Uru Yesu ro
(Matayo 26:47-56Marako 14:43-50Luka 22:47-53)
1 Mätu ono oyena Yesu ri vosi oko, nda oyite taeri'bai ndaro be goloŋwa Kidrona tasi. Ämvu orivoya vo ana ya, ago Yesu ndi taeri'bai ndaro be oyiyite kigye. 2 Yuda, driozo'ba ni vo ana ṛote, tana tuna amba Yesu dro'berute lau taeri'bai ndaro be. 3 Ago Yuda oyite ämvu ana ya, ru gboko kyila'bai Roma'bai rote nda be, ago rukä vookwa'bai Yekalu ro se kohanii 'desi ndi Parusii be zoyite; ànya toyiyi lakaza kyila ro ago ruyi lamba te ndi gala be. 4 Yesu ni ŋga cini se ka oyebe a'done ndäri ṛote, 'dooko nda efote mileya ago eji ànya te ekye: “Nyà ugu a'di uṛi ya?”
5 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Yesu Nazareta ro.”
Yesu atate ekye: “Ma ni nda owo.”
Yuda, driozo'ba, edrevoya lau ànya be. 6 Ondro Yesu katate ànyari ekye: “Ma ni nda owo” oko, ànya shwete kovole ago 'deyite gyini dri. 7 Yesu eji ànya te kpa to'di ekye: “Nyà ugu a'di uṛi ya?”
Ànya atate ekye: “Yesu Nazareta ro.”
8 Yesu atate ànyari ekye: “Miti ta ṛote nja ämiri makye ma ni nda owo. Ondro, ka'do nyà ugu ma uṛi, mì'ba azaka se kwoi koyi.” ( 9 Nda ata ta ono te tana tase nda katabe ka'do robe endaro se ekye: “Täpi! Mije aza alo ànya se nyozobe märi ono ro kote.”)
10 Simona Petero, se ṛo bando be ana, eŋgye anya te ago ga ruindu'ba Kohani Fopara rote ga bi ndaro drígwo yasi te ätu. Ävuru ruindu'ba ana ro Maluku. 11 Yesu atate Petero ri ekye: “Miso bando miro kovole vona ya! Inye'do nyusu miro be ṛo ko märi kofo ruezaro se Täpi maro kozobe märi ono umvune ya?”
Yesu Ana Kandra
12 'Dooko kyila'bai Roma'ba ro ndi dri'ba ànyaro ota ozo robe ndi vookwa'bai Yudai robe ruyi Yesu te, embeyi nda te, 13 ago uguyi nda te käti Ana re. Nda ni ambago Kayafa ro, se ni Kohani Fopara yi ndroa ana si. 14 Ono ni Kayafa se edretabe drikaca'bai Yudai ro ri ekye ṛo orivoya kadopara beṛo 'di alo ri odrane lidri cini ta owo.
Petero Gakala Yesu rote
(Matayo 26:69-70Marako 14:66-68Luka 22:55-57)
15 Simona Petero ndi taeri'ba aza be sote Yesu vo. Taeri'ba se aza ana Kohani Fopara ni ṛote kado, ago nda cite Yesu be goko zo Kohani Fopara ro roya, 16 'dooko Petero rite tesi dereŋwa kala. 'Dooko taeri'ba se aza uniuniro Kohani Fopara ri ana gofote tesi, atate ŋguti se dereŋwa kala ana ri, ago oloci Petero te goro ya. 17 Ŋguti se dereŋwa kala ana atate Petero ri ekye: “Mi ṛo ko kpa alo aza taeri'bai mano ono ro owo ya?”
Petero zatadrite ekye: “Hwa, ma i'do.”
18 Ki'dwe i'dwe tawi, ago ruindu'bai ndi vookwa'bai be leruyi asi te iṛi si ago edreyite gbikyi lomvoigye, kayi ugu asi owi. Ago Petero oyite ago edrete ànya re, ka ugu asi owi.
Kohani Fopara Eji Yesu te
(Matayo 26:59-66Marako 14:55-64Luka 22:66-71)
19 Kohani Fopara eji Yesu te ta taeri'bai ndaro rota ago ta ŋgaemba ndaro rota. 20 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Ondoalo matate ṛo miamba ya 'dicini ri, ŋgaemba cini maro ayete ṛo zoitaeriro yasi ago Yekalu ya, vose lidri cini ka kalaoto kigye ya. Mata ta aza alona ko ndrwiro. 21 Nya ma eji etaya? Nyeji lidri se keri ta maro be. Nyeji ànya tase mitibe ànyari ta; ànya niyi tase matabe te.”
