Lapidriopi Ta Ägyiribi ro ndi Kono be rota
1 OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyitita lapidri si Yisaraele'bai ri 3 mikye ma, OPI Mbarapara ma atani ànyari nonye makye: Kyeno ägyiribi 'desi aza orivoya kufui 'desìro be, ago se perete ärri. Nda ŋga elite 'Bereŋwai Lebanona ro dri ago rite ce wiri ro dri. 4 Nda ŋgo drî ce wiri rote ago ezite wari se ŋgalogyero ana ya, ndi 'bate 'bakici ŋgalogye'bai roya. 5 'Dooko nda ru ce luruŋwa giṛiŋwa aza te ni wari Yisaraele ro yasi kyi kyi'dite gyini kado aza ya, vose gyi orivoya amba kigye 'do ya oso ce se le gyi amba 'do ronye. 6 Ce luruŋwa se ana rote kundru vurusi, bate kono ro. Gwoṛina bate kururo ägyiribi se ana driro, ago pajina cite gyuru. Kono se ana gwoṛina bate amba ago lofo kyibi amba te.
7 “Oko ägyiribi 'desi aza orivoya kufui 'desìro be ago taro'bi be cukuye. 'Dooko paji kono se ana ro bate nda driro ago kyibi na cini edirute nda driro, mio'ba be ndäri gyi ozone anyari ndrani se ka'dobe ämvu se anya kabe omba kigye ana ya ana drisi. 8 Oko se ikyi'di kono se ana gite gyini kado ya, ämvu se orivoya gyi be toco kyibi na ri oroza ago doŋgo owaza a'doza kono 'desi ro ana ya.
9 “Ta'dota ma, OPI Mbarapara mejitate makye: Inye'do kono gi ono orina gindi ya? Inye'do ägyiribi se käti ana eŋgyena ko cu paji be, topina doŋgo na ko, toŋgona gwoṛi na ko kyibi luruna ri owine ya? Tana änina ko eŋgyene mbara si kode tu'de mbaraekye aza unina koni eŋgyene paji be. 10 Inye'do ago ikyi'di bete orina gindi lidriidri ro ya? Inye'do oli 'buzelesi kikyi kotoŋgo be owina gi koya? Inye'do unina ko owine vose anya kombabe kigye ana ya lau ya?”
Edretazevo Lapidri rote
11 OPI atate märi ekye: 12 “Nyeji ogbo'bai kwoi kode ànya niyi takaci lapidri ono ro gindi ya. Nyitita ànyari mikye 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ikyite Yerusalema ya ago ru 'bädri'ba ndi dri'bai losi ro ndaro be te ago gote sina kovole Babelona ya. 13 Nda ru alo aza teni katidri 'bädri'ba ro yasi, ago leyitadrite nda be, ago 'ba nda te ruäṛune a'done taoro be. Nda ru lidri se 'desiro iyi te kamba'bai ro 14 tana tu'de ana ka'do robe mbaraako ago ukyi oŋga 'da kpa to'dina ago kätiyi tadriole se ana robe. 15 Oko 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ogbote ago zo 'diazaka te Ezipeto ya farasii ndi kyila'bai amba be ezine. Inye'do a'dona gindi kadoro ndäri ya? Inye'do nda opana vo gindi ta 'do siya? Nda unina gindi tadriole ana perene oko orine ezaako ya!”
16 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Endaro oso ma be Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, 'bädri'ba se ana odrana 'da Babelona ya wari 'bädri'ba Babelona ro se ko'ba nda beni gyiti dri ana roya, tana nda fu ruäṛu ndi tadriole se nda ko'babe 'bädri'ba Babelona ro be ana te. 17 Ca kyila'bai mbaraekye Ezipeto ro uninayi ko a'done mbara be nda opane kyila oyene ondro Babelona'bai koṛiyi gyini te donjo ago ku'diyi 'bui te lidri amba tufuzana owo. 18 Tana nda pere tadriole ndi ruäṛu se nda ko'babe 'do te. Nda koye tase cini kwoi te ono, yauono ndäri voopane te i'do.”
19 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Endaro oso ma be Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, mezana nda 'da ta ta se nda kepere tao'baro ndi mäṛu se nda ko'ba be ana be ana rota. 20 Mayina kyimba maro 'da ago nda o'dena 'da kigye. Muguna nda 'da le Babelona ya ago mezana nda 'da lau, ta takozi se nda koyebe märi ana rota. 21 Utufuna kyila'bai kadopara ndaro 'da kyila ya, ago se kopavobe lidriidriro iyi pereruna 'da vo cini yasi. 'Dooko mìnina ndi anjioko ma, OPI, matani.”
Tao'ba Lu ro Ta Mio'ba rota
22 Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye:
“Märuna dri gwoṛi wiri kaca aza ro 'da
ago maŋgona drî dopi na se kabe oro 'do 'da;
mikyi'dina 'da 'bereŋwa ogwaekye aza dri,
23 'bereŋwa ogwaekye ndra Yisaraele ro aza dri.
'Dooko orana gwoṛii 'da täkänyä ago owana doŋgo 'da
ago a'dona 'da wiri 'desi ro.
Beti koronyai cini ro
ndi beti arii cini ro be orinayi 'da lau
ago lolinayi 'da lindri na ya.
24 Ice se cini wari ana ya iyi uninayi 'da
anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
Tana mani ice cini kacaro toŋgona
ago mani ice se cini nyagora iyi o'ba ombane kacaro.
Mani ice se cini lururo iyi o'bana owine
ago mani ice se cini awiro iyi o'bana a'done lururo.
Ma, OPI, matani. Mayena tase mata tana be oyene ono ndi.”
A Story about Two Eagles and a Vine
1 The Lord said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, tell the people of Israel the following story, 3 so they will understand what I am saying to them:
A large eagle with strong wings and beautiful feathers once flew to Lebanon. It broke the top branch off a cedar tree, 4 then carried it to a nation of merchants and left it in one of their cities. 5 The eagle also took a seed from Israel and planted it in a fertile field with plenty of water, like a willow tree beside a stream. 6 The seed sprouted and grew into a grapevine that spread over the ground. It had lots of leaves and strong, deep roots, and its branches grew upward toward the eagle.
7 There was another eagle with strong wings and thick feathers. