Lu Ezana Siria ndi Yisaraele be 'da
1 Ono ni lazo se OPI ezobe ta Damaseka rota owo ekye: “Damaseka unina kote a'done 'bakici ro tona; oko a'dona 'da turu'du ro tandro ro. 2 'Bakicii Siria ro a'dona 'da vocowa ro awi äduako. Ànya a'dona 'da lowo ro timele ndi tii be ri, ago 'diaza unina ko ànya onjane ni kigyesi. 3 Yisaraele a'dona 'da ŋga 'digagaro ako, ago dritai Damaseka ro okyena 'da. Ànya se Siria ro ke'bebe lidriidriro iyi a'donayi 'da märäyiro oso lidri Yisaraele ro ronye. Ma, OPI Mbaraekye, matani.”
4 OPI atate ekye: “Tu ana si a'do 'desi Yisaraele ro okyena 'da, ago anya a'dona 'da orweorwe ro. 5 Yisaraele a'dona 'da oso ämvu se alo inya na te ago okoto ŋgana jalia rote 'do ronye, rri awi oso ämvu'ba oto ŋgana be se vodelero Refaima roya ana ronye. 6 Yisaraele a'dona 'da oso vole ŋgaro ronye, oso ce ice ido ro ro se otopi doŋgo na te tate toto ritu kode nätu le driku'du'du na ya 'do ronye, ago nätu kode su se ke'bebe gwoṛi na ya vurusi 'do ronye. Ma, OPI Lu Yisaraele ro, matani.”
7 Tu ana si, lidri egona 'da O'ba'ba ànyaro re, ago ondrenayi vo 'da Lu alokado Yisaraele ro dri ta ŋgaopa rota. 8 Ànya uninayi kote mio'bane vo tori oloro se ànya kedebe drì ànyaro si iyi dri tona, kode taoyine losi drì modo ànyaro ro, ago beti lu tokoro Asera ro ndi vo tori oloro ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro be dri.
9 Tu ana si 'bakicii se abe gagana kadoro iyi e'bena 'da tandro ro oso 'bakicii se Iva'bai ndi Amora'bai be ro se ànya kumuyibe ni lidri Yisaraele ro ri oko ke'beyibe ana ronye.
10 Yisaraele, nyije ta Lu se kopa mibe ono rote ago miyi ta ndase kagaga mibe oso luutu mbaraekye ronye ono ro kote. Migo miso ṛo ämvu alokado ayani lui atrai ro mätuzana. 11 Oko ondro ka'do ŋgana koŋga ca tu kyi'dina rosi ago ko'do ca ko'ba fo ca kyenoŋbo se nyikyi'dibe sina 'do modona si, caoko änina ko ŋgana kotone ca olone tu tusu ro ndi lomvoluwu ro be 'do ya.
Ape Kyila'baazii Tu'dei rote Ṛe
12 Tu'dei se mbaraekye iyi orivoya amovoya kporo be oso kporo gyi'desi ro ronye, ànya kayi amo oso udi ärrui 'desiro ro ronye. 13 Tu'dei ka amo oso udi ärrui ro ronye, caoko Lu ka ànya luku ago ànya muyi ṛo kovole, anjate lozo oso durufu se lama lutu roya 'do ronye, oso likuliku kabe turu uŋgyi 'do ronye. 14 Ànya kayi rriti egye tandrolesi, oko teinye kyenoŋbo ri osaako oko ànya te i'do. 'Doni kandrakozi 'dicini se kayibe ŋga wari amaro ro topana ro owo ago rriti ànya se kayibe ŋga amaro enji ro owo.
Damascus Will Be Punished
1 This is a message about Damascus:

Damascus is doomed!
It will end up in ruins.
2 The villages around Aroer
will be deserted,
with only sheep living there
and no one to bother them.
3 Israel will lose its fortresses.
The kingdom of Damascus
will be destroyed;
its survivors will suffer
the same fate as Israel.
The Lord All-Powerful
has promised this.
Sin and Suffering
4 When that time comes,
the glorious nation of Israel
will be brought down;
its prosperous people
will be skin and bones.
5 Israel will be like wheat fields
in Rephaim Valley
picked clean of grain.
6 It will be like an olive tree
beaten with a stick,
leaving two or three olives
or maybe four or five
on the highest
or most fruitful branches.
The Lord God of Israel
has promised this.

7 At that time the people will turn and trust their Creator, the holy God of Israel. 8 They have built altars and places for burning incense to their goddess Asherah, and they have set up sacred poles for her. But they will stop worshiping at these places.
9 Israel captured powerful cities and chased out the people who lived there. But these cities will lie in ruins, covered over with weeds and underbrush.

10 Israel, you have forgotten
the God who saves you,
the one who is the mighty rock
where you find protection.
You plant the finest flowers
to honor a foreign god.
11 The plants may sprout
and blossom
that very same morning,
but it will do you no good,
because you will suffer
endless agony.
God Defends His People
12 The nations are a noisy,
thunderous sea.
13 But even if they roar
like a fearsome flood,
God will give the command
to turn them back.
They will be like dust,
or like a tumbleweed
blowing across the hills
in a windstorm.
14 In the evening
their attack is fierce,
but by morning
they are destroyed.
This is what happens to those
who raid and rob us.