22 Ondro Yesu katate nonye oko, alo aza vookwa'bai ro lau ana ca nda te ago atate ekye: “Mi'de be atane Kohani Fopara ri nonye etaya?”
23 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Ondro ka'do mata ta aza te koziro, nyiti tana 'dicini noŋwa ono ri tana 'do e'diyi. Oko ondro tase matabe ono ndi taŋgye yi, mi'bi ma te etaya?”
24 'Dooko Ana zo nda te embeembero, Kayafa Kohani Fopara re.
Petero Gakala Yesu ro Kpate To'di
(Matayo 26:71-75Marako 14:69-72Luka 22:58-62)
25 Petero dri edrevoya lau ugu asi owivoya oko, 'di azaka atate ndäri ekye: “Mi ṛo ko kpa alo aza taeri'bai mano ono ro owo ya?” Oko Petero gakalate atate ekye: “Hwa, ma i'do.”
26 Alo aza ruindu'ba Kohani Fopara ro ro, diri mano se Petero koga bi na be ätu ana ro, ata ṛo ṛeṛe ejitate ekye: “Inye'do mandre mi ṛo ko nda be ämvu ya ya?”
27 Petero atate kpa to'di ekye: “Hwa.” Ago dori gogo pete.
Ezi Yesu te Pilato Kandra
(Matayo 27:1-2Matayo 11-14Marako 15:1-5Luka 23:1-5)
28 Ṛo kyenoŋboci kyenonosi oko äru Yesu teni zo Kayafa ro yasi ugute zo'desi miri ro wari'ba roya. Drikaca'bai Yudai ro ciyi kote zo'desi miri roya, tana ànya leyite andivo ànyaro o'bane wäṛiro la'bi voro, ta ŋgaonya karama Lävu Odra ro ro onyana rota. 29 Ago Pilato fote tesi ànya re ago ejitate ekye: “Nyà mano ono kicu ta e'di roya?”
30 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Aba mä̀nina ṛo ko nda ezine mire ondro aba nda koye ŋgakozi ko owo.”
31 Pilato atate ànyari ekye: “Ka'do inye andivo amiro mìru nda ago mìye vure ndaro ota amiro voro.”
Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Ale ko ämäri 'diaza ufune.” 32 (Ono a'dote tana ko'ba tase Yesu katabe se nda kaka'da ta odra se nda ka oyebe odrane sina ana ro robe endaro.)
33 Pilato gocite zo'desi miri roya ago zi Yesu te, nda eji nda te ekye: “Mi orivoya 'Bädri'ba Yudai roya?” 34 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Taeji ono gini miro kode 'di azaka iti ta ni miri ta maro ta ya?”
35 Pilato zatadrite ekye: “Nyusu miro be ma orivoya Yuda yi ya? Lidri modo miro ro ndi kohanii 'desi be ozoyi mi ni märi. Miye e'diyi ya?”
36 Yesu atate ekye: “Miri 'bädri'ba maro ro a'do ko 'bädri ono ro; ondro aba miri 'bädri'ba maro ro ka'do gwo 'bädri ono ro, oso'bai mavo oyenayi kyila ndi ma lagaza ni ma ozovoya drikaca'bai Yudai ro ri. Caoko, Hwa, miri 'bädri'ba maro ro a'do ko noŋwa!”
37 Ago Pilato eji nda te ekye: “Mi orivoya 'bädri'ba yi ya?”
Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Nyata te ŋgye mikye ma orivoya 'bädri'ba yi. Äti ma te ago mikyite 'bädri ono ya ta alo ono ta, ta taŋgye ro atane. Nda se kabe a'do taŋgye ro ka ta maro erina.”
38 Pilato ejitate ekye: “Taŋgye e'diyi ya?”
Ape Vure Yesu rote Ufune
(Matayo 27:15-31Marako 15:6-20Luka 23:13-25)
'Dooko Pilato gofote tesi lidri re ago atate ànyari ekye: “Mäni kote ta aza usune nda koziza. 39 Oko oso ta la'bi amiro ro ronye, ondoalo ma kamba'ba onji ämiri tu karama Lävu Odra ro rosi. Inye'do mile märi 'Bädri'ba Yudai ro onjine ämiri ya?”
40 Ànya zayitadri ndaro te otre si ekye: “Hwa, ko nda! Màle Baraba!” (Baraba orivoya ŋgatopa'ba yi.)
Jesus Is Betrayed and Arrested
(Matthew 26.47-56Mark 14.43-50Luke 22.47-53)
1 When Jesus had finished praying, he and his disciples crossed the Kidron Valley and went into a garden. 2 Jesus had often met there with his disciples, and Judas knew where the place was.
