1 Ta buku ono ro orivoya ta rulofo se Yesaya ŋgwa Amoza ro kondrebe ta Yuda ndi Yerusalema robe rota tu 'dimiriro Uzia, Yotama, Aza, ndi Ezekia 'bädri'bai Yuda robe rosi.
Lu ka Lidri Ndaro Kozina
2 Vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be, nyèri, tana OPI atate ekye: “Ŋgàga se mecabe ago membabe ono ogbote mabe. 3 'Daŋgo ni kuzupi iro ndi, ago doŋgyii niyi vose 'desi ànyaro kabe ŋgaonya ozo ànyari kigye 'do ndi. Oko Yisaraele'bai niyi ta ko, lidri maro ni tazevo ko cu alona.”
4 Ami tu'de takoziekye ono, lidri se orivoya twi taundiro be. Ami kozoi takozioye'bai ro, ŋgàga se taoye na koziro. Mìga OPI tezo, nyàmawo Lu alokado Yisaraele ro te, ago mìsi kundu te ndäri. 5 Mìle drigba ami ezane ya? Tana e'di nyà drigba ugu ogbo niya? Drî amiro te kpeye laza ro, ago ya amiro ndi tausu amiro be te adravo ro. 6 Lomvo amiro a'do kote jiŋgyiriro eto ṛoni drî ya le pà amiro ya, oko 'boro'boro ro ago laza ro, ago mi laza ro te uŋbo. Aja laza amiro kote ago ävu mina kpa ko. Aṛi ido kpa ko mina ya.
7 'Bädri amiro te orivoya tandro ro, ago 'bakicii amiro azate riya asi si. Atrai ruyi wari amiro te ami milesi, ago te tandro ro atrai enjiyi ŋgana cini te. 8 E'be Yerusalema te iṛe, oso vorogo vookwa'ba ro ämvu kono roya kode kpakpa se ämvu kurunju roya ronye ago oso 'bakici se ämu drina te ronye. 9 OPI Mbaraekye ko'de ko lidri fere 'do etane lidriidriro, aba eperena Yerusalema ṛo riya oso epere Sodomo ndi Gomora be be ronye.
10 Yerusalema, 'dimiri'bai ndi lidri miro be te orivoya oso 'dimiri'bai ndi lidri Sodomo ndi Gomora ro be ronye. Nyèri tase OPI kabe atana ämiri ono. Mìga bi ta ŋgaembaro se Lu amaro kabe ami emba sina ono erine. 11 Nda ka ata ekye: “Inye'do male toriolo cini se nyàbe ugu olona märi ono ndi ya? Ŋgapäṛi timele se mìzabe tori ro ndi ido ombiombi koronyai cini robe ojo mate. Kari 'daŋgoi ro ago timele ndi tegoi be ro tana si ma ko. 12 Nyàbe ikyi ma mätune a'di eji ami ni ŋgase cini kwoi ezine märi ya? A'di eji ami ni abane gokoi Yekalu maro ro yasi ya? 13 Ŋgapäṛi losiako inye 'do nyezi ko märi. Ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro iyi te koziro märi. Male kote Karama amiro Imba To'di ndi Sabata ro, ndi kalakoto mäturo amiro robe ro, mäni kote tadri takozi ro olene vo alokado mätu roya. 14 Ya maro oso tawi Karama cini amiro Imba To'di ro ndi tu alokado amiro be lomvo; tana ànya a'dote ŋgaläŋgyi ro märi mate rritiro ànya iŋgyivoya.
15 “Ondro nyèŋga drìi amiro ca mätu oyevoya, mänina kote vo ondrene ämidri. Ondro ka'do mìye mätu ca amba, mänina kote tana erine, tana drìi amiro orivoya twi kari be. 16 Mìja andivo amiro ago mì'ba andivo amiro wäṛi. Nyàna taundiro se nyàbe oyena ono ni ma milesi. Nyè'be taundi oye 17 ago mìni ta takado oyero ayani. Mìṛi taŋgye ayani, mìpa ànya se abe ezana iyi, mìti ta kyemvoi ro, ago nyàgaga ävuzii.”
18 OPI ka ata ekye: “Nyìkyi yauono, mì'de mòloto ta amaro vona teri. Takozi amiro ka'do ca okaro oko, ànya a'dona 'da hwia oso siya ronye. Takozi amiro ka'do ca oka'diri oko, ànya ogo a'dona 'da onjero oso kodo ronye. 19 Ondro ka'do mìle ndi ago mìro mate, 'dooko mìnyana ŋga kado se wari ono kabe lofona ndi. 20 Oko ondro ka'do mìgatezo ago nyògbote mabe, 'dooko te ämiri odrane bando si. Ma OPI, matani.”
'Bakici Takozi Amba be
21 'Bakici se sedri kado ono kate taoye oso ronyi'ba ronye! Sedri taŋgye orivoya twi kigye kyeno taŋgye'bai orivoya twi kigye, oko yauono 'di tufu'bai tate toto ni. 22 Yerusalema, sedri mi orivoya oso mo'di ronye, oko yauono mite äṛize ro; sedri mi orivoya oso vino kado ronye; oko yauono mite oso vino gyi ro ronye. 23 Dri'bai miro te ogbo'bai ago bereazii kugu'bai ro. Ondoalo ànya leyi alo ŋga miogye ro ndi ŋgapäṛi urube. Ànya gagayi kyemvoi kote, ago ànya eriyi vure ävuzii ro tana kote.
24 Ka'do inye, nyeri tase OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Mbaraekye Yisaraele ro kabe atana ono se ekye: “Mologona votaro 'da kyila si, ami kyila'baazii maro ri; ago mìgo nyòzona rriti ko tona märi. 25 Mayena losi 'da ami lomvo. Mäwäṛina ami 'da oso abe logo utri 'do ronye, ago manana undi cini amiro 'da. 26 Ago mago mozona 'dimiri'bai 'da ämiri oso käti ronye ago tavoata'bai 'da ämiri oso etosi ronye. 'Do vosi ago äzina Yerusalema 'da 'bakici taŋgye ro, 'bakici 'diri.”
27 OPI opana Yerusalema 'da ta'diri si ago ànya se kabe drieta anya ya apana 'da taŋgye si. 28 Oko nda tufuna ogbo'bai ago takozi'bai 'da tro voalo ya; nda tufuna 'dicini se kabe nda e'be iyi 'da.
29 Nyà'dona 'da driupi ro ta ice vudi se nyä̀mätu be ana rota ago driupi ro ämvu alokado se minjibe iyi rota. 30 Nyùlunyina ndi oso vudi se kibi na kabe owi 'do ronye, oso ämvu se teinye gyi ako 'do ronye. 31 Lidri se mbaraekye iyi a'donayi 'da oso kyekyepa ronye ago taoye ànyaro oso asikyele ronye. Ànya rriti ujena 'da voalo ya ago 'diaza unina ko asina ijene.
And this is the message that I was given about Judah and Jerusalem when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were the kings of Judah:
A Guilty Nation
2 The Lord has said,
“Listen, heaven and earth!
The children I raised
have turned against me.
3 Oxen and donkeys know
who owns and feeds them,
but my people won't ever learn.”

