndare taeji be ekye: “Miyena talaro ro eŋwani ka'daza ämäri mi orivoya drikaca be ta ono oyeza ya?”
19 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Nyèpere Yekalu ono riya, ago mago mabena 'da u'du nätu ya.”
20 Ànya ejiyi nda te ekye: “Migo mibena gindi u'du nätu ya ya? Yekalu ono obena ru ndroa 'butesu fonjidrialo!”
21 Oko Yekalu se Yesu ka ugu tana atana ono anjioko ta lomvo ndaro ro ayani. 22 Ago ondro adri nda teni avo yasi oko, tase nda katabe ono, go otote taeri'bai ndaro dri, ago ànya mayite taegyi ya ndi tase Yesu katabe ana be.
Tauni Yesu ro A'do Lidri rota
23 Ondro Yesu orivoya Yerusalema ya tu Karama Lävu Odra ro rosi oko, amba mate nda ya ànya kondreyi talaro ro se nda koyebe te owo. 24 Oko Yesu yi ta kote ànya ya, tana nda ni ànya cini te. 25 'Diaza ri ta itine ndäri ta ànyaro ta i'do, tana nda andivo ni tase ya ànyaro ya te.
Jesus at a Wedding in Cana
1 Three days later Mary, the mother of Jesus, was at a wedding feast in the village of Cana in Galilee. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited and were there.
3 When the wine was all gone, Mary said to Jesus, “They don't have any more wine.”
4 Jesus replied, “Mother, my time hasn't yet come! You must not tell me what to do.”
5 Mary then said to the servants, “Do whatever Jesus tells you to do.”
6 At the feast there were six stone water jars that were used by the people for washing themselves in the way that their religion said they must. Each jar held about 100 liters. 7 Jesus told the servants to fill them to the top with water. Then after the jars had been filled, 8 he said, “Now take some water and give it to the man in charge of the feast.”
The servants did as Jesus told them, 9 and the man in charge drank some of the water that had now turned into wine. He did not know where the wine had come from, but the servants did. He called the bridegroom over 10 and said, “The best wine is always served first. Then after the guests have had plenty, the other wine is served. But you have kept the best until last!”
11 This was Jesus' first miracle, and he did it in the village of Cana in Galilee. There Jesus showed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him. 12 After this, he went with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples to the town of Capernaum, where they stayed for a few days.
Jesus in the Temple
(Matthew 21.12Matthew 13Mark 11.15-17Luke 19.45Luke 46)
13 Not long before the Jewish festival of Passover, Jesus went to Jerusalem. 14 There he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves in the temple. He also saw moneychangers sitting at their tables. 15 So he took some rope and made a whip. Then he chased everyone out of the temple, together with their sheep and cattle. He turned over the tables of the moneychangers and scattered their coins.
16 Jesus said to the people who had been selling doves, “Get those doves out of here! Don't make my Father's house a marketplace.”
17 The disciples then remembered that the Scriptures say, “My love for your house burns in me like a fire.”
18 The Jewish leaders asked Jesus, “What miracle will you work to show us why you have done this?”
19 “Destroy this temple,” Jesus answered, “and in three days I will build it again!”
20 The leaders replied, “It took 46 years to build this temple. What makes you think you can rebuild it in three days?”
21 But Jesus was talking about his body as a temple. 22 And when he was raised from death, his disciples remembered what he had told them. Then they believed the Scriptures and the words of Jesus.
Jesus Knows What People Are Like
23 In Jerusalem during Passover many people put their faith in Jesus, because they saw him work miracles. 24 But Jesus knew what was in their hearts, and he would not let them have power over him. 25 No one had to tell him what people were like. He already knew.