3-5 Judas had promised to betray Jesus. So he went to the garden with some Roman soldiers and temple police, who had been sent by the chief priests and the Pharisees. They carried torches, lanterns, and weapons. Jesus already knew everything that was going to happen, but he asked, “Who are you looking for?”
They answered, “We are looking for Jesus from Nazareth!”
Jesus told them, “I am Jesus!” 6 At once they all backed away and fell to the ground.
7 Jesus again asked, “Who are you looking for?”
“We are looking for Jesus from Nazareth,” they answered.
8 This time Jesus replied, “I have already told you that I am Jesus. If I am the one you are looking for, let these others go. 9 Then everything will happen, just as I said, ‘I did not lose anyone you gave me.’ ”
10 Simon Peter had brought along a sword. He pulled it out and struck at Malchus, the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. 11 Jesus told Peter, “Put your sword away. I must drink from the cup that the Father has given me.”
Jesus Is Brought to Annas
(Matthew 26.57Matthew 58Mark 14.53Mark 54Luke 22.54)
12 The Roman officer and his men, together with the temple police, arrested Jesus and tied him up. 13 They took him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest that year. 14 This was the same Caiaphas who had told the Jewish leaders, “It is better if one person dies for the people.”
Peter Says He Doesn't Know Jesus
(Matthew 26.69Matthew 70Mark 14.66-68Luke 22.55-57)
15 Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus. That disciple knew the high priest, and he followed Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest's house. 16 Peter stayed outside near the gate. But the other disciple came back out and spoke to the girl at the gate. She let Peter go in, 17 but asked him, “Aren't you one of that man's followers?”
“No, I am not!” Peter answered.
18 It was cold, and the servants and temple police had made a charcoal fire. They were warming themselves around it, when Peter went over and stood near the fire to warm himself.
Jesus Is Questioned by the High Priest
(Matthew 26.59-66Mark 14.55-64Luke 22.66-71)
19 The high priest questioned Jesus about his followers and his teaching. 20 But Jesus told him, “I have spoken freely in front of everyone. And I have always taught in our synagogues and in the temple, where all of our people come together. I have not said anything in secret. 21 Why are you questioning me? Why don't you ask the people who heard me? They know what I have said.”
22 As soon as Jesus said this, one of the temple police hit him and said, “That's no way to talk to the high priest!”
23 Jesus answered, “If I have done something wrong, say so. But if not, why did you hit me?” 24 Jesus was still tied up, and Annas sent him to Caiaphas the high priest.
Peter Again Denies that He Knows Jesus
(Matthew 26.71-75Mark 14.69-72Luke 22.58-62)
25 While Simon Peter was standing there warming himself, someone asked him, “Aren't you one of Jesus' followers?”
Again Peter denied it and said, “No, I am not!”
26 One of the high priest's servants was there. He was a relative of the servant whose ear Peter had cut off, and he asked, “Didn't I see you in the garden with that man?”
27 Once more Peter denied it, and right then a rooster crowed.
Jesus Is Tried by Pilate
(Matthew 27.1Matthew 2Matthew 11-14Mark 15.1-5Luke 23.1-5)
28 It was early in the morning when Jesus was taken from Caiaphas to the building where the Roman governor stayed. But the crowd waited outside. Any of them who had gone inside would have become unclean and would not be allowed to eat the Passover meal.
29 Pilate came out and asked, “What charges are you bringing against this man?”
30 They answered, “He is a criminal! That's why we brought him to you.”
31 Pilate told them, “Take him and judge him by your own laws.”
The crowd replied, “We are not allowed to put anyone to death.” 32 And so what Jesus said about his death would soon come true.
33 Pilate then went back inside. He called Jesus over and asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
34 Jesus answered, “Are you asking this on your own or did someone tell you about me?”
35 “You know I'm not a Jew!” Pilate said. “Your own people and the chief priests brought you to me. What have you done?”
36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom doesn't belong to this world. If it did, my followers would have fought to keep me from being handed over to our leaders. No, my kingdom doesn't belong to this world.”
37 “So you are a king,” Pilate replied.
“You are saying that I am a king,” Jesus told him. “I was born into this world to tell about the truth. And everyone who belongs to the truth knows my voice.”
38 Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?”
Jesus Is Sentenced to Death
(Matthew 27.15-31Mark 15.6-20Luke 23.13-25)
Pilate went back out and said, “I don't find this man guilty of anything! 39 And since I usually set a prisoner free for you at Passover, would you like for me to set free the king of the Jews?”
40 They shouted, “No, not him! We want Barabbas.” Now Barabbas was a terrorist.