Yeremaya ndi Nebi Anania be
1 Ndroa gialo ana si, imba linji ndroa lisu ori Zedekia ro 'bädri'ba ro si, Anania ŋgwa Azura ro, nebi se ni 'ba'desi Gibeona yasi ana, atate märi Yekalu ya. Nda ititate märi mile kohanii ndi lidri robe yasi ekye, 2 OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate ekye: “Motoŋgo mbara 'bädri'ba Babelona ro rote. 3 Ndroa ritu ono ya mago mologona lakaza cini Yekalu ro se 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kuŋgyibe le Babelona ya iyi 'da kovole vo ono ya. 4 Ago mologona 'bädri'ba Yuda ro, Jehoiakina ŋgwa Jehoiakima ro kpa 'da, tro lidri cini Yuda ro se koyiyibe midiro Babelona ya iyi be. Endaro motoŋgona mbara 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ro 'da. Ma, OPI, matani.”
5 'Dooko ma Yeremaya matate Nebi Anania ri mile kohanii ndi lidri cini se kedreyibe Yekalu ya ana ro yasi makye: 6 “Ka'do ndi inye! OPI koye ndi oso inye! OPI ko'ba taäŋgu miro a'done taŋgye ro ago kologo lakazà Yekalu ro ndi lidri cini se ärube kamba'bai ro iyi ni Babelona yasi. 7 Oko nyeri tase mabe atana miri ago lidri cini ri ono. 8 Nebii se katayibe kyeno, teinye dri ṛo tu maro ndi miro be ri esaako kai, äŋguyitate ekye kyila, mä'bu, ndi adravo koziro be ikyina 'da tu'dei amba ndi 'bädri cini se mbaraekye iyi be dri. 9 Oko nebi se kabe taäŋgu ekye taliatokpe ka oye a'done ago ondro 'dooko änina ndi taäŋgu ndaro ka'dote taŋgye ro anjioko endaro OPI ezo ndi ni.”
10 'Dooko Anania ru juṛu teni kyembe ma Yeremaya ro yasi, toŋgo te jinyijinyi, 11 ago atate mile lidri cini ro yasi ekye: “OPI atani ekye ya oye juṛu se 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara ko'babe kyembe tu'dei cini roya 'do oŋgone oso inye ndroa gi ritu 'do ya.” 'Dooko moyite ni nasi.
12 Ta ono vosi tu aza si oko OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri 13 oyine atane Anania ri ekye: “OPI atate nonye ekye nya'dote mbara be juṛu se ice ro 'do toŋgone, oko ya oye ogone juṛu logo ro o'bane vona ya. 14 OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate ekye ya oye juṛu logo ro o'bane tu'dei se cini kwoi kembe ago ànya indurunayi 'da Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ri. OPI atate ekye yi'bana ca koronyai vocowa ro kpa 'da ruindune Nebukadenezara ri.”
15 'Dooko miti ta ono te Anania ri makye: “Nyeri dri, Anania! OPI ezo mi kote ni, ago nya lidri kwoi o'bana taomane ta kowe ro ono ya. 16 Tana ta'doro OPI andivona ka ata ekye ya oye mi ufune. Midrana 'da ndroa ono ya tana nyatate lidri ri ogbone OPI be.”
17 Ago Anania drate imba njidrieri ndroa modo se ana rosi.
Jeremiah Accuses Hananiah of Being a False Prophet
1 Later that same year, in the fifth month of the fourth year that Zedekiah was king, the prophet Hananiah son of Azzur from Gibeon came up to me in the temple. And while the priests and others in the temple were listening, 2 he told me that the Lord had said:
I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, and I will smash the yoke that Nebuchadnezzar put on the necks of the nations to make them his slaves. 3 And within two years, I will bring back to Jerusalem everything that he took from my temple and carried off to Babylonia. 4 King Jehoiachin and the other people who were taken from Judah to Babylonia will be allowed to come back here as well. All this will happen because I will smash the power of the king of Babylonia!
5 The priests and the others were still standing there, so I said:
6 Hananiah, I hope the Lord will do exactly what you said. I hope he does bring back everything the Babylonians took from the temple, and that our people who were taken to Babylonia will be allowed to return home. 7 But let me remind you and everyone else 8 that long before we were born, prophets were saying powerful kingdoms would be struck by war, disaster, and disease. 9 Now you are saying we will have peace. We will just have to wait and see if that is really what the Lord has said.
10 Hananiah grabbed the wooden yoke from my neck and smashed it. 11 Then he said, “The Lord says this is the way he will smash the power Nebuchadnezzar has over the nations, and it will happen in less than two years.”
I left the temple, 12 and a little while later, the Lord told me 13-14 to go back and say to Hananiah:
I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You smashed a wooden yoke, but I will replace it with one made of iron. I will put iron yokes on all the nations, and they will have to do what King Nebuchadnezzar commands. I will even let him rule the wild animals.
15-16 Hananiah, I have never sent you to speak for me. And yet you have talked my people into believing your lies and rebelling against me. So now I will send you—I'll send you right off the face of the earth! You will die before this year is over.
17 Two months later, Hananiah died.