Ŋgaäṛu Lu ro Yisaraele ri
1 OPI atate ekye: “Mi ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ago nyata 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro lomvo ago nyata mikye ami 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro nyèri lazo OPI ro, 2 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: Kyila'baazii Yisaraele ro guyite ekye: ‘Yauono lutui se kyeno iyi te amaro!’
3 “Ka'do inye, nyäŋgu ta, ago nyayo tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana ono mikye tu'dei se oriazii ro iyi 'bayi mi te a'done tandro ro ago topayi mi te lamadri cini yasi, nya'do te wari tu'dei azaka ro ago lidri gu mite ago lo'dayi mi te. 4 Ta'dota yauono nyeri tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana ono ami 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro. Ma OPI Mbarapara ma ata 'bereŋwai ndi lutui be ri, goloŋwai 'bo'boŋwai ndi vodelero be ri, ami voi se e'bete tandro ro ago awi iyi ri, ndi ami 'bakicii se eperete se otopa ŋgana te ago tu'dei se gbikyi iyi kamawoyite iyi ri.
5 “Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matate yaoso kyila maro rosi koziro tu'dei se gbikyi ono ri, ago para ndrana Edoma ri. Ànya ruyi wari maro te ànyari riyä amba si ago yaoso si, ànya nyite ago enjiyite.
6 “Ta'dota nyäŋguta ta wari Yisaraele ro rota; ago nyata ta 'bereŋwai, lutui, goloŋwai, ndi vodelero cini be ri tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana yaoko si kyila si ono, tana nyèzaru teni la'da tu'dei ro ri. 7 Ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma tao'ba lämu'duro o'bana anjioko olo'dana tu'dei se gbikyi iyi kpa 'da. 8 Oko ice se 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro dri iyi ogo orona kyibi 'da ago owana doŋgo 'da lidri maro Yisaraele ro ri, tana ànya ka oyete egone ndriro 'bäru. 9 Tana ma orivoya amiro ago mazana ma 'da ami resi, ago asona ŋga 'da wari amiro ya kpa to'dina ago arina kwari 'da kigye. 10 Ma'bana lidri cini Yisaraele ro 'da litine. Mìrina 'da 'bakicii yasi ago mìgo mìbena vo cini se e'bete tandro ro iyi 'da. 11 Ma'bana lidri ndi koronyai be 'da litine amba. Ànya a'dona amba ago litinayi 'da nyalakpa. Ma'bana ami 'da orine lau oso se nyà'do be ṛo orivoya kyeno lau ana ronye. Ago mayena ta kado ndi ämiri ndrani se käti ana risi. 'Dooko mìnina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 12 Ma'bana ami, lidri maro Yisaraele ro 'da abane wari ono yasi; ànya urunayi wari ono 'da ago a'dona te ànyaro. Ago ànya unina kote a'done ŋgàga ako.
13 “Ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma ata makye: Lidri ka ata ekye mi wari ono nya lidri onya, ago nya tu'de ono o'bana a'done ŋgàga ako. 14 Oko etoni yau wari ono unina kote lidri onyane ago unina kote a'done ŋgàga ako. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. 15 Ma'bana wari ono kote tu'dei ri ugune kode a'done driupiro ni ànyari. Wari ono unina kote tu'de ono o'bane o'dene ma, OPI Mbarapara matani.”
