Takozi ndi Taezaro Yuda robe
1 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ami lidri Yuda ro, egyi takozi amiro tana te ŋga taegyiro logoro si; egyite ya amiro ya si kyaka'da daimonde rosi ago egyite cukudrii vo tori oloro amiro ro yasi. 2 Ca ŋgwai amiro yiyi ta vo tori oloro ago taka'daro se edrebe lu tokoro Asera ri ice kundruro zelesi, driku'du'du lutui ro yasi 3 ago 'bereŋwai se vo rriro yasi kai ndi. Ma'bana kyila'baazii amiro urunayi ŋgadriamba amiro 'da ndi ŋgase mìdrobe iyi be ta takozi se mìyebe wari cini amiro yasi iyi rota. 4 Nye'bena wari se mozobe ämiri 'do 'da, ago ma'bana ami 'da ruindune kyila'baazii amiro ri wari se mini ko ana ya, tana kyila maro orivoya oso asi ronye, ago ujena 'da äduako.”
Ata Azaka
5 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Matrina 'dise kabe taoyi lidri
ago kabe taoyi mbara lidri ro ya 'do ndi,
ànya se kabe ruona ni ma OPI resi 'do.
6 Nda iro orivoya oso ice se cuku vo rriro siŋgwa ro,
se ni ko ŋga kado aza oyene;
ka omba vocowa se awiro,
gyini se täyi ro ŋga aza mba ko kigye 'do ya.

7 “Oko mäṛuna 'dise
kabe taoyi ma ya 'do 'da,
se taoyi ndaro ni ma OPI 'do.
8 Tana nda orivoya oso ce se kabe omba golo kala
ago kabe paji oso gyi ya 'do ronye.
Se turi kote ondro vo keme ca owo,
tana kyibi na ka ori 'du luru ro;
'bu ka'do ca i'do anya lo'be mi kote;
tana edre kote doŋgo owa ako.

9 “Tausu lidri ro orivoya koziro ndra ŋga cini drisi
ago orivoya undiro;
a'di unina tana ni ya?
10 Ma, OPI, mani tase drî lidri roya tenyina
ago mani tase ya lidri roya ojona.
Ma taoye ànya alo alo ri oso liti ori ndaro ro ronye,
oso tase nda kabe oyena voro.”

11 'Dise kabe ŋgaamba usu ta'diriako si 'do
orivoya oso ari se kabe 'bwo se anya kuti koni 'do tegana 'do ronye.
Kitoriya ori ndaro roya,
nda ijena ŋgadriamba ndaro 'da,
ago äduro oko nda a'dona 'da amaamaro.

12 Yekalu amaro orivoya oso gyiti liŋgyiekye ronye,
edrevoya 'bereŋwa ogwaekye dri ṛoni etovoya.

13 OPI, mi ni mio'ba Yisaraele ro owo;
a'bana vona se cini kayibe mi e'be iyi 'da driupiro.
Ànya se kabe ruona ni miresi egyina ävuruna 'da gyini dri,
tana ànya e'beyi mi, OPI
se koro gyi lo'bo ro ono te.
Yeremaya ka OPI Eji ta Ŋgaopa rota
14 OPI, nyede ma tana ma'do robe kpeye kadoro; mipa ma ma'do robe cu londroro. Tana mi ni 'dise mabe räṛuna ono owo!
15 Lidri ka ata märi ekye: “Ozi se OPI kabe onyana ama lomvo kwoi gaŋwaroya? Mi'ba tana iyi ka'do teri yau!”
16 Oko, OPI, migbiri mi kote ŋgakozi ezine ànya dri; male kote tu aza ri a'done tu rriti ro ro ànyari. OPI, mini ta ono te; mini tase matabe ono tana te. 17 Miso turi ko maya; tana mi ni ruda'dovo maro ondro rriti kate ikyi owo. 18 Nyezi driupi ànya se kayibe ma eza kwoi dri, oko mi'ba ma ko driupi ro. Miso turi ànya ya, oko miso turi ko maya. Nyezi tu rriti ro ànya dri ago nyotowa ànya jinyijinyi.
Tu Sabata ro Ätina
19 OPI atate märi ekye: “Yeremaya, nyoyi nyayo lazo maro Dereŋwa Lidri ro kala, se 'bädri'bai Yuda ro kayibe ofo ago eci kigyesi 'bakici ya ana; 'dooko nyoyi dereŋwai cini Yerusalema roya si. 20 Nyata mikye: ‘Nyèri ata OPI ro ami 'bädri'bai ago lidri cini Yuda ro ndi 'dicini se kayibe ori Yerusalema ya ago kayibe eci dereŋwai kai yasi ono. 21 OPI ka atani ekye, ondro ka'do nyùlu adri amiro gindi, beṛo ko ŋgaläŋgyi aza uŋgyine Sabata si; kode ŋgaläŋgyi uŋgyine ecine sina dereŋwai Yerusalema ro yasi 22 kode ŋga aza uŋgyine tesi ni zoi amiro yasi Sabata si. Beṛo ko ämiri losi oyene Sabata si; beṛo ämiri ätine tu alokado ro, oso mozo otana be zutui amiro ri ronye. 23 Zutui amiro eriyi ta maro kote ago gayi bi kote tana ya alona. Ànya go a'doyi ṛo taeriako; ànya gayi tezo taerine ago ŋgaemba maro urune.’
24 “Nyitita lidri kwoi ri anjioko beṛo ànyari ota cini maro orone. Ko ànyari ŋgaläŋgyi aza uŋgyine ecine sina dereŋwai 'bakici ono ro yasi Sabata si. Beṛo ànyari Sabata ätine tu alokado ro ago ko losi aza oyene tu 'do ya. 25 'Dooko 'bädri'bai ànyaro se kabe ori gyiti Dawidi ro dri ana ecinayi ndi dereŋwai Yerusalema ro yasi. Ànya lämunayi 'da arabia ndi farasii be si, tro opii, lidri Yuda ro ndi lidri Yerusalema robe. Ago ondoalo Yerusalema a'dona ndi twi lidri be. 26 Lidri ikyina 'da ni 'ba'desii Yuda ro yasi ago ni 'baŋwai se gbikyi Yerusalema lomvosi kai yasi; ànya ikyinayi 'da ni wari Benjamina ro yasi, ni lutui pasi, ni 'bereŋwai lakosi, ago ni Negebe yasi. Ànya ezinayi ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi oloro be, ŋgapäṛi inya ro ndi ŋga ŋgutruro robe, ndi ŋgapäṛi aro'boya robe 'da Yekalu maro ya. 27 Oko ondro ànya koroyi ma kote ago kätiyi Sabata kote tu alokado ro, ago kuŋgyiyi ŋgaläŋgyi aza te dereŋwai Yerusalema ro yasi tu gi 'do si, 'dooko masona asi ndi dereŋwai Yerusalema ro yasi. Asi ujena zo'desii miri ro Yerusalema ro ndi, ago 'diaza unina ko izwene.”
The Lord Will Punish Judah
The Lord said:

