Paulo ndi Lazo'bai Azi be
1 Ndroa 'butealo fosu vosi moyite kovole Yerusalema ya Baranaba be, märu Tito te tro ma be. 2 Moyite tana Lu ka'da ta te märi ekye beṛo märi oyine. Rudro'be iṛero dri'bai be si medretazevo lazokado se mapebe Atrai ri ana rote. Male ko losi maro se kyeno kode yauono ri edrene. 3 Azi maro Tito, nda ca orivoya Giriki yi, igbiri kote olone ŋbiṛiro, 4 azakana koleyi ca oyene inye owo. Lidri azaka se yeyi iyi te oso taoma'bai azi ronye eciyite gboko amaro ya kugu ro oso vomari'bai ronye, tana ekye dritai se mà'dobe sina rudro'be Kristo Yesu be si ono yusu vona robe. Ànya leyite ama o'bane iyeäṛii ro Ota Yudai ro ri, 5 oko ta taŋgye lazokado ro ätiro ta ämiri, mòzovo kote ànyari ca saa giṛiŋwa ya ànyari ca saa menyeŋwa ya.
6 Oko dri'bai se kalandrebe tapara ro kwoi, a'do se ànya ka'do be a'do toto na i'do märi, Lu pe vure ko a'do tesi si lomvo ro voro, ma ata makye dri'bai se kai adroayi ŋga aza kote lazo alokado se mabe opena dri. 7 Oko to ni 'do ri, ànya ndreyite anjioko Lu ozo losi ugu lazokado opero Atrai ri te märi, kpa oso nda kozo losi ugu lazokado opero Yudai ri te Petero ri ronye. 8 Tana mbara Lu rosi a'ba ma te lazo'ba ro Atrai ri, kpa oso a'ba Petero te lazo'ba ro Yudai ri ronye. 9 Yakoba, Petero, ago Yoane se andrete dri'bai ro kwoi, ndreyite anjioko Lu ozo losi ndra ono te märi, ànya kandayi drí Baranaba ndi mabe rote, taka'daro ro anjioko ama orivoya lazo'bai azi yi. Màle tadrite anjioko ma ndi Baranaba be ri losi oyene Atrai lako ago ànyari oyene Yudai lako. 10 Tase ànya kejiyibe anjioko ekye beṛo ämäri ta ati'bai se gboko ànyaro ya oyine, se ṛo orivoya ni ŋgase modona ma'do beṛo nja oyene owo.
Paulo Luku Petero te Anetiokia ya
11 Oko ondro Petero kikyite Anetiokia ya oko, muluku nda te miamba ya, tana nda yetate koziro. 12 Teinye drigba dri lidri se azaka Yakoba kozobe kai ri esa ako lau, Petero ugu ŋgaonya te ädrupii se Atrai robe. Oko esa lidri kwoi ro vosi, nda eŋgyerute kovole ago le kote ŋgaonyane Atrai be tana nda orivoya turiro ni ànya se kulu ànya olo ŋbiṛiro be ri. 13 Yudai azaka ädrupii ro etoyi taoye kpate turi si tro Petero be; ago ca Baranaba naru kpate taoye turi si ànyaro 'do si. 14 Ondro mandrete ànya uguyi aba kote liti ŋgye lazokado ro yasi oko, matate Petero ri ànya cini milesi makye: “Mi orivoya Yuda yi caoko nya ori oso Atra ronye ko oso Yuda ronye. Ka'do inye nyojona eŋwanye Atrai gbirine orine oso Yudai ronye ya?”
