Ole OPI ro ta Ori Yeremaya ro rota
1 OPI atate kpa to'di märi ekye: 2 “Beṛo ko miri toko ogyene ago ko a'done ŋgàgaagoro kode ndiriŋwa robe vo nonye ono ya. 3 Ma oye taitine miri ta tase ka oyebe a'done ŋgàgaagoro ndi ndiriŋwa robe se abe utina noŋwa ndi endrei ago täpii ànyaro be ri rota. 4 Ànya todranayi 'da ni adravo kozipara ri, ago 'diaza unina ko ànya liyine kode osene. Avo ànyaro lo'dena 'da oso mure ronye gyini drisi. Utufuna ànya 'da kyila ya ago ànya todrana 'da ni mä'bu ri, ago avo ànyaro a'dona 'da ŋgaonya arii ndi koronyai vocowa robe ro.
5 “Beṛo ko miri ocine zo se abe kukuo'be kigye 'do ya ago ko tusune ago liyine ta 'diaza rota. Märi lidri maro äṛune taliatokpe si kode a'done ŋgalu 'duro be ago yauni be ànyari te i'do tona. 6 Ŋgaamba'ba ndi ati'ba be todranayi 'da wari ono ya, caoko 'diaza ri ànya osene kode kukuo'bene ànya ta i'do. 'Diaza ri andivo ndaro tolone kode drî ndaro uvune kuṛä tusu ndaro ka'dazana i'do. 7 'Diaza unina ko ŋgaonyane kode ŋgaumvune 'diaza be nda i'dweza ondro 'dise ulu tawi 'do kodra gica owo. 'Diaza ri tusu iro ka'dane i'do, täpi kode endre 'diaza ro kodra gica owo.
8 “Mici ko zo se lidri kabe karama oye kigye 'do ya. Miri ko vuru ànya yibe ŋgaonyane ago ŋgaumvune. 9 Nyeri tase, ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, mabe atana ono. Ma'bana kporo riyä ro ago yai'dwe ro ndi kporo riyä karama lagye ogyero robe 'da okyene ni vo ono ya, mile amiro yasi ago tu amiro si.
10 “Ondro nyiti tase cini ono te lidri ono ri oko, ànya ejinayi mi 'da ekye: ‘Tana e'di OPI se kozipara ono ogo gwo ama lomvo niya? Taenji amaro ni e'diya? Ago takozi se màyebe OPI Lu amaro ri ni e'diya?’ 11 'Dooko nyiti ta ono ànyari ekye: ‘Zutui amiro nayirute ni maresi mätuyi ago induruyite lui azaka ri. Ànya e'beyi mate ago royi ŋgaemba maro kote. 12 Oko mìyete kozipara ndrani zutui amiro ri, tana vo ami cini ro orivoya taeriako ago koziro, ago mìro ma kote. 13 Ka'do inye, mavona ami 'da tesi ni wari ono yasi le wari se ca ami ca zutui amiro kuni ko ana ya. Ago nyìnduruna 'da lui azaka ri lau kitu zwi ago ŋgäkyi raa, ago märi a'done yauni be ämiri i'do.’ ”
Ego ni Vomidiro yasi
14 Opi ka ata ekye: “Tu ka oye esane se lidri unina kote ruäṛune ma si ekye: ‘Oso OPI drigi lidriidriro ono ronye se kolofo lidri Yisaraele ro beni wari Ezipeto ro yasi ono.’ 15 Ànya ogo, äṛurunayi te ma si ekye: ‘Oso OPI drigi lidriidriro ono se kolofo lidri Yisaraele ro beni wari se mä'dudrisi ana yasi ago ni 'bädri se cini nda pere ànya be kigyesi ana yasi ono.’ Mago mologona ànya 'da 'bädri modo ànyaro se mozobe zutui ànyaro ri ana ya.”
