Eza Yerusalema te
1 Meri OPI trete ekye: “Nyìkyi noŋwa, ami se nyà oyebe ukyine 'bakici ono ezane ono. Mìru ŋga kyila ro amiro kpa.” 2 Dori lidri njidrialo ikyiyite ni dereŋwa kurule si mä'dudrisi yasi, ànya cini ruyi ŋga kyila ro te kpa. Manoaza boŋgo 'bilindriro be orivoya ànya lako, ru ŋga taegyiro aza te. Ànya ikyiyite ago edreyite vo tori oloro atala ro lomvo.
3 'Dooko ŋgaeyi a'do Lu Yisaraele ro lau ana ro efote ni malaikai vookwaro resi, ni vo ana yasi, ago swete ecivo Yekalu roya. OPI zi mano se boŋgo 'bilindriro be ana te ago atate ekye: 4 “Nyoyi gbikyi 'bakici Yerusalema ro yasi ago nyegyi ta militi 'dicini se gboroto be ago rritiro iyi ro yasi ta tase konjiekye ayebe 'bakici ana ya ana rota.”
5 Ago meri Lu atate 'di azaka ri ekye: “Mìso nda vo gbikyi 'bakici yasi, ago nyùgu 'ditufu. Nyè'be 'diaza ko; ago nyà'do ko yauni be 'diaza ri. 6 Nyùtufu 'diodeodero, agoànji ro, ndiriŋwa ro, ŋgàga giṛiŋwà ndi 'ditoko be. Oko mìdo 'dise egyi ta be militina ya iyi ko. Nyèto ro ni Yekalu maro ya noŋwa.” Ta'dota ànya etoyite dri'bai se kedreyibe Yekalu ya lau kayi yasi.
7 Lu atate ànyari ekye: “Nyènji Yekalu. Mì'ba goko na koga twi avo si. Nyèto losi teri!” 'Dooko ànya etoyi lidri tufu te 'bakici yasi.
8 Ondro ate ugu 'ditufu oko, e'be mate iṛe lau. Mevo andivo maro te militi si vuru gyini dri ago matrete makye: “Äye OPI Mbarapara, inye'do nya'dote kyilaro ndra Yerusalema be ago nya oyete 'dicini se e'bebe Yisaraele ya ono tufune kpeye kyila miro si ya?”
9 'Dooko Lu zatadrite märi ekye: “Lidri Yisaraele ro ndi Yuda robe orivoya taenji takozi para ro be. Ànya tufuyi 'di te wari ono yasi gbikyi ago 'bayi Yerusalema te a'done twi taŋgyeako be. Tana ànya atayite ekye ma, OPI, me'be 'bädri ànyaro te ago mandre ànya kote. 10 Oko mänina kote ànya e'bene kode a'done yauni be ànyari; mayena ta kpa ànyari oso ànya koyeyibe azii ri ronye.”
11 'Dooko mano se boŋgo rendelero be ana egote ititate OPI ri ekye: “Màye ta cini te oso nyozo ota na be ronye.”
The Lord Gives the Command To Punish Jerusalem
1 After that, I heard the Lord shout, “Come to Jerusalem, you men chosen to destroy the city. And bring your weapons!”
2 I saw six men come through the north gate of the temple, each one holding a deadly weapon. A seventh man dressed in a linen robe was with them, and he was carrying things to write with. The men went into the temple and stood by the bronze altar.
3 The brightness of God's glory then left its place above the statues of the winged creatures inside the temple and moved to the entrance. The Lord said to the man in the linen robe, 4 “Walk through the city of Jerusalem and mark the forehead of anyone who is truly upset and sad about the terrible things that are being done here.”
5-6 He turned to the other six men and said, “Follow him and put to death everyone who doesn't have a mark on their forehead. Show no mercy or pity! Kill men and women, parents and children. Begin here at my temple, but be sure not to harm those who are marked.”
The men immediately killed the leaders who were standing there.
7 Then the Lord said, “Pollute the temple by piling the dead bodies in the courtyards. Now get busy!” They left and started killing the people of Jerusalem.
8 I was then alone, so I bowed down and cried out to the Lord, “Why are you doing this? Are you so angry with the people of Jerusalem that everyone must die?”
9 The Lord answered, “The people of Israel and Judah have done horrible things. Their country is filled with murderers, and Jerusalem itself is filled with violence. They think that I have deserted them, and that I can't see what they are doing. 10 And so I will not have pity on them or forgive them. They will be punished for what they have done.”
11 Just then, the man in the linen robe returned and said, “I have done what you commanded.”