Ezi Yeremaya te Vure ya
1 Ondro Jehoiakima ŋgwa Josia ro keto 'dimirite 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ro oko, 2 OPI atate märi ekye: “Nyedre goko Yekalu roya ago mipe ta lidri Yuda ro se kikyiyibe ni 'ba'desii cini Yuda ro yasi mätune Yekalu ya lau kai ri. Mipe tase cini mata tana be opene ànyari 'do ago nye'be ta aza ko teinye itiako. 3 Azaya lidri erina tana gwo ago e'benayi taoye kozi ànyaro gwo, tana 'dooko mäläpina tausu maro se mara tana be ànya tufune ta taoye kozi ànyaro rota 'do 'da.”
4 OPI atate märi atane lidri ri ekye: “Ma, OPI, matate makye ondro nyèri ta maro kote ago mìro ŋgaemba se mozobe ämiri 'do kote, 5 ago mìga bi kote ata ruindu'bai maro nebii, se mugu ezona te amire kpekpe iyi roya, 6 'dooko mayena ta ndi Yekalu ono ri oso maye ta be Silo ri ronye, ago tu'dei cini otrinayi latri ndi ävuru 'bakici ono rosi.”
7 Kohanii, nebii, ndi lidri cini be eriyi ma Yeremaya te tase cini kwoi atavoya Yekalu ya, 8 ago dori ondro mande tase cini OPI kozo ota na be märi atane ono te oko, ànya cini ruyi mate ago treyite ekye: “Beṛo mi ufune ta ta ono rota! 9 Mi'debe atane ävuru OPI rosi mikye Yekalu ono ka oye a'done oso Silo ronye ago eperena 'bakici ono 'da se 'diaza unina ko orine kigye etaya?” 'Dooko lidri mbikalate gbikyi malomvosi Yekalu ya.
10 Ondro dri'bai Yuda ro keriyi tase ka'dobe ono te oko, ànya ikyiyite ndrindri ni zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba ro yasi Yekalu ya ago riyite ecivo Dereŋwa To'di roya. 11 'Dooko kohanii ndi nebii be atayite dri'bai ndi lidri cini be ri ekye: “Mano gi ono ojo odra be tana nda atate koziro 'bakici ono lomvo, oso nyèribe bi modo amiro si ronye.”
12 'Dooko matate ànya cini ri makye: “OPI ezo mate tase cini nyèribe matabe Yekalu ono lomvo ago 'bakici ono lomvo ono tana opene. 13 Ka'do inye yauono beṛo ämiri liti ori amiro ro ago taoye amiro ro läpine, ago beṛo ämiri OPI Lu amiro orone, 'dooko OPI läpina tausu drî ndaro ro se nda katabe ami tufune ono ndi. 14 Oko ta maro ta, ma maro ṛo mbara amiro zele! Tase kado ago ŋgye se nyùsube oyene märi 'do mìye ri. 15 Oko aba mìni ta ono kado; ondro ka'do mìfu mate, ami ndi lidri 'bakici ono robe nyà'dona ndi taenji be ta kari mano taenjiako ono rota, tana endaro OPI ezo ma ni ta cini kwoi itine amiri.”
16 'Dooko dri'bai ndi lidri be atayite kohanii ndi nebii be ri ekye: “Mano ono ojoko odrabe tana nda atate ämäri ävuru OPI Lu amaro rosi.”
17 Ta'do vosi, rukä 'di'desii wari ro ŋgayite kurusi ago atayite lidri se kombikalabe ana ri ekye: 18 “Tuse Ezekia ka'dobe 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ana si, nebi Maika Moreseta ro ititate lidri cini Yuda ro ri ekye OPI Mbaraekye atani, ekye:
‘Asona Zaiona 'da oso ämvu ronye,
Yerusalema a'dona 'da turu'du ro tandro ro,
ago lutu Yekalu ro a'dona 'da vocowa ro.’
19 'Bädri'ba Ezekia ndi lidri Yuda robe fuyi Maika kote. Oko, Ezekia go turi OPI te ago ojote rulo'bane ta yauni ndaro rota. Ago OPI läpi tausu drî ndaro rote ni tase aza aba nda katabe rriti ezine ànya dri ana yasi. Oko yauono aba mà oyete rriti 'desi ezine andivo amaro dri.”
