Lu Ezana Kusa 'da
1 Wari aza orivoya goloŋwai Kusa ro kundusi se eri kporo kufui rote kigye. 2 Lazo'bai kayi ikyi ni nasi Naile yasi, toŋboi se edebe dradra si iyi si. Mìgo kovole ami lazo'bai se paosiekye ono! Mìgo kovole lidri amiro se dämbäṛäṛä lomvo biliro kai re, se uturi tawi 'bädri cini yasi ono mìgo lazo be tu'de se mbäräkä ago mbaraekye ana re, se wari na goloi kolonyi yana be ana ya.
3 Nyèri dri, ami 'dicini se nyàbe ori 'bädri ya ono! Mìndrevo bere se taka'daro ro oyebe eŋgane driku'du'du 'bereŋwai ro yasi ono te! Mìga bi ovo cekuṛe ro tana erine! 4 OPI atate märi ekye: “Mandrena vo 'da ni vo'buyakuru yasi liaro pere oso ŋgaeyi kitu ro kitu eme si 'do ronye oso nduruṛi kabe oso ŋgäkyi si eme jee tu jalia ro si 'do ronye. 5 Teinye dri doŋgo topiako, ondro fo na kalayite kpeye ago doŋgo kate oka oko, kyila'baazi tufuna lidri Kusa ro 'da kpeye rritiako oso iṛi kabe gwoṛii kono ro olona 'do ronye. 6 E'bena avo ànyaro ro 'da bädru vurusi arii ri ndi koronyai vocowa robe ri, duru si arii onyana avo ànyaro ayani, ago meṛi si oko koronyai vocowa ro onyana avoi ànyaro teni.”
7 Tu ana si OPI Mbaraekye usuna ŋgapäṛi 'da ni lidri se dämbäṛäṛä lomvo biliro, se uturi tawi 'bädri cini yasi ono resi ni tu'de se mbäräkä ago mbaraekye, wari na goloi kolonyi yana be ono yasi Ànya ikyinayi 'da 'Bereŋwa Zaiona ya, vose abe OPI mätu kigye ono ya.
Ethiopia Will Be Punished
1 Downstream from Ethiopia
lies the country of Egypt,
swarming with insects.
2 Egypt sends messengers
up the Nile River
on ships made of reeds.
Send them fast to Ethiopia,
whose people are tall
and have smooth skin.
Their land is divided by rivers;
they are strong and brutal,
feared all over the world.

3 Everyone on this earth,
listen with care!
A signal will be given
on the mountains,
and you will hear a trumpet.
4 The Lord said to me,
“I will calmly look down
from my home above—
as calmly as the sun at noon
or clouds in the heat
of harvest season.”

5 Before the blossoms
can turn into grapes,
God will cut off the sprouts
and hack off the branches.
6 Ethiopians will be food
for mountain vultures
during the summer
and for wild animals
during the winter.

7 Those Ethiopians are tall and their skin is smooth. They are feared all over the world, because they are strong and brutal. But at that time they will come from their land divided by rivers, and they will bring gifts to the Lord All-Powerful, who is worshiped on Mount Zion.