1 Mänina ko a'done titiro ta Zaiona rota;
ta Yerusalema rota, manina ko loline,
madale takado ndaro a'dona lutu oso ŋgaeyi ronye,
ago ŋgaopeṛe ànyaro eyinavo lutu oso gala ronye.
2 Yerusalema, tu'dei ondrenayi takado miro 'da!
'Bädri'bai cini ànyaro ondrenayi 'desi miro 'da,
ago äzina mi 'da ävuru to'di si,
ävuru se OPI andivo kozobe 'do si.
3 Nya'dona 'da oso tagyia liŋgyiekye ronye OPI ri,
tagyia 'bädri'ba ro ronye Lu ri.
4 Äzina mi ko tona “E'bete.”
Ago äzina wari miro ko tona “Tandro.”
Oko äzina mi'da ekye “Lu orivoya Yai'dwesi Anya be.”
Äzina wari maro 'da ekye “Agyete.”
Tana OPI orivoya yai'dwesi mibe
ago agyena wari miro 'da.
5 Oso agoanji aza kabe ŋguti kodroŋwa aza ogyena toko ro ronye;
nda se ko'ba mi ni ono ogyena mi 'da.
Oso kodrogo kabe a'do riyä si ta toko to'di ndaro rota ronye,
Lu a'dona kpa riyä si inye ta miro ta.

6 Yerusalema, ma'ba vookwa'bai te tiṛii miro drisi;
ànya uninayi ko a'done titiro kitu cini ndi ŋgäkyi cini be si.
Ami se nyàbe taoyi OPI ya ono
ämiri lolini i'do.
7 Ämiri loli ozone ndäri i'do alona madale nda ogo logona Yerusalema lutu
ago o'bana lutu 'bakici ro 'bädri cini ri räṛune.
8 OPI 'ba tao'ba lämu'duro te,
ago ätina ndi mbara ndaro si;
“Mänina kote inya amiro ozone tona ŋgaonya ro kyila'baazii amiro ri;
ago atrai uninayi kote ogone vino amiro se mìye losina be ono umvune tona.
9 Oko ami se mìlo inya na beni ono
mìnyana ambata na 'da ago nyäräṛuna OPI 'da.
Ami se nyòtopi doŋgo kono ro beni ono mìmvuna vino na 'da gokoi
Yekalu maro ro yasi.”

10 Ami lidri Yerusalema ro mìfo, mìfo dereŋwai yasi,
nyède liti lidri amiro se kayibe eziego ono ri!
Nyède liti ŋbokoloko; nyàna kunii ni kigyesi!
Nyèŋga ŋga taka'daro kuru tu'dei ri
11 OPI kani taayo 'bädri cini ri ekye:
“Nyìtita lidri Zaiona ro ri
ŋgaopa ànyaro kate eziikyi,
ka ikyi päläti be
Ka eziikyi lidri se nda kopabe iyi be.”
12 Äzina ami 'da “Lidri Alokado Lu ro,”
“Lidri se OPI kopabe iyi.”
Äzina Yerusalema 'da “'Bakici se Lu lu tawi ono,”
“'Bakici se Lu E'be kote alona.”
Jerusalem Will Be Saved
1 Jerusalem, I will speak up
for your good.
I will never be silent
till you are safe and secure,
sparkling like a flame.
2 Your great victory will be seen
by every nation and king;
the Lord will even give you
a new name.
3 You will be a glorious crown,
a royal headband
for the Lord your God.

4 Your name will no longer be
“Deserted and Childless,”
but “Happily Married.”
You will please the Lord;
your country
will be his bride.
5 Your people will take the land,
just as a young man
takes a bride.
The Lord will be pleased
because of you,
just as a husband is pleased
with his bride.

6 Jerusalem, on your walls
I have stationed guards,
whose duty it is
to speak out day and night,
without resting.
They must remind the Lord
7 and not let him rest
till he makes Jerusalem strong
and famous everywhere.

8 The Lord has given his word
and made this promise:
“Never again will I give
to your enemies
the grain and grapes
for which you struggled.
9 As surely as you harvest
your grain and grapes,
you will eat your bread
with thankful hearts,
and you will drink your wine
in my temple.”

10 People of Jerusalem,
open your gates!
Repair the road to the city
and clear it of stones;
raise a banner to help
the nations find their way.
11 Here is what the Lord has said
for all the earth to hear:
“Soon I will come to save
the city of Zion
and to reward you.
12 Then you will be called,
‘The Lord's Own People,
The Ones He Rescued!’
Your city will be known
as a good place to live
and a city full of people.”