20 (Mano aza a'do kpate se atate ävuru OPI rosi ävuru ndaro Uria ŋgwa Semaya ro ni Kiriyata Jearima yasi. Nda atate 'bakici ndi tu'de ana be lomvo kpa oso Yeremaya katabe ono ronye. 21 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakima ndi kyila'bai ndaro be ndi dri'bai losi ro ndaro yibe keriyi tase Uria katabe ana te oko, 'bädri'ba ojote nda ufune. Oko Uria eri tana te; ta'doro nda a'dote turi ro ago mute ndi pavote le Ezipeto ya. 22 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakima, go zo, Elenatana ŋgwa Akebora ro ndi lidri azaka be te le Ezipeto ya. 23 Ànya ruyi Uria te ago logoyi nda te kovole 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakima re, se fu nda te ago vo avo ndaro te vose abe avo lidri ete ro osena kigye ana ya.)
24 Caoko tana Aikama ŋgwa Sapana ro 'dete ma Yeremaya vosi, ta'dota ozo ma kote lidri ri ufune.
Jeremiah's Message in the Temple
(Jeremiah 7.1-15)
1 Soon after Jehoiakim became king of Judah, the Lord said:
2 Jeremiah, I have a message for everyone who comes from the towns of Judah to worship in my temple. Go to the temple courtyard and speak every word that I tell you. 3 Maybe the people will listen this time. And if they stop doing wrong, I will change my mind and not punish them for their sins. 4 Tell them that I have said:
You have refused to listen to me and to obey my laws and teachings. 5 Again and again I have sent my servants the prophets to preach to you, but you ignored them as well. Now I am warning you that if you don't start obeying me at once, 6 I will destroy this temple, just as I destroyed the town of Shiloh. Then everyone on earth will use the name “Jerusalem” as a curse word.
Jeremiah on Trial
7 The priests, the prophets, and everyone else in the temple heard what I said, 8-9 and as soon as I finished, they all crowded around me and started shouting, “Why did you preach that the Lord will destroy this temple, just as he destroyed Shiloh? Why did you say that Jerusalem will be empty and lie in ruins? You ought to be put to death for saying such things in the Lord's name!” Then they had me arrested.
10 The royal officers heard what had happened, and they came from the palace to the new gate of the temple to be the judges at my trial. 11 While they listened, the priests and the prophets said to the crowd, “All of you have heard Jeremiah prophesy that Jerusalem will be destroyed. He deserves the death penalty.”
12-13 Then I told the judges and everyone else:
The Lord himself sent me to tell you about the terrible things he will do to you, to Jerusalem, and to the temple. But if you change your ways and start obeying the Lord, he will change his mind.
14 You must decide what to do with me. Just do whatever you think is right. 15 But if you put me to death, you and everyone else in Jerusalem will be guilty of murdering an innocent man, because everything I preached came from the Lord.
16 The judges and the other people told the priests and prophets, “Since Jeremiah only told us what the Lord our God had said, we don't think he deserves to die.”
17 Then some of the leaders from other towns stepped forward. They told the crowd that 18 years ago when Hezekiah was king of Judah, a prophet named Micah from the town of Moresheth had said:

“I, the Lord All-Powerful, say
Jerusalem will be plowed under
and left in ruins.
Thorns will cover the mountain
where the temple
now stands.”

19 Then the leaders continued:
No one put Micah to death for saying that. Instead, King Hezekiah prayed to the Lord with fear and trembling and asked him to have mercy. Then the Lord decided not to destroy Jerusalem, even though he had already said he would.
People of Judah, if Jeremiah is killed, we will bring a terrible disaster on ourselves.
20-24 After these leaders finished speaking, an important man named Ahikam son of Shaphan spoke up for me as well. And so, I wasn't handed over to the crowd to be killed.
Uriah the Prophet
While Jehoiakim was still king of Judah, a man named Uriah son of Shemaiah left his hometown of Kiriath-Jearim and came to Jerusalem. Uriah was one of the Lord's prophets, and he was saying the same things about Judah and Jerusalem that I had been saying. And when Jehoiakim and his officials and military officers heard what Uriah said, they tried to arrest him, but he escaped to Egypt. So Jehoiakim sent Elnathan son of Achbor and some other men after Uriah, and they brought him back. Then Jehoiakim had Uriah killed and his body dumped in a common burial pit.