Ori To'di Yisaraele ro
16 OPI atate märi ekye: 17 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, tuse Yisaraele'bai koriyibe wari ànyaro ya si, ànya enjiyite ori ndi taoye ànyaro be si. Mandrebe taoye ànyaro labate undiro oso toko se tu la'bi anyaro rosi 'do ronye. 18 Ta'dota ma'ba ànya tämbiyi mbara kyila maro ro te tana ta 'ditufu se ànya kutufuyibe wari ono ya ago tana ta lui edeedero se ànya kenjiyi wari ono be sina ono rota. 19 Mape vure ànyaro te ta oriro ànyaro ago taloye ànyaro kigyesi ana rota, ago mepere ànya te 'bädrii atrai ro yasi. 20 Oko tu'dei cini se ànya koyiyibe kigye yasi, ànya enjiyi ävuru alokado maro te, tana lidri kate ata ekye: Kwoi orivoya lidri OPI ro caoko ànya oyiyite ni wari OPI ro yasi. 21 Ta 'do 'ba mate ta ävuru alokado maro ro usune, se Yisaraele'bai eziyi liku kozi te driigye tu'dei cini se ànya koyiyibe kigye iyi yasi.
22 “Ka'do inye, nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri lazo se ma, OPI Mbarapara ma'dobe sina ono se ekye: Tase ma oyebe oyene ono tana di ko ami lidri Yisaraele ro, oko ta ävuru alokado maro rota ayani, se nyenjite 'bädri se cini nyoyibe kigye iyi yasi. 23 Maka'dana a'do alokado ävuru 'desi maro, se nyènjibe tu'dei lakosi ono 'da, 'dooko tu'dei uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani, ondro aka'da a'do maro alokado ono te tu'dei ri ami si owo. 24 Märuna ami 'da ni tu'dei cini yasi ago motona kala amiro 'da ni 'bädri cini yasi ago mezina ami 'da kovole wari modo amiro roya. 25 Muluvuna gyi wäṛiro 'da ami drisi ago nya'dona 'da wäṛiro ni ŋgase cini undiro iyi ri ago ni lui edeedero amiro iyi risi. 26 Mozona ya to'di 'da ämiri ndi tausu to'di be. Manana ya taeriako ro amiro ono 'da ago mozona ya taoro ro 'da ämiri. 27 Ma'bana tori maro 'da ami ya ago ma'bana ami 'da ota maro orone ago tase cini mara tana be ämiri iyi ätine. 28 'Dooko mirina 'da wari se mozobe zutui amiro ri ono ya. Nyà'dona 'da lidri maro, ago ma'dona 'da Lu amiro. 29 Mapana ami 'da ni a'do cini amiro undiro ri, ago mozona ota 'da inya ri a'done nyalakpa, ago mä'bu ri a'done ämidri te i'do. 30 Ma'bana ice doŋgo amiro ro 'da a'done amba ago doŋgo owane nyalakpa, ukyi mä'bu a'do 'da ami lako ami o'bane liku kozi be tu'dei lako. 31 'Dooko mìyina taoye se koziro mìyebe ndi taenji se mìyebe iyi be tana 'da, ago nyòkozina andivo amiro 'da ta takozi ndi konji amiro be rota. 32 Ma'ba unine ämiri, tase cini mabe oyena ono tana di ko ami. Nyà'do driupi ro ago liku koziro be ta tase nyàbe oyena iyi rota. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.”
33 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Ondro ma'ba ami te a'done wäṛiro ni takozi amiro risi oko, ma'bana ami 'da ogo orine 'bakicii amiro yasi kpa to'dina ago ma'bana mìbena tandroi 'da. 34 Mìgo mìsona wari amiro se awi lowo ro iyi 'da, ogo unina kote a'done vocowa ro lidri se kabe lävu nasi kai ri ondrene. 35 'Dicini atana 'da ekye wari se, sedri vocowa ro ono, go a'dote oso Ämvu Edene ro ronye, ago 'bakicii se awi, tandro ro ago eperete iyi yauono lidri rite kigye ago abete tiṛi ṛatararo si. 36 'Dooko tu'dei se e'bebe gbikyi ami lomvosi iyi uninayi 'da anjioko ma, OPI, mabe 'bakicii se tandro ro iyi ni ago mago maso ämvu se te vocowa ro iyi ni. Ma, OPI, matani ago mayena ta ono ndi.”