1 People of Judah,
your sins cannot be erased.
They are written on your hearts
like words chiseled in stone
or carved on the corners
of your altars.
* 2 One generation after another
has set up pagan altars
and worshiped the goddess Asherah
everywhere in your country—
on hills and mountains,
and under large trees.
3 So I'll take everything you own,
including your altars,
and give it all
to your enemies.
4 You will lose the land
that I gave you,
and I will make you slaves
in a foreign country,
because you have made my anger
blaze up like a fire
that won't stop burning.
Trust the Lord
5 I, the Lord, have put a curse
on those who turn from me
and trust in human strength.
6 They will dry up like a bush
in salty desert soil,
where nothing can grow.

7 But I will bless those
who trust me, the Lord.
8 They will be like trees
growing beside a stream—
trees with roots that reach
down to the water,
and with leaves
that are always green.
They bear fruit every year
and are never worried
by a lack of rain.

9 You people of Judah
are so deceitful
that you even fool yourselves,
and you can't change.
10 But I know your deeds
and your thoughts,
and I will make sure
you get what you deserve.
11 You cheated others,
but everything you gained
will fly away, like birds
hatched from stolen eggs.
Then you will discover
what fools you are.
Jeremiah Prays to the Lord
12 Our Lord, your temple
is a glorious throne
that has stood on a mountain
from the beginning.
13 You are a spring of water
giving Israel life and hope.
But if the people reject
what you have told me,
they will be swept away
like words written in dust.

14 You, Lord, are the one I praise.
So heal me and rescue me!
Then I will be completely well
and perfectly safe.

15 The people of Judah say to me,
“Jeremiah, you claimed to tell us
what the Lord has said.
So why hasn't it come true?”

16 Our Lord, you chose me
to care for your people,
and that's what I have done.
You know everything I have said,
and I have never once
asked you to punish them.
17 I trust you for protection
in times of trouble,
so don't frighten me.
18 Keep me from failure
and disgrace,
but make my enemies fail
and be disgraced.
Send destruction to make
their worst fears come true.
Resting on the Sabbath
19-20 The Lord said:
Jeremiah, stand at each city gate in Jerusalem, including the one the king uses, and speak to him and everyone else. Tell them I have said:
I am the Lord, so pay attention. 21-24 If you value your lives, don't do any work on the Sabbath. Don't carry anything through the city gates or through the door of your house, or anywhere else. Keep the Sabbath day sacred!
I gave this command to your ancestors, but they were stubborn and refused to obey or to be corrected. But if you obey, 25 then Judah and Jerusalem will always be ruled by kings from David's family. The king and his officials will ride through these gates on horses or in chariots, and the people of Judah and Jerusalem will be with them. There will always be people living in Jerusalem, 26 and others will come here from the nearby villages, from the towns of Judah and Benjamin, from the hill country and the foothills to the west, and from the Southern Desert. They will bring sacrifices to please me and to give me thanks, as well as offerings of grain and incense.
27 But if you keep on carrying things through the city gates on the Sabbath and keep treating it as any other day, I will set fire to these gates and burn down the whole city, including the fortresses.