1 Ono ni orivoya lazo se OPI kolofobe nebi Abakuku ri owo.
Driovi Abakuku ro ta Taŋgyeako rota
2 Äye OPI, mayona drî miri ta ŋgaopa rota tuna mu'du eŋwanye teinye miri ma eri ako ya? Kode miliyina miri ta drikyitri rota tuna mu'du eŋwanye teinye miri ama opaako ya? 3 Mi'ba ma gwo ŋgakozi ago rriti nonye ono ondrene etaya? Ŋgapere ndi drikyitri be orivoya gbikyi ma lomvosi, ago kyila oye ndi kalaope be orivoya vocini yasi. 4 Ta'dota ota te orivoya losiako, ago aye taŋgye kote alona. Takozi'bai muyidri taŋgye'bai rote, ago enji taŋgye te.
Talogo OPI ro
5 'Dooko OPI atate lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Mìndre tu'dei se gbikyi kadri, nyà'dona ndi larolaro ro tase nyàbe ondrena tana ro. Tana ma oye ŋga aza oyene tu amiro si se nyèri tana bete mìnina ko tana omane. 6 Ma mbara ozo Babelona'bai ri, lidri se orivoya siomba be ago loliako iyi. Ànya kayi ugu voosi 'bädri cini yasi warii se ko ànyaro urune. 7 Ànya orivoya lidri se koziro ago turine turi yi, ago driuŋgyi ànyaro si ànya orivoya ota yi andivo ànyaro ri.
8 “Farasi ànyaro ŋguna ndrani kaai drisi, ozina ndrani ihwi se täbiriro drisi. Farasi'bai ànyaro kayi eziimu; kayi eziimu ni wari lozo yasi; farasii ànyaro tupi gyini gi tupi. Ànya kayi ezi eli oso ägyiribi kabe eli iza osone 'do ronye.
9 “Kyila'bai ànyaro cini kayi ikyi kyila oye, ago ànya kayite ikyi oko, turina so lidri cini te. Kamba'bai ànyaro orivoya lowaro oso siŋgwa ronye. 10 Ànya yeyi 'bädri'bai ro taoroakosi ago guyi dri'bai ṛo ugu. Tiṛi obeobero mbaraekye unina ko ànya lagane, ànya njoyi gyini te donjo lomvoigyesi uruzana. 11 'Dooko ànya liyite oso oli ronye ago oyiyite, lidri se taenjibe kwoi lu ànyaro ni mbara ànyaro.”
Driovi Abakuku ro OPI ri Kpa To'di
12 Inye'do mi ṛoko äduako ya OPI Lu maro, Lu alokado maro. Ämäri odrane i'do. Mi OPI minji Babelona'bai te vure amaro opene ago mi gaga'ba mi'ba ànya te ama ezane. 13 Mi miro orivoya wäṛiro, mile ko taundi ondrene; ago mileko ŋgakozi ondrene. Tana e'di mileko lidri se ta'diriako ondrene ugu takozi oyevoya niya? Tana e'di nya'do gwo titiitiro ànya kayibe ugu lidri se taŋgye'bai ro ndrani ànya drisi ono tufuna ta ya?
14 Miyena lidri gwo oso ti'bi gyi'desi ro, kode oso ciciŋwà se tegategaŋwa se teinye iyi miri'ba ako iyi ronye eŋwanyeya? 15 Babelona'bai kayi lidri uru moŋgo si, ago kayi ànya ese kyimba si ago kayi otre riyä si ta ànya ururo ta! 16 Ta'doro ànya kayi kyimba ànyaro mätuna ago kayi kpa toriolo ànyari, tana kyimba ànyaro kani ànya o'ba orine kadoro ndi ŋgaonya toco be.
17 Inye'do ànya kayi oye ugu 'di togane bando ànyaro si rriro ago ugu tu'dei tufune teinye yauniako ya?
1 I am Habakkuk the prophet. And this is the message that the Lord gave me.
Habakkuk Complains to the Lord
2 Our Lord, how long must I beg
for your help
before you listen?
How long before you save us
from all this violence?
3 Why do you make me watch
such terrible injustice?
Why do you allow violence,
lawlessness, crime, and cruelty
to spread everywhere?
4 Laws cannot be enforced;
justice is always the loser;
criminals crowd out honest people
and twist the laws around.
The Lord Answers Habakkuk
5 Look and be amazed
at what's happening
among the nations!
Even if you were told,
you would never believe
what's taking place now.
6 I am sending the Babylonians.
They are fierce and cruel—
marching across the land,
conquering cities and towns.

7 How fearsome and frightening.
Their only laws and rules
are the ones they make up.
8 Their cavalry troops are faster
than leopards,
more ferocious than wolves
hunting at sunset,
and swifter than hungry eagles
suddenly swooping down.

9 They are eager to destroy,
and they gather captives
like handfuls of sand.
10 They make fun of rulers
and laugh at fortresses,
while building dirt mounds
so they can capture cities.
11 Then suddenly they disappear
like a gust of wind—
those sinful people who worship
their own strength.
Habakkuk Complains Again
12 Holy Lord God, mighty rock,
you are eternal,
and we are safe from death.
You are using those Babylonians
to judge and punish others.
13 But you can't stand sin or wrong.
So don't sit by in silence
while they gobble up people
who are better than they are.

14 The people you put on this earth
are like fish or reptiles
without a leader.
15 Then an enemy comes along
and takes them captive
with hooks and nets.
It makes him so happy
16 that he offers sacrifices
to his fishing nets,
because they make him rich
and provide choice foods.
17 Will he keep hauling in his nets
and destroying nations
without showing mercy?