37 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Mago ma'bana Yisaraele'bai 'da kpa to'dina ma ejine ta ono oyene ànyari; ànya o'bane litine oso gboko timele ro ronye. 38 'Bakicii se yauono orivoya tandro ro iyi ogo a'dona 'da lidri be amba oso Yerusalema kyenona ka'dobe twi timele se alote tori ro tu karama rosi iyi ronye. 'Dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
A Message for Israel's Mountains
1 The Lord said:
Ezekiel, son of man, tell the mountains of Israel 2 that I, the Lord God, am saying:
Your enemies sneered and said that you mountains belonged to them. 3 They ruined and crushed you from every side, and foreign nations captured and made fun of you. 4 So all you mountains and hills, streams and valleys, listen to what I will do. Your towns may now lie in ruins, and nations may laugh and insult you. 5 But in my fierce anger, I will turn against those nations, and especially the Edomites, because they laughed at you the loudest and took over your pasturelands. 6 You have suffered long enough, and, I, the Lord God, am very angry! Nations have insulted you, 7 so I will now insult and disgrace them. That is my solemn promise.
8 Trees will grow on you mountains of Israel and produce fruit for my people, because they will soon come home. 9 I will take care of you by plowing your soil and planting crops on your fertile slopes. 10 The people of Israel will return and rebuild your ruined towns and live in them. 11 Children will be born, and animals will give birth to their young. You will no longer be deserted as you are now, but you will be covered with people and treated better than ever. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
12 I will bring my people Israel home, and they will live on you mountains, because you belong to them, and your fertile slopes will never again let them starve. 13 It's true that you have been accused of not producing enough food and of letting your people starve. 14-15 But I, the Lord, promise that you won't hear other nations laugh and sneer at you ever again. From now on, you will always produce plenty of food for your people. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
The Lord Will Be Honored
16 The Lord said:
17 Ezekiel, son of man, when the people of Israel were living in their own country, they made the land unclean by the way they behaved, just as a woman's monthly period makes her unclean. 18 They committed murders and worshiped idols, which made the land even worse. So in my anger, I punished my people 19 and scattered them throughout the nations, just as they deserved. 20 Wherever they went, my name was disgraced, because foreigners insulted my people by saying I had forced them out of their own land.
21 I care what those foreigners think of me, 22 so tell the Israelites that I am saying:
You have disgraced my holy name among the nations where you now live. So you don't deserve what I'm going to do for you. I will lead you home to bring honor to my name 23 and to show foreign nations that I am holy. Then they will know that I am the Lord God. I have spoken.
24 I will gather you from the foreign nations and bring you home. 25 I will sprinkle you with clean water, and you will be clean and acceptable to me. I will wash away everything that makes you unclean, and I will remove your disgusting idols. 26 I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts, 27 because I will put my Spirit in you and make you eager to obey my laws and teachings. 28 You will once again live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God.
29 I will protect you from anything that makes you unclean. Your fields will overflow with grain, and no one will starve. 30 Your trees will be filled with fruit, and crops will grow in your fields, so that you will never again feel ashamed for not having enough food. 31 You will remember your evil ways and hate yourselves for what you've done. 32 People of Israel, I'm not doing these things for your sake. You sinned against me, and you must suffer shame and disgrace for what you have done. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
33 After I have made you clean, I will let you rebuild your ruined towns and let you live in them. 34 Your land will be plowed again, and nobody will be able to see that it was once barren. 35 Instead, they will say that it looks as beautiful as the garden of Eden. They won't see towns lying in ruins, but they will see your strong cities filled with people. 36 Then the nearby nations that survive will know that I am the one who rebuilt the ruined places and replanted the barren fields. I, the Lord, make this promise.
37 I will once again answer your prayers, and I will let your nation grow until you are like a large flock of sheep. 38 The towns that now lie in ruins will be filled with people, just as Jerusalem was once filled with sheep to be offered as sacrifices during a festival. Then you will know that I am the Lord.