1 Lidri Yisaraele ro kayi oso ŋgase takaci ako vo, ànya kayi oli 'buzelesi ro lanjana kitu zwi. Ŋgaodo ndi taoye kyila si be ka ugu liti ànya lako. Ànya kayi tadriole Asaria'bai be ago kayi ŋgalogye Ezipeto'bai be.”
2 OPI orivoya ta be lidri Yuda ro lomvo; nda ka oye kpa lidri Yisaraele ro ezane taloye ànyaro ro voro. Nda ozona päläti 'da ànyari taoye ànyaro voro. 3 Yakoba ye kyila te ädrupi ndaro lezoro Esau be ya endre ànyaro ro yasi; ondro Yakoba kombate oko, nda ye kyila te Lu be. 4 Yakoba furute malaika be ago pe ŋgateṛe. Nda liyite ago eji äṛu te. Lu ikyite nda re Betele ya ago atate nda be. 5 Ono ni OPI Lu Mbaraekye owo, ävuru ndaro ni OPI wo. 6 Ka'do inye yauono, ami zelevoi Yakoba ro, nyègo Lu amiro re. Nyà'do taoro be ago 'diri, ago nyòkote Lu amiro yaiŋgyi si 'duro.
Ata Amba Azaka Vureope ro
7 OPI ekye: “Ŋgalogye'bai Yisaraele ro kayi ŋgaojo kowesi; ànya luyi lidri oco. 8 Ànya kayi ata ekye: ‘Ama te orivoya ŋgaamba be. Mìliti ŋgaamba te ämäri. 'Diaza unina ko atane ekye mà'dote ŋgaamba be ta'diriako si.’ 9 Ma, OPI Lu amiro molofo ami ni Ezipeto yasi; màgo ma'bana ami 'da orine zoi boŋgo ro yasi kpa to'di, oso tuse mikyibe amire vocowa ya ana ronye.
10 “Matate nebii ri ago maka'da rulofo amba te ànyari, ago mozo ŋgaemba te lidri maro ri nebii si. 11 Aye takozi te Gilada ya, ago ànya se koyeyibe kai todranayi 'da. Otola 'daŋgoi te tori ro Gilegala ya, oko vo tori oloro ànyaro se lau iyi a'dona 'da oso kuni lodro lodroro ämvu se asobe yasi ya ronye.”
12 Zutu amaro Yakoba mute Mesopotamia ya, nda indurute ta toko rota, nda lekye timele te ta toko ogyero ta. 13 Lu lofo lidri Yisaraele ro te ni Ezipeto yasi ago nebi si nda ndrevo ànyaro te. 14 Lidri Yisaraele ro 'ba OPI te kyilaro amba; ta taenji ànyaro rota ta'doro ànya ojoyi odra be. OPI ezana ànya 'da ta takozi se ànya koyeyibe ana rota.
1 All day long Israel chases
wind from the desert;
deceit and violence
are found everywhere.
Treaties are made with Assyria;
olive oil is taken to Egypt.
Israel and Judah Condemned
2 The Lord also brings charges
against the people of Judah,
the descendants of Jacob.
He will punish them
for what they have done.
3 Even before Jacob was born,
he cheated his brother,
and when he grew up,
he fought against God.

4 At Bethel, Jacob wrestled
with an angel and won;
then with tears in his eyes,
he asked for a blessing,
and God spoke to us there.
5 God's name is the Lord,
the Lord God All-Powerful.
6 So return to your God.
Patiently trust him,
and show love and justice.

7 Israel, you enjoy cheating
and taking advantage
of others.
8 You say to yourself, “I'm rich!
I earned it all on my own,
without committing a sin.”
The Lord Is Still the God of Israel
9 Israel, I, the Lord,
am still your God,
just as I have been
since the time
you were in Egypt.
Now I will force you
to live in tents once again,
as you did in the desert.
10 I spoke to the prophets—
often I spoke in visions.
And so, I will send my prophets
with messages of doom.
11 Gilead is terribly sinful
and will end up ruined.
Bulls are sacrificed in Gilgal
on altars made of stones,
but those stones will be scattered
in every field.
12 Jacob escaped to Syria
where he tended sheep
to earn himself a wife.
13 I sent the prophet Moses
to lead Israel from Egypt
and to keep them safe.
14 Israel, I will make you pay
for your violent crimes
and for insulting me.