Taäŋgu Koziro Ezipeto Lomvo
1 U'du 'butealo foritu imba 'butealo ndroa 'butealo oyi amaro vomidiro ya rosi oko, OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro driro ago nyayo ta koziro nda lomvo ndi wari cini Ezipeto robe. 3 Nyata mikye ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: Ma orivoya kyilaro mibe, mi igyi'daŋgo 'desi 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro se kabe, u'du golo ya ono. Nya ata mikye Naile orivoya iro ago yi'ba ni. 4 Ma oye moŋgo oyine äbi käŋbä miro yasi ago ma oye ti'bi se golo miro ya 'do o'bane lebene akpe milomvo. 'Dooko mesena mi 'da tesi ni Naile yasi, ti'bi se cini kelebe be milomvo iyi be. 5 Mavona mi ndi ti'bi se kwoi be 'da vocowa ya. Avo miro ndi avo ti'bii golo miro robe o'dena 'da gyini dri ago e'bena 'da oseako. Mozona 'da arii ndi koronyai be ri ŋgaonya ro. 6 'Dooko lidri cini Ezipeto ro uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
OPI ka ata ekye: “Ŋgaopa amiro lidri Yisaraele ro ri a'dote oso dofo se mbarako 'do ronye. 7 Ondro ànya kuruyi mite oko, nyalaŋgote ago miso depere ànyaro te. Ago ondro ànya kediyi rute midri oko, nyalagyote ago mi'ba kundu ànyaro yete gwo'di. 8 Ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma ata makye mezina kyila 'da ämidri ago utufuna lidri miro ndi koronyai miro be 'da. 9 Ezipeto a'dona 'da voawi ro ago tandroro. 'Dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
“Tana nyata bete mikye Naile orivoya iro ago yi'ba ni 'do, 10 ma orivoya kyilaro mibe ago kyilaro Naile miro 'do be. Ma'bana Ezipeto 'da kpeye a'done voawi ro ago tandro ro, etoni 'bakici Migedola ya le 'bakici Asewana ya, le kishwedri lidri Kusa ro be ya. 11 Lidri ndi koronya aza be ri abane kigyesi te i'do. Ŋga aza ri orine kigye i'do ndroa na 'butesu. 12 Ma'bana Ezipeto 'da a'done pari tandro ro 'bädri ya. 'Bakicii Ezipeto ro orina 'da tandro ro ndroa na 'butesu, tandro ro pari kozipara ndrani tandro 'bakicii azi ro ri. Meperena Ezipeto'bai 'da tu'dei lakosi. Ànya umunayi 'da 'bädri azaka yasi.”
13 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Ndroa 'butesu vosi oko, mologona Ezipeto'bai 'da ni tu'dei se mepere ànya be lakoigyesi iyi yasi, 14 ago mologona Ezipeto'bai 'da orine wari modo ànyaro ya. Ànya a'donayi 'da tu'de mbaraako ro lau. 15 Ànya a'dona 'da 'bädri se tipari mbaraako ni 'bädri azii ri ro, ago ànya uninayi kote ogone tu'dei azi mirine alona. Ma'bana oti ànyaro 'da a'done toto fereŋwa se o'bana ànya ko ago tu'de aza mirine. 16 Yisaraele'bai unina kote ogone mio'bane Ezipeto dri ta ŋgaopa rota tona. Kandrakozi Ezipeto'bai ro o'bana ta otona 'da Yisaraele'bai dri anjioko orivoya koziro ruätine Ezipeto'bai dri. 'Dooko lidri Yisaraele ro unina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI Mbarapara owo.”
'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara Opena Ezipeto 'da Ṛe
17 U'du käti imba käti ndroa 'buteritu fonjidrieri oyi amaro vomidiro ya rosi oko, OPI atate märi ekye: 18 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, 'bädri'ba Babelona ro Nebukadenezara gota Tura te. Nda 'ba kyila'bai ndaro ŋgyiyi ŋgaläŋgyiekyero te se 'ba drî ànyaro te lepine täkuṛä ago depere ànyaro likute, caoko ca 'bädri'ba ca kyila'bai ndaro usuyi ŋga kado aza kote Tura ya päläti ro ta rriti ànyaro rota. 19 Ta'dota yauono ni tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana owo makye: Mate wari Ezipeto ro ozona 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara ri. Nda topana ago otona ŋgana cini 'da ago uŋgyina ŋgadriamba cini Ezipeto ro 'da ozone päläti ro kyila'bai ndaro ri. 20 Ma Ezipeto ozo päläti ro ndäri ta losi cini ndaro rota, tana kyila'bai ndaro yeyi losi te märi. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.
21 “Tu ana si ma'bana lidri Yisaraele ro 'da a'done mbarabe ago ma'bana mi, Ezekiele, 'da atane vose 'dicini unina ndi ta miro erine 'do ya, 'dooko ànya uninayi ndi anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Judgment on the King of Egypt
1 Ten years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the Lord spoke to me on the twelfth day of the tenth month. He said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the king of Egypt. Tell him and his people 3 that I am saying:
King of Egypt, you were like a giant crocodile lying in a river. You acted as though you owned the Nile and made it for yourself. But now I, the Lord God, am your enemy! 4 I will put a hook in your jaw and pull you out of the water, and all the fish in your river will stick to your scaly body. 5 I'll throw you and the fish into the desert, and your body will fall on the hard ground. You will be left unburied, and wild animals and birds will eat your flesh. 6 Then everyone in Egypt will know that I am the Lord.
You and your nation refused to help the people of Israel and were nothing more than a broken stick. 7 When they reached out to you for support, you broke in half, cutting their arms and making them fall.
8 So I, the Lord God, will send troops to attack you, king of Egypt. They will kill your people and livestock, 9 until your land is a barren desert. Then you will know that I have done these things.
You claimed that you made the Nile River and control it. 10 Now I am turning against you and your river. Your nation will be nothing but an empty wasteland all the way from the town of Migdol in the north to Aswan in the south, and as far as the border of Ethiopia. 11 No human or animal will even dare travel through Egypt, because no sign of life will be found there for 40 years. 12 It will be the most barren place on earth. Every city in Egypt will lie in ruins during those 40 years, and I will scatter your people throughout the nations of the world.
13 Then after those 40 years have passed, I will bring your people back from the places where I scattered them. 14 They will once again live in their homeland in southern Egypt. But they will be a weak kingdom 15 and won't ever be strong enough to rule nations, as they did in the past. 16 My own people Israel will never again depend on your nation. In fact, when the Israelites remember what happened to you Egyptians, they will realize how wrong they were to turn to you for help. Then the Israelites will know that I, the Lord God, did these things.
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia Will Conquer Egypt
17 Twenty-seven years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the Lord spoke to me on the first day of the first month. He said:
18 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia has attacked the city of Tyre. He forced his soldiers to carry so many heavy loads that their heads were rubbed bald, and their shoulders were red and sore. Nebuchadnezzar and his army still could not capture the city. 19 So now I will hand over the nation of Egypt to him. He will take Egypt's valuable treasures and give them to his own troops. 20 Egypt will be his reward, because he and his army have been following my orders. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
21 Ezekiel, when Egypt is defeated, I will make the people of Israel strong, and I will give you the power to speak to them. Then they will know that I, the Lord, have done these things.