Loŋgo Ämvu Konoro ro
1 Ma oye loŋgo oŋgone bereazi maro ri
ta ämvu konoro ndaro rota, se ekye:
Beraezi maro orivoya ämvu konoro be
lutu se gyini kado be ana dri.
2 Nda ga gyini ana te ago ana kuniŋwà na te;
ago nda kyi'di vino se kadopara 'do te kigye.
Nda 'di päri vookwaro te kitoriya na ya,
ago 'di pi'di vino ozwaro te kigye.
Nda kwoa oka doŋgo na rote,
oko wa ṛo doŋgo osoro ayani.
3 Ta'dota bereazi maro ka ata ekye: “Ami lidri se nyàbe ori Yerusalema ndi Yuda be ya ono, mìpe vure maro ndi ämvu konoro maro be. 4 Inye'do ŋgase aza oyene oko me'be be oyeako tana ni e'diya? Ma'ba mi driigye doŋgo kado owane oko go wa gwo doŋgo osoro ayani etaya?
5 “Miti ämiri tase malebe oyene ämvu konoro maro ri ni no; meperena aga se ŋgulu lomvoigyesi ono 'da ago azana 'da, motogana tiṛi se kabe gagana ono 'da ko'ba koronyai vocowa ro kaba robe kigyesi. 6 Me'bena inye ruenjine. Märi gwoṛi konoro ofone kode ukune i'do; oko me'bena ŋgäṛiŋgofo ndi kukyi be 'da isine kigye. Matana kpa 'dikolo ri ko 'bu o'bane u'dine kigye.”
7 Yisaraele ni ämvu konoro OPI Mbaraekye ro;
lidri Yuda ro ni kono se nda kikyi'dibe kigye owo.
Nda 'ba mi te ànyari tase kadoro oyene,
oko ànya go fu ṛo läfu ayani.
Nda 'ba mi te ànyari tase ŋgye oyene,
oko 'dise ànya kayibe ezana iyi go ṛo liyine liyi ayani ta taŋgye rota.
Takozi se Lidri kabe Oyena
8 Ami te kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyàbe zoi ogyena amba ago ämvui ogyena amba ämiri dro'bene se nyà'dobe nja sina ono be ono; madale vo a'dona go i'do 'diaza ri oriza kigye, ago mirina te toto ni iṛe wari ono ya. 9 Tana meri OPI Mbaraekye ka ata ekye: “Endaro zo se cini 'dèsiro, liŋgyiekye kwoi pereruna 'da ago a'dona 'da awi lidri ako. 10 Doŋgo kono ro se kabe owa kätiri 'butealo ämvu konoro roya 'do vino na efona toto kata'ba alodi. Kwari kata'ba kama alo 'butenjidriena (180) inya na efona toto kata'ba 'butealo fonjidriena.”
11 Ami te kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyàbe oŋga kyenoŋboci ugu wa ṛatara uṛine ago ami ufune ŋgaumvu si madale tandrole ro 'do! 12 Karama cini amiro ya ami orivoya lekyembe be, gara be, ago yeṛi be, ndi vino be, oko mìni tazevo tase OPI kabe oyena ro kote ca mìndre losioye ndaro ko, 13 ta'dota äŋgyina ami 'da midiro tana mìni ta ko. Täbiri tufuna dri'bai amiro 'da, ago lidri ete todrana 'da ni gyilu ri. 14 Tana 'bädri avo ro ṛo täbiri ro ànya ta, ago pi kala te pätäkäwä, lotena 'di 'desii Yerusalema ro ndi lowa se kporo amba be ago riyä ro ete ro iyi be 'da.
15 'Dicini a'dona 'da driupiro, ago vona cini se driuŋgyi be iyi ologona 'da vuru. 16 Oko OPI Mbaraekye ka 'desi ndaro ka'dana tase ŋgye 'do oyena si, ago Lu Alokado ono ka andivo ndaro ka'dana alokado taŋgye si. 17 Timele onyana käyi 'da lowo yasi ago indri ŋgwà usunayi lowo 'da tandro 'bakicii se ana ro yasi.
18 Ami te orivoya kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyàbe takozi ese amivo iba kowero si ago iba arabia ese rosi 'do. 19 Nyà ata mikye: “Mi'ba OPI koye ndrindri, mi'ba nda koye tase nda kata tana be oyene 'do foroforo màndre robe. Mì'ba Lu alokado Yisaraele ro koye tase nda korabe oyene ono; mì'ba ka'do màndre robe.”
20 Ami te kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyàbe takozi uzi kado ago takado uzi takozi ono. Nyà vouni toza ŋgaeyi ro ago nyà ŋgaeyi toza vouni ro. Mì'ba ŋgase osoro gwo a'done ŋga ndiṛi ro, ago ŋgase ndiṛi ro gwo ŋga osoro.
21 Ami te orivoya kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyà usuna mìkye iyi orivoya tavouni be, ago tauniekye.
22 Ami te kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyèpere vo be vino umvu ya ono! Ami se turiako ago nyùturi wa se ṛataro ro ko ono! 23 Nyà lidri se taenji be e'bena dritai ro toto ta miogye rosi, ago nyàlaga taŋgye taenjiako'bai ro gwo zo. 24 Ta'dota oso asi kabe kyekyepa ndi käyi awi be ujena ago kabe laso vuru 'do ronye, kpa inye paji amiro oŋgwana 'da ago fo cini amiro owina 'da ago oli onjana 'da lozo oso durufu ronye, tana mìga tase OPI Mbaraekye kemba ami be sina ono tezo ago nyàmawo ta Lu alokado Yisaraele ro ro te. 25 Ta'doro OPI te orivoya kyilaro lidri ndaro be ago eŋga drì ndaro te kuru ànya ezaza. 'Bereŋwai lä'bina 'da, ago e'bena avo ànya se kotodrabe iyi ro 'da litiŋwai drisi oso kaŋwa ronye. Caoko kyila OPI ro unina dri ko okyene, oko eŋgana drì ndaro dri ndi 'du kuru ànya ezaza.
26 OPI ka taka'daro eŋgana tu'dei se lozo iyi uziza, nda ka hwihwi ànyari ikyiza ni sidri ädu 'bädri ro yasi. Ago ànya kayi te ikyi foroforo, ndrindri! 27 Alo aza ànyaro okwo kote; alo aza ànyaro a'do kote pälipäliro. Ànya a'doyi kote panapana ro ago u'duyi ko alona. Iba kunduro ànyaro kolo kote, ca mvoka ànyaro enjiru kote. 28 Ätui ànyaro orivoya kyaka'daro, ago kusui ànyaro orivoya nja ŋga u'boza. Potoko farasii ànyaro ro orivoya ṛatararo oso kuni lele ronye, ago pà ŋguluro arabia ànyaro ro ka ruoza oso oli likuliku ro ronye. 29 Kyila'bai kayi otre oso ibi roye oso ibii ombato'diro se kosiyi koronya aza te oko seyi go vose 'diaza ni kote opane ni ànya rigyesi 'do ya 'do ronye.
30 Ànya otrenayi 'da Yisaraele dri tu ana si, kporo amba si oso kporo gyi'desi ro ronye. Ago ondro 'diaza kondrevo te 'bädri dri, ondrena vouni ndi rueza be, tana vouni izwe ŋgaeyi te.
A Song about a Vineyard
The Lord said:

1 I will sing a song
about my friend's vineyard
that was on the side
of a fertile hill.
2 My friend dug the ground,
removed the stones,
and planted the best vines.
He built a watchtower
and dug a pit in rocky ground
for pressing the grapes.
He hoped they would be sweet,
but bitter grapes
were all it produced.

3 Listen, people of Jerusalem
and of Judah!
You be the judge of me
and my vineyard.
4 What more could I have done
for my vineyard?
I hoped for sweet grapes,
but bitter grapes
were all that grew.

5 Now I will let you know
what I am going to do.
I will cut down the hedge
and tear down the wall.
My vineyard will be trampled
and left in ruins.
6 It will turn into a desert,
neither pruned nor hoed;
it will be covered
with thorns and briars.
I will command the clouds
not to send rain.

7 I am the Lord All-Powerful!
Israel is the vineyard,
and Judah is the garden
I tended with care.
I had hoped for honesty
and for justice,
but dishonesty
and cries for mercy
were all I found.
Isaiah Condemns Social Injustice
8 You are in for trouble! You take over house after house and field after field, until there is no room left for anyone else in all the land. 9 But the Lord All-Powerful has made this promise to me:
Those large and beautiful homes will be left empty, with no one to take care of them. 10 Four hectares of grapevines will produce only 27 liters of juice, and 180 liters of seed will produce merely 18 liters of grain.
11 You are in for trouble! You get up early to start drinking, and you keep it up late into the night. 12 At your drinking parties you have the music of stringed instruments, tambourines, and flutes. But you never even think about all the Lord has done, 13 and so his people know nothing about him. That's why many of you will be dragged off to foreign lands. Your leaders will starve to death, and everyone else will suffer from thirst.
14 The world of the dead has opened its mouth wide and is eagerly waiting for the leaders of Jerusalem and for its noisy crowds, especially for those who take pride in that city. 15 Its citizens have been put down, and its proud people have been brought to shame. 16 But the holy Lord God All-Powerful is praised, because he has shown who he is by bringing justice. 17 His people will be like sheep grazing in their own pasture, and they will take off what was left by others.
18 You are in for trouble! The lies you tell are like ropes by which you drag along sin and evil. 19 And you say, “Let the holy God of Israel hurry up and do what he has promised, so we can see it for ourselves.” 20 You are headed for trouble! You say wrong is right, darkness is light, and bitter is sweet.
21 You think you are clever and smart. 22 And you are great at drinking and mixing drinks. But you are in for trouble. 23 You accept bribes to let the guilty go free, and you cheat the innocent out of a fair trial.
24 You will go up in flames like straw and hay! You have rejected the teaching of the holy Lord God All-Powerful of Israel. Now your roots will rot, and your blossoms will turn to dust.
25 You are the Lord's people, but you made him terribly angry, and he struck you with his mighty arm. Mountains shook, and dead bodies covered the streets like garbage. The Lord is still angry, and he is ready to strike you again.
Foreign Nations Will Attack
26 The Lord has signaled for the foreign nations to come and attack you. He has already whistled, and they are coming as fast as they can. 27 None of them are tired. They don't sleep or get drowsy, and they run without stumbling. Their belts don't come loose; their sandal straps don't break. 28 Their arrows are sharp, and their bows are ready. The hoofs of their horses are hard as flint; the wheels of their war chariots turn as fast as a whirlwind.
29 They roar and growl like fierce young lions as they grab their victims and drag them off where no one can rescue them. 30 On the day they attack, they will roar like the ocean. And across the land you will see nothing but darkness and trouble, because the light of day will be covered by thick clouds.