Osea ka Taezaro Yisaraele ri Tana Ayona
1 Ami lidri Yisaraele ro mìye riyä ko! Nyà'do ko yai'dwesi oso tu'dei azi ronye. Minarute ni Lu amiro resi ago misote lu awi vo. Nyùlute lu awi mätu ayani vo cini inya o'biro yasi! 2 Oko inya ndi ido ice idoro robe ojona ami ko, ago vino to'di a'dona i'do ämiri. 3 Lidri Yisaraele ro uninayi kote orine wari OPI roya; oko ogonayi 'da Ezipeto ya ago ànya onyanayi ŋgaonya se undiro iyi 'da Asaria ya. 4 Ànya uninayi kote vino ozone OPI ri ŋgapäṛi ro; ago ànya uninayi kote nda i'dwene tori oloro ezisi ndäri. Ŋgaonya ànyaro a'dona 'da oso ŋgaonya se anyate avo dri ronye o'bana 'dicini se kabe onyana 'do 'da undiro. Ŋgaonya ànyaro toto onyane täbiri ànyaro ufuza; oko ko azana ugune ŋgapäṛi ro Yekalu ya. 5 Ànya oyenayi e'di tu karama se aka'da be rosi, tu karama lämu'duro OPI ro rosi ya? 6 Ondro epere lidri te tu rritiro si oko, Ezipeto'bai otonayi kala ànyaro 'da, asena ànya 'da Memefisa ya! Lakazà ànyaro mo'di ro kaŋwa ombana 'da kigyesi ago kukyi obana 'da zoi boŋgoro ànyaro yasi.
7 Tu 'diezaro esate, tu tavologoro esate. Lidri Yisaraele ro unina 'da. Nyà ata mikye: “Nebi ono orivoya amama yi. Mano ta tori ro uniro ono drina enjirute.” Tana ya amiro orivoya osoro malomvo ago takozi amiro orivoya amba ndra. 8 Lu ezo ma nebi vookwa'ba ronye lidri Yisaraele ro lidri Lu maro ro ri. Caoko vose cini mabe aba kigyesi, nyòjote iba oyine märi oso arii ri ronye. Lidri a'dote orivoya kyila'baazi ro nebi ri Yekalu Lu modo roya. 9 Ànya enjiyi rute kozipara, kpa oso ànya be Gibea ya ronye. Lu oyina takozi ànyaro tana 'da ago ezana ànya 'da tana ro.
Takozi Yisaraele ro ndi Tase ka Oyebe A'done Tana ro be
10 OPI ekye: “Tuse musu Yisaraele be si, laba oso usu doŋgo kono robe vocowa ya ronye. Tuse käti mandre zutui amiro be si, labayi oso andre doŋgo käti kabe owa ice kyi'du ro dri tu owana rosi ronye. Oko ondro ànya kukyiyite 'Bereŋwa Peora roya oko, ànya etoyi Bala mätu te ago a'doyite ŋga koziro kpa oso lui se ànya kulube ana ronye. 11 A'do 'desi Yisaraele ro umuna 'da di oso ari ronye, ago ŋgwai utine ànyari i'do, 'ditoko ri a'done kovoro ro i'do, ŋgwà okwone i'do! 12 Aba ànya kecayi ŋgwai gica ombane 'desiro, mutufuna ànya kyiti ago me'bena alodi aza ko. Ànya a'donayi kandrakozi be ondro me'be ànya te iṛe owo.”
13 Mandre ŋgwai Yisaraele ro te, kayi oye todrane. Be Yisaraele ri ŋgwai ndaro ezine tufune. 14 Miye tase milebe oyene ànyari, OPI mi'ba ŋgwai ke'de ni 'ditoko ànyaro yasi ago bai ànyaro kose gbe!
Vureope OPI ro Yisaraele Lomvo
15 OPI ekye: “Taoye cini undiro ànyaro etote Gilegala ya; ya maro eto osote ànya lomvo ṛoni lau. Tana ta takozi se ànya koloyebe ana rota, manjana ànya 'da tesi ni wari maro yasi. Muluna ànya ko tona; tana dri'bai cini ànyaro ogbo'bai. 16 Lidri Yisaraele ro a'bite, ànya te oso ice se pajina kowite 'do ronye. Ànya a'donayi 'da ŋgwai ako, oko ondro ànya ka'do gica sina, mutufuna ŋgwai se ànya kulu tawi iyi 'da.”
Nebi ka Ta Ata ta Yisaraele rota
17 Lu maro ogana lidri Yisaraele ro 'da zo, tana ànya eriyi ta ndaro kote, ànya a'donayi 'da aba'bai ro tu'dei azi lakosi.
Israel Will Be Punished
1 Israel, don't celebrate
or make noisy shouts
like other nations.
You have been unfaithful
to your God.
Wherever grain is threshed,
you behave like prostitutes
because you enjoy
the money you receive.
2 But you will run short
of grain and wine,
3 and you will have to leave
the land of the Lord.
Some of you will go to Egypt;
others will go to Assyria
and eat unclean food.

4 You won't be able to offer
sacrifices of wine
to the Lord.
None of your sacrifices
will please him—
they will be unclean
like food offered to the dead.
Your food will only be used
to satisfy your hunger;
none of it will be brought
to the Lord's temple.
5 You will no longer be able
to celebrate the festival
of the Lord.
6 Even if you escape alive,
you will end up in Egypt
and be buried in Memphis.
Your silver treasures
will be lost among weeds;
thorns will sprout in your tents.

7 Israel, the time has come.
You will get what you deserve,
and you will know it.
“Prophets are fools,” you say.
“And God's messengers
are crazy.”
Your terrible guilt
has filled you with hatred.

8 Israel, the Lord sent me
to look after you.
But you trap his prophets
and flood his temple
with your hatred.
9 You are brutal and corrupt,
as were the men of Gibeah.
But God remembers your sin,
and you will be punished.
Sin's Terrible Results
10 Israel, when I, the Lord,
found you long ago
it was like finding
grapes in a barren desert
or tender young figs.
Then you worshiped Baal Peor,
that disgusting idol,
and you became as disgusting
as the idol you loved.

11 And so, Israel, your glory
will fly away like birds—
your women will no longer
be able to give birth.
12 Even if you do have children,
I will take them all
and leave you to mourn.
I will turn away,
and you will sink down
in deep trouble.
13 Israel, when I first met you,
I thought of you as palm trees
growing in fertile ground.
Now you lead your people out,
only to be slaughtered.
Hosea's Advice
14 Our Lord, do just one thing
for your people—
make their women unable
to have children
or to nurse their babies.
The Lord's Judgment on Israel
15 Israel, I first began
to hate you because
you did evil at Gilgal.
Now I will chase you
out of my house.
No longer will I love you;
your leaders betrayed me.
16 Israel, you are a vine
with dried-up roots
and fruitless branches.
Even if you had more children
and loved them dearly,
I would slaughter them all.
Hosea Warns Israel
17 Israel, you disobeyed my God.
Now he will force you to roam
from nation to nation.