Läzi Drieta ro
1 OPI ka ata ekye: “Lidri Yisaraele ro, ondro ka'do mìlete egone, nyègo mare. Ondro ka'do nyàna lui awi se ya maro osoro lomvoigye iyi te ago nyànaru kote ni maresi, 2 ago ondro ka'do nyä̀ṛuru te ävuru maro si taŋgyesi ago ta'dirisi, 'dooko tu'dei cini ejinayi ma 'da ànya äṛune, ago ànya räṛunayi ma 'da.”
3 OPI ka ata lidri Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema robe ri nonye ekye: “Mìso ämvu vo amiro se osoako iyi; mìri kwari amiro ko kukyii lako. 4 Nyä̀ti tao'baro amiro se ma, OPI amiro be 'do, ago nyede ya amiro wäṛi ami lidri Yuda ndi Yerusalema robe ono; tana ukyi kyila maro leko 'da oso asi ronye ta ŋgase cini undiro mìyebe ono rota. Uguna vo uje ndi, ago 'diaza unina ko izwene.”
Anya Ozite Ukyine Yuda Gotane
5 Nyàyo ta Yuda ya ago nyìtita Yerusalema ya mìkye: “Mìvo cekuṛe wari cini yasi!
Mìtre amba ṛeṛe mikye:
‘Nyòkoto kala ago mì'de moyi
'bakicii se tiṛi obeobero be yasi!’
6 Nyèŋga bere liti Zaiona ro driro!
Mìmu vo ruoparo ya! Nyeleye ko!
Tana Ma OPI mate ŋga kozi ezi
ndi ŋgatufu kozipara be ni mä'dudrisi.
7 Ibi kate efo ni ruda'dovo anyaro yasi,
Pere'ba tu'dei ro kate eziikyi,
Nda ka ikyi ni vo ndaro yasi Yuda perene.
Wari Yuda ro perene 'bakicii Yuda ro a'dona 'da tandro ro,
teinye lidri ako.
8 Ka'do inye mìso boŋgo guniya ro, nyìliyi ago mì'be kuku
tana kyila OPI ro se kozipara ono
naru kote ni Yuda yasi.”

9 OPI ka ata ekye: “Tuse ana si 'bädri'bai ndi dri'bai losi robe a'donayi 'da agoago ako; kohanii a'donayi 'da lä'bilä'biro ago nebii a'donayi 'da larolaro ro.”
10 'Dooko matate makye: “OPI Mbarapara, nyodo lidri Yerusalema ro te kpeye! Nyatate mikye taliatokpe kaoye a'done ànya be, oko yauono bando te orivoya gboro ànyaro yasi.”
11 Tu kaoye esane taitiza lidri Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema be ro ri ekye oli ŋga ewiro kate ezi eli ànya dri ni vo rriro siŋgwa ro yasi. Unina ko oline liyaro oso kabe toto turu uŋgyi ayani 'do ronye, 12 oli se mbara be oso 'do ronye ka ikyi ota OPI rosi. 'Do OPI andivona kani vure ndaro tana ayona lidri ndaro lomvo.
Kyila'baazii Mudri Yuda rote
13 Mindre, kyila'baazi kate eziikyi oso 'dikolo ronye. Arabia ndaro kyila ro orivoya oso likuliku ronye, ago farasii ndaro ŋguna ndrani ägyiribii drisi. Mä̀jete! Ama te kandrakozi ya! Ta amaro kyete.
14 Mi Yerusalema, mija taundiro ni ya miro yasi, tana apa mi robe. Mirina 'du ugu tase koziro ono usune ya miro ya tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?
15 Lazo'bai ni 'bakici Dana roya kayi taayo ago ni lutui Eperaima roya kayi lazo kozi ayo. 16 Ànya ikyiyi miomba ozone tu'dei ri ago ta itine Yerusalema ri ekye ŋgagota'bai kayi eziikyi ni 'bädri lozo aza yasi. Ànya kwoi totrenayi 'da 'bakicii Yuda ro dri. 17 Ànya umunayi lomvo Yerusalema ro 'da gbikyi oso lidri se kabe lomvo ämvu ro okwana iyi ronye, tana lidri Yerusalema ro ogboyite OPI be. OPI atani inye.
18 Yuda, ori miro ndi taoye andivo miro ro ezi tase ono gini midri. Ono ni rueza miro owo, orivoya kozipara; ago 'di ya miro te äpifo.
Tusu Yeremaya ro ta Lidri ndaro rota
19 Lomvoluwu ni! Mäni kote lomvoluwu iŋgyine!
Käsi maro ni! Kariba maro kate o'bi mbarasi!
Mäni kote a'done titiro;
tana ma ovo cekuṛei ro
ndi otre kyila robe erina.
20 Rriti eso ṛo azivo azivo;
e'be 'bädri cini te tandro ro.
Epere zo boŋgo ro cini amaro te ätruku'du;
otowa boŋgo na toyitoyiro iyi te riya riya ndriŋwa.
21 Marina bere kyila ono ro ondrene
ago ovo cekuṛei kwoi ro erine tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?
22 OPI ka ata ekye: “Lidri maro orivoya tuaniako;
ànya niyi ma ko.
Ànya orivoya ŋgàga se amamaro ro yi;
ànya orivoya teinye tavouniako.
Ànya niyi gialo tase undiro 'do oyena ayani,
oko takado oye pe ànya ṛe.”
Rulofo Yeremaya ro ta Ikyi 'Ditufu ro ro
23 Mandrevote 'bädri dri, mandre te oko te orivoya awi voawi ro;
mandrevote vokuru ya, mandre oko ŋgaeyi te i'do.
24 Mandrevote 'bereŋwai dri, mandre oko ànya kayi lä'bi,
ago lutui kayite reṛi wayiro iga ago lau.
25 Mandrete anjioko lidri te i'do;
ca arii cini ŋgate mute lozo.
26 Mandre oko wari se gyini kado be ana a'dote siŋgwa ro;
ago 'bakicii na te cini tandro ro
tana kyila kozipara OPI ro 'bani.
27 OPI atate ekye: “'Bädri cini a'dona 'da tandro ro, caoko mänina ko perene.
28 Ta'dota 'bädri o'bena kuku 'da;
vokuru a'dona 'da uniro.
Tana ma OPI matani,
ago ma'ba tana ni a'done inye.
Mänina ko tausu dri maro ro läpine
ago e'bene oyeako.”
29 'Dicini 'bakici cini yasi umunayi 'da
ni kporo farasi'bai ndi kusu'bai robe ri.
Ànya umunayi 'da vocowa ya,
ago azakana utunayi 'da luutui drisi.
E'bena 'bakicii cini 'da awi,
ago 'diaza unina kote orine ànya ya.
30 Mi Yerusalema, mite orivoya tandro ro!
Nya boŋgo oka 'diri oso gi'de etaya?
Nya ruega kuni läguläguro si ago nya mi miro wuräna ŋga mi egyiro si etaya?
Nya andivo miro egana liŋgyiekye gi'de awi!
Ànya se kuluyi mibe iyi gayi mi tezo,
ànya leyi mi ufune.
31 Meri otre aza te, oso toko se kabe uti 'do ronye
ruezana orivoya oso toko se kabe ŋgwa käti anyaro utina 'do ronye.
Ana orivoya otre Yerusalema ro ka ruufu lawane,
ka drì anyaro ozona a'dwi ago ka ata ekye:
“Mate kandrakozi ya!
Tana 'ditufu'bai kate ma ufu!”
How Israel Can Return to the Lord
1 The Lord said:

