Opeṛe Yerusalema ro Äŋgu Tana te
1 Ono ni tase OPI katabe ma Yeremaya ri tuse Zedekia 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ezo Pasura ŋgwa Malekaya ro ndi kohani Zefanaya ŋgwa Maseya robe te mare taeji ono be ekye: 2 “Rägu nyeji OPI ta amaro ta, tana Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro kayite ikyi kyila oyene ama be. Kode a'dona OPI oyena talaro ro alo aza ndaro gwo ta amaro ta ago o'bana Nebukadenezara 'da driotane kovole.”
3 'Dooko ma Yeremaya mazatadri ànyaro te makye 4 nyàta Zedekia ri ekye, OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro atate ekye: “Zedekia, ma oye kyila'bai miro opene ṛe se kayi oyebe kyila oyene 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro be se kayibe drî amiro umuna tiṛi lomvosi iyi. Madrona kala lakaza kyila ro kyila'bai amiro ro 'da kitoriya 'bakici ono roya. 5 Mayena kyila 'da ami yibe mbara cini maro, yaoso maro, ozi maro, ndi drikyitri maro be si. 6 Mutufuna 'dicini se kayibe ori 'bakici ono ya'da; lidri ndi koronyai be todranayi 'da ni adravo kozipara ri. 7 Oko mi Zedekia, dri'bai losi ro miro, ago lidri se 'bakici ono ro se kayibe voopa lidriidriro ni adravo kozipara, kyila ndi mä'bu be risi 'do, ma'bana 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara ndi kyila'baazii amiro, se koleyibe ami tufune iyi urunayi ami cini 'da. Nebukadenezara tufuna ami 'da ago nda unina ko alo aza amiro e'bene kode a'done yauni be ago tusuro ta alo aza amiro rota alona. Ma, OPI, matani.”
8 'Dooko OPI atate märi atane lidri ri ekye: “Nyeri dri! Ma ŋga ozo ämiri onjine liti adri ro ago liti odra ro. 9 'Dise kabe ori 'bakici ono ya iyi kyila kode mä'bu kode adravo kozipara ufuna ndi. Oko 'dise kabe ofo tesi ago kayibe iyi ozo Babelona'bai, se kayibe 'bakici gota kwoi ri, änina ko ufune; nda opana adri ndaro ndi. 10 Musutate drî maro ya ŋgakozi oyene 'bakici ono ya; ndi ozone 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri ago nda ozana 'da asi si. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Vure Katidri 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ro lomvo
11 OPI atate märi atane katidri 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ro ri ekye: “Nyèri ata ma, OPI, ro 12 ami zelevoi Dawidi ro! Mìye taŋgye tu cini si ago nyàgaga 'dise abe ocona 'do ni 'dise kabe nda oco 'do ri, ukyi kyila maro leko 'da oso asi ronye, se 'diaza unina ko izwene, tana ta takozi amiro rota. 13 Mi, Yerusalema, ma orivoya kyila ro mibe, mi se orivoya lekuru ndrani vodelero drisi, mi luutu se kogwabe vo rriro ya ono. Mi se nya ata mikye a'di gotana yi ni kode oŋgona vo ni äbi aga iro yasi ya? 14 Oko mezana mi 'da ta takozi se miyebe 'do rota. Masona asi 'da zo'desi miri ro miro dri, ago asi ujena ŋgase cini gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi 'da. Ma, OPI, matani.”
The Lord Will Fight against Jerusalem
1 King Zedekiah of Judah sent for Pashhur son of Malchiah and for a priest named Zephaniah son of Maaseiah. Then he told them, “Talk with Jeremiah for me.”
So they came to me and said, 2 “King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia has attacked Judah. Please ask the Lord to work miracles for our people, as he has done in the past, so that Nebuchadnezzar will leave us alone.”
3-7 I told them that the Lord God of Israel had told me to say to King Zedekiah:
The Babylonians have surrounded Jerusalem and want to kill you and your people. You are asking me to save you, but you have made me furious. So I will stretch out my mighty arm and fight against you myself. Your army is using spears and swords to fight the Babylonians, but I will make your own weapons turn and attack you. I will send a horrible disease to kill many of the people and animals in Jerusalem, and there will be nothing left to eat. Finally, I will let King Nebuchadnezzar and his army fight their way to the center of Jerusalem and capture everyone who is left alive, including you and your officials. But Nebuchadnezzar won't be kind or show any mercy—he will have you killed! I, the Lord, have spoken.
8 Then I told them that the Lord had said:
People of Jerusalem, I, the Lord, give you the choice of life or death. 9 The Babylonian army has surrounded Jerusalem, so if you want to live, you must go out and surrender to them. But if you want to die because of hunger, disease, or war, then stay here in the city. 10 I have decided not to rescue Jerusalem. Instead, I am going to let the king of Babylonia burn it to the ground. I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Warns the King of Judah
* 11 Pay attention, you that belong
to the royal family.
12 Each new day, make sure
that justice is done,
and rescue those
who are being robbed.
Or else my anger will flame up
like a fire that never goes out.

13 Jerusalem,
from your mountaintop
you look out over the valleys
and think you are safe.
But I, the Lord, am angry,
14 and I will punish you
as you deserve.
I'll set your palace on fire,
and everything around you
will go up in smoke.