Yudai ndi Atrai be Apate Taoma si
15 Endaro, ama orivoya Yudai uti yasi, ago ko “Atrai takozi'bai,” oso äzi ànya be ronye. 16 Caoko mä̀ni ndi anjioko a'ba lidri te ŋgye Lu be gialo taoma Yesu Kristo ya si, ko tase Ota kolebe ugu oyena si. Ama, kpa, màmate Yesu Kristo ya tana a'ba ama robe ŋgye Lu be taoma amaro Kristo ya si, ago ko tase Ota kolebe ugu oyena si. Tana a'ba 'diaza kote ŋgye Lu be tase Ota kolebe ugu oyena si. 17 Ondro, ka'do, mà ojo ama o'bane ŋgye Lu be rudro'be amaro Kristo be si, ago usu ama bete orivoya takozi'bai ro kpa oso Atrai ronye, inye'do Kristo ka tadri takozi ro olena ya? Ko inye! 18 Ondro ka'do mago mamo ŋgase mepere be te, 'dooko maka'da andivo maro te a'done 'dise kabe Ota pere ro. 19 Caoko, ta Ota rota, ma orivoya avo yi, äfute Ota andivona si, tana yauono mari robe Lu ri. Oto ma te Kristo be taka ndaro dri, 20 ago caoko ma kote ni ori, oko Kristo kate ni ori ma ya. Ori se mabe orina yauono, ma ori taoma Ŋgwa Lu ro yasi, se kulu ma be ago ozo adri ndaro te ta maro ta ono. 21 Maga tai'dwero Lu ro ko zo. Oko ondro a'ba 'diaza te ŋgye Lu be Ota si, 'dooko Kristo dra iro te awi.
1 Fourteen years later I went to Jerusalem with Barnabas. I also took along Titus. 2 But I went there because God had told me to go, and I explained the good news I had been preaching to the Gentiles. Then I met privately with the ones who seemed to be the most important leaders. I wanted to make sure my work in the past and my future work would not be for nothing.
3 Titus went to Jerusalem with me. He was a Greek, but still he wasn't forced to be circumcised. 4 We went there because of those who pretended to be followers and had sneaked in among us as spies. They had come to take away the freedom Christ Jesus had given us, and they were trying to make us their slaves. 5 But we wanted you to have the true message. This is why we didn't give in to them, not even for a second.
6 Some of them were supposed to be important leaders, but I didn't care who they were. God doesn't have any favorites! None of these so-called special leaders added anything to my message. 7 They realized God had sent me with the good news for Gentiles, and he had sent Peter with the same message for Jews. 8 God, who had sent Peter on a mission to the Jews, was now using me to preach to the Gentiles.
9 James, Peter, and John realized that God had given me the message about his gift of undeserved grace. And these men are supposed to be the backbone of the church. They even gave Barnabas and me a friendly handshake. This was to show that we would work with Gentiles and that they would work with Jews. 10 They only asked us to remember the poor, and this was something I had always been eager to do.
Paul Corrects Peter at Antioch
11 When Peter came to Antioch, I told him face to face that he was wrong. 12 He used to eat with Gentile followers of the Lord, until James sent some Jewish followers. Peter was afraid of the Jews and soon stopped eating with Gentiles. 13 He and the others hid their true feelings so well that even Barnabas was fooled. 14 But when I saw they were not really obeying the truth that is in the good news, I corrected Peter in front of everyone and said:
Peter, you are a Jew, but you live like a Gentile. So how can you force Gentiles to live like Jews?
15 We are Jews by birth and are not sinners like Gentiles. 16 But we know that God accepts only those who have faith in Jesus Christ. No one can please God by simply obeying the Law. So we put our faith in Christ Jesus, and God accepted us because of our faith.
17 When we Jews started looking for a way to please God, we discovered that we are sinners too. Does this mean that Christ is the one who makes us sinners? No, it doesn't! 18 But if I tear down something and then build it again, I prove that I was wrong at first. 19 It was the Law itself that killed me and freed me from its power, so I could live for God.
I have been nailed to the cross with Christ. 20 I have died, but Christ lives in me. And I now live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me. 21 I don't turn my back on God's gift of undeserved grace. If we can be acceptable to God by obeying the Law, it was useless for Christ to die.