Lu Opana Yerusalema 'da
1 Mipi mi, mipi mi, nya'do mbara ro Yerusalema;
nya'do liŋgyiekye, mi Yerusalema 'bakici alokado!
Taomaako'bai ndi ànya se undiro be uninayi kote ecine miya to'dina.
2 Nyòkovo durufu ni ami lomvosi!
Miŋga ago miri gyiti miro dri Yerusalema!
Nyònji nyori ni ami kyembe ami, lidri Zaiona ro
se ärube midiro iyi!

3 OPI ka ata lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Tuse nyà'dobe iyeäṛii ro ana si, ozo parata kote ami dri; kpa oso inye änina ko ŋga aza ozone ami onjizana dritai ro. 4 Tuse käti nyoyibe orine atrai ro Ezipeto ya ana si nyoyite ole modo amiro rosi; oko Asaria, ru ami te mbarasi ago ozo ŋga aza kote ami dri. 5 Ago yauono ŋga alodi ono a'do kpate inye Babelona ya; äru ami te kamba'bai ro midiro, ago ozo ŋga aza kote ami dri. Ànya se kayibe ami miri kai kayi driuŋgyi, ànya kayi ma mawo ondoalo. 6 Ta'doro minana ma ndi; tuse ka oyebe esane ana ya minina ndi anjioko ma atani ämiri, ago ma ni Lu yi.”

7 Orivoya talaroro yi lazo'ba aza ondrene
ikyivoya 'bereŋwai drisi,
lazo kado ezivoya, nda ka lazo kado taliatokpe ro opena!
Nda ka ta 'diopa ro ayona ago ka ata Zaiona ri ekye:
“Lu miro orivoya 'bädri'ba yi!”
8 Nyeri 'bakici gaga'bai amiro kayi totre,
ànya kayi totre troalo riyä si!
Ànya ndreyi egodri OPI ro Zaiona ya te
mi modo ànyaro si!

9 Nyòtotre teoalo loŋgo oŋgobe riyä si,
ami tandroi Yerusalema ro!
Tana OPI i'dwe lidri ndaro te,
nda pa Yerusalema te.
10 OPI ka'dana mbara alokado ndaro 'da tu'dei cini ri;
ago vo 'bädri ro cini ondrena ŋgaopa Lu amaro ro 'da.
11 Nyùgu oyi teri, te ämiri Babelona e'bene,
mìdo ŋgase undiro ko
Ami se cini nyàbe lakaza Yekalu ro uŋgyina ono,
mì'ba andivo amiro a'done wäṛiro ago nyòyi.
12 Tu ana ya mìnina ko oyine karagbagba ro;
ago ko ämiri umune umu.
Tana OPI o'dena 'da ami mile
Lu amiro gagana ami 'da lamadri cini yasi.
Ruindu'ba se Ruezavoya
13 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Ruindu'ba maro oyena losi ndaro 'da kadoro;
äräṛuna nda 'da,
ago arona nda 'da ndra.
14 Lidri amba a'doyite lä'bilä'biro nda ondrevoya;
beti ndaro enjite, ago a'do kote oso lidri ronye,
nda a'dote liŋgyiako 'ba nda landre kote oso lidri ronye.
15 Oko yauono tu'dei laronayi 'da ta ndaro ta,
ago 'bädri'bai orinayi 'da ataako ta ndaro si.
Ŋgase iti tana ko ànyari 'do, ànya ondrenayi 'da
ago keriyi ko 'do ànya uninayi tazevo na 'da.”
Jerusalem Can Celebrate
1 Jerusalem, wake up!
Stand up and be strong.
Holy city of Zion,
dress in your best clothes.
Those foreigners who ruined
your sacred city
won't bother you again.
2 Zion, rise from the dirt!
Free yourself from the rope
around your neck.
Suffering Will End
3 The Lord says:
My people, you were sold,
but not for money;
now you will be set free,
but not for a payment.
4 Long ago you went to Egypt
where you lived
as foreigners.
Then Assyria was cruel to you,
5 and now another nation
has taken you prisoner
for no reason at all.
Your leaders groan with pain,
and day after day
my own name is cursed.
6 My people, you will learn
who I am and who is speaking
because I am here.
A Message of Hope for Jerusalem
7 What a beautiful sight!
On the mountains a messenger
announces to Jerusalem,
“Good news! You're saved.
There will be peace.
Your God is now King.”
8 Everyone on guard duty,
sing and celebrate!
Look! You can see the Lord
returning to Zion.
9 Jerusalem, rise from the ruins!
Join in the singing.
The Lord has given comfort
to his people;
he comes to your rescue.
10 The Lord has shown all nations
his mighty strength;
now everyone will see
the saving power of our God.
A Command To Leave Babylon
11 Leave the city of Babylon!
Don't touch anything filthy.
Wash yourselves. Be ready
to carry back everything sacred
that belongs to the Lord.
12 You won't need to run.
No one is chasing you.
The Lord God of Israel
will lead and protect you
from enemy attacks.
The Suffering Servant
13 The Lord says:
My servant will succeed!
He will be given great praise
and the highest honors.
14 Many were horrified
at what happened to him.
But everyone who saw him
was even more horrified
because he suffered until
he no longer looked human.
15 My servant will make
nations worthy to worship me;
kings will be silent
as they bow in wonder.
They will see and think about
things they have never seen
or thought about before.