Ata Lu ro Ŋgwa Ndaro si
1 Tu kyeno si Lu atate zutui amaro ri tuna amba ago liti amba yasi nebii si, 2 oko tu äduro kwoi si nda atate ämäri Ŋgwa ndaro si. Nda si a'ba 'bädri te, se Lu konji nda be a'done drimbi'ba ŋga cini ro tu äduro si owo. 3 Nda kani lägu ŋgaeyi Lu ro ro ka'da ago a'dona gi gya oso Lu modo ka'dobe ronye, ka ugu 'bädri ätini ata mbaraekye ndaro si. Lidri e'be takozi ta ondena vosi oko, nda rite vuru vo'buyakuru ya drígwo Lu Mbarapara roya.
A'do 'Desi Parandra Ŋgwa Lu ro ro
4 A'ba Ŋgwa te ndrani malaikai drisi, ävuru se Lu kozobe ndäri kpa ndrani ànyaro drisi. 5 Tana Lu ata kote alona malaika alo aza ndaro ri ekye:
“Mi orivoya Ŋgwa maro;
ondro ono ma'dote Täpi miro.”
Ca Lu ata ta malaika alo aza ro kote ekye:
“Ma'dona 'da Täpi ndaro,
ago nda a'dona 'da Ŋgwa maro.”
6 Oko ondro Lu kate oye Ŋgwa ndaro ezone utine Ŋgwa kayo ro 'bädri ya oko, nda atate ekye:
“Malaikai Lu ro vona cini beṛo nda mätune.”
7 Oko ta malaikai rota Lu atate ekye:
“Lu 'ba malaikai ndaro te oso oli ronye,
ago ruindu'bai ndaro te oso leko asi ro ronye.”
8 Ta Ŋgwa rota, caoko, Lu atate ekye:
“Äye Lu, miri 'bädri'ba miro ro orina 'da äduako ago äduako!
Nya lidri miro mirina taŋgye si.
9 Nya tase ŋgye lu ago ya miro osoro ŋgase orivoya koziro lomvo.
'Doni tase Lu, Lu miro konji mibe tana ro
ago ko'debe riyä taoro ro ozone ndra miri
ni se nda kozobe azii miro ri drisi owo.”
10 Nda ata kpate ekye:
“Mi, Opi, etosi mi'ba 'bädri te,
ago drí modo miro rosi mi'ba vo'buyakuru te.
11 Ànya a'dona 'da i'do, oko mirina 'da;
ànya a'dona 'da uku ro oso boŋgo ronye.
12 Nyepana ànya 'da oso dhudhu ronye,
ago otozana ànya 'da oso boŋgo ronye.
Oko mi orivoya ondoalo drí alo dri,
ago ori miro äduna i'do alona.”
13 Lu ata kote malaikai alo aza ndaro ri ekye:
“Miri noŋwa drígwo maro ya
madale ma'bana kyila'baazii miro lutu
oso kotopa ronye pa miro zele.”
14 'Dooko malaikai ni e'diyi ya? Ànya orivoya torii se kabe ruindu Lu ri ago nda zote ànya se kabe ŋgaoparo uru opane.
1 Long ago in many ways and at many times God's prophets spoke his message to our ancestors. 2 But now at last, God sent his Son to bring his message to us. God created the universe by his Son, and everything will someday belong to the Son. 3 God's Son has all the brightness of God's own glory and is like him in every way. By his own mighty word, he holds the universe together.
After the Son had washed away our sins, he sat down at the right side of the glorious God in heaven. 4 He had become much greater than the angels, and the name he was given is far greater than any of theirs.
God's Son Is Greater than Angels
5 God has never said
to any of the angels,
“You are my Son, because today
I have become your Father!”
Neither has God said
to any of them,
“I will be his Father,
and he will be my Son!”

6 When God brings his first-born Son into the world, he commands all of his angels to worship him.
7 And when God speaks about the angels, he says,

“I change my angels into wind
and my servants
into flaming fire.”

8 But God says about his Son,

“You are God,
and you will rule
as King forever!
Your royal power
brings about justice.
9 You loved justice
and hated evil,
and so I, your God,
have chosen you.
I appointed you
and made you happier
than any of your friends.”

10 The Scriptures also say,

“In the beginning, Lord,
you were the one
who laid the foundation
of the earth
and created the heavens.
11 They will all disappear
and wear out like clothes,
but you will last forever.
12 You will roll them up
like a robe
and change them
like a garment.
But you are always the same,
and you will live forever.”

13 God never said to any
of the angels,
“Sit at my right side
until I make your enemies
into a footstool for you!”

14 Angels are merely spirits sent to serve people who are going to be saved.