Taezaro ka Eziikyi
16 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ma lazo ozo ti'biuru'bai amba ri ikyine lidri ono urune. 'Dooko mazona lazo 'da äṛigo'bai ri ànya u'bone ni 'bereŋwai cini drisi ago ni lutui cini drisi ago ni kugyii cini luutui ro yasi. 17 Tana mandre tase cini ànya kayibe loyena ono te. Ada'do ŋga aza kote ni märi; takoziii ànyaro ada'do kote märi ondreako. 18 Ma'bana ànya 'da ŋga ozone akpaakparo ta takozi ndi taoye kozi ànyaro be rota, tana ànya enjiyi wari maro te lui edeedero se adri ako oso avo ronye iyi si, ago 'bayi lui se kowero ono te a'done twi kigye.”
Mätu Yeremaya ro ta Taoyiro OPI ya rota
19 OPI, mi ni mbara maro ago gaga'ba maro owo; Nya ni ma opa tu rriti rosi. Tu'dei ikyinayi 'da mire ni sidri ädu 'bädri ro yasi ago atanayi 'da ekye: “Zutui amaro a'doyite ŋga aza ako toto lui awi ayani, ŋga se takaciako ago ni ko 'diopane 'do ayani. 20 Inye'do lidri aza unina gindi ni lu modo ndaro ro edene ya? Hwa, ondro ka'do nda kede bete ni, ànya unina ko a'done lui ŋgye aza ro.”
21 “Tana ta'doro.” OPI ka ata ekye: “Ma'bana tu'dei 'da mbara maro ndi aṛi maro be unine perena alodi ago tiṛi; ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Jeremiah Must Live His Message
1 The Lord said to me:
2 Jeremiah, don't get married and have children—Judah is no place to raise a family. 3 I'll tell you what's going to happen to children and their parents here. 4 They will die of horrible diseases and of war and starvation. No one will give them a funeral or bury them, and their bodies will be food for the birds and wild animals. And what's left will lie on the ground like manure.
5 When someone dies, don't visit the family or show any sorrow. I will no longer love or bless or have any pity on the people of Judah. 6 Rich and poor alike will die and be left unburied. No one will mourn and show their sorrow by cutting themselves or shaving their heads. 7 No one will bring food and wine to help comfort those who are mourning the death of their father or mother.
8 Don't even set foot in a house where there is eating and drinking and celebrating. 9 Warn the people of Judah that I, the Lord All-Powerful, will put an end to all their parties and wedding celebrations. 10 They will ask, “Why has the Lord our God threatened us with so many disasters? Have we done something wrong or sinned against him?”
11 Then tell them I have said:
People of Judah, your ancestors turned away from me; they rejected my laws and teachings and started worshiping other gods. 12 And you have done even worse! You are stubborn, and instead of obeying me, you do whatever evil comes to your mind. 13 So I will throw you into a land that you and your ancestors know nothing about, a place where you will have to worship other gods both day and night. And I won't feel the least bit sorry for you.
14 A time will come when you will again worship me. But you will no longer call me the Living Lord who rescued Israel from Egypt. 15 Instead, you will call me the Living Lord who rescued you from that country in the north and from the other countries where I had forced you to go.
Someday I will bring you back to this land that I gave your ancestors. 16 But for now, I am sending enemies who will catch you like fish and hunt you down like wild animals in the hills and the caves.
17 I can see everything you are doing, even if you try to hide your sins from me. 18 I will punish you double for your sins, because you have polluted my own land. You have filled it with lifeless idols that remind me of dead bodies.
The Lord Gives Strength
I prayed to the Lord:

19 Our Lord, you are the one
who gives me strength
and protects me like a fortress
when I am in trouble.
People will come to you
from distant nations and say,
“Our ancestors worshiped
false and useless gods,
20 worthless idols
made by human hands.”

21 Then the Lord replied,
“That's why I will teach them
about my power,
and they will know that I
truly am the Lord.”