Israel, if you really want
to come back to me, get rid
of those disgusting idols.
2 Make promises only in my name,
and do what you promise!
Then all nations will praise me,
and I will bless them.
3 People of Jerusalem and Judah,
don't be so stubborn!
Your hearts have become hard,
like unplowed ground
where thornbushes grow.
4 With all your hearts,
keep the agreement
I made with you.
But if you are stubborn
and keep on sinning,
my anger will burn like a fire
that cannot be put out.
Disaster Is Coming
The Lord said:

* 5 “Sound the trumpets, my people.
Warn the people of Judah,
‘Run for your lives!
6 Head for Jerusalem
or another walled town!’

“Jeremiah, tell them I'm sending
disaster from the north.
7 An army will come out,
like a lion from its den.
It will destroy nations
and leave your towns empty
and in ruins.”

8 Then I told the people
of Israel,
“Put on sackcloth!
Mourn and cry out,
‘The Lord is still angry
with us.’ ”

9 The Lord said,

“When all this happens,
the king and his officials,
the prophets and the priests
will be shocked and terrified.”

10 I said, “You are the Lord God. So why have you fooled everyone, especially the people of Jerusalem? Why did you promise peace, when a knife is at our throats?”
The Coming Disaster
11-12 When disaster comes, the Lord will tell you people of Jerusalem,

“I am sending a windstorm
from the desert—
not a welcome breeze.
And it will sweep you away
as punishment for your sins.
13 Look! The enemy army
swoops down like an eagle;
their cavalry and chariots
race faster than storm clouds
blown by the wind.”

Then you will answer,
“We are doomed!”

14 But Jerusalem, there is still time
for you to be saved.
Wash the evil from your hearts
and stop making sinful plans,
15 before a message of disaster
arrives from the hills of Ephraim
and the town of Dan.

16-17 The Lord said,

“Tell the nations that my people
have rebelled against me.
And so an army will come
from far away
to surround Jerusalem
and the towns of Judah.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

18 “People of Judah,
your hearts will be in pain,
but it's your own fault
that you will be punished.”
Jeremiah's Vision of the Coming Punishment
19 I can't stand the pain!
My heart pounds,
as I twist and turn in agony.
I hear the signal trumpet
and the battle cry of the enemy,
and I cannot be silent.
20 I see the enemy defeating us
time after time,
leaving everything in ruins.
Even my own home
is destroyed in a moment.
21 How long will I see enemy flags
and hear their trumpets?

22 I heard the Lord say,
“My people ignore me.
They are foolish children
who do not understand
that they will be punished.
All they know is how to sin.”

23 After this, I looked around.
The earth was barren,
with no form of life.
The sun, moon, and stars
had disappeared.
24 The mountains were shaking;
25 no people could be seen,
and all the birds
had flown away.
26 Farmland had become a desert,
and towns were in ruins.
The Lord's fierce anger
had done all of this.
The Death of Jerusalem
27-28 The Lord said:

I have made my decision,
and I won't change my mind.
This land will be destroyed,
although not completely.
The sky will turn dark,
and the earth will mourn.

29 Enemy cavalry and archers
shout their battle cry.
People run for their lives
and try to find safety
among trees and rocks.
Every town is empty.

30 Jerusalem, your land
has been wiped out.
But you act like a prostitute
and try to win back your lovers,
who now hate you.
You can put on a red dress,
gold jewelry, and eye shadow,
but it's no use—
your lovers are out to kill you!

31 I heard groaning and crying.
Was it a woman giving birth
to her first child?
No, it was Jerusalem,
gasping for breath
and begging for help.
“I'm dying!” she said.
“They have murdered me.”