4 Israel, you are a sinful nation
loaded down with guilt.
You are wicked and corrupt
and have turned from the Lord,
the holy God of Israel.
5 Why be punished more?
Why not give up your sin?
Your head is badly bruised,
and you are weak all over.
6 From your head to your toes
there isn't a healthy spot.
Bruises, cuts, and open sores
go without care
or oil to ease the pain.
A Country in Ruins
7 Your country lies in ruins;
your towns are in ashes.
Foreigners and strangers
take and destroy your land
while you watch.
8 Enemies surround Jerusalem,
alone like a hut
in a vineyard
or in a cucumber field.
9 Zion would have disappeared
like Sodom and Gomorrah,
if the Lord All-Powerful
had not let a few
of its people survive.
Justice, Not Sacrifices
10 You are no better
than the leaders and people
of Sodom and Gomorrah!
So listen to the Lord God:
11 “Your sacrifices
mean nothing to me.
I am sick of your offerings
of rams and choice cattle;
I don't like the blood
of bulls or lambs or goats.

12 “Who asked you to bring all this
when you come to worship me?
Stay out of my temple!
13 Your sacrifices are worthless,
and your incense disgusting.
I can't stand the evil you do
on your New Moon Festivals
or on your Sabbaths
and other times of worship.
14 I hate your New Moon Festivals
and all others as well.
They are a heavy burden
I am tired of carrying.

15 “No matter how much you pray,
I won't listen.
You are too violent.
16 Wash yourselves clean!
I hate your filthy deeds.
Stop doing wrong
17 and learn to live right.
See that justice is done.
Defend widows and orphans
and help the oppressed.”
An Invitation from the Lord
18 I, the Lord, invite you
to come and talk it over.
Your sins are scarlet red,
but they will be whiter
than snow or wool.
19 If you willingly obey me,
the best crops in the land
will be yours.
20 But if you turn against me,
your enemies will kill you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Condemns Jerusalem
21 Jerusalem, you are like
an unfaithful wife.
Once your judges were honest
and your people lived right;
now you are a city
full of murderers.
22 Your silver is fake,
and your wine
is watered down.
23 Your leaders have rejected me
to become friends of crooks;
your rulers are looking
for gifts and bribes.
Widows and orphans
never get a fair trial.

24 I am the Lord All-Powerful,
the mighty ruler of Israel,
and I make you a promise:
You are now my enemy,
and I will show my anger
by taking revenge on you.
25 I will punish you terribly
and burn away everything
that makes you unfit
to worship me.
26 Jerusalem, I will choose
judges and advisors
like those you had before.
Your new name will be
“Justice and Faithfulness.”
The Lord Will Save Jerusalem
27 Jerusalem, you will be saved
by showing justice;
Zion's people who turn to me
will be saved
by doing right.
28 But those rebellious sinners
who turn against me, the Lord,
will all disappear.

29 You will be made ashamed
of those groves of trees
where you worshiped idols.
30 You will be like a grove of trees
dying in a drought.
31 Your strongest leaders
will be like dry wood
set on fire by their idols.
No one will be able to help,
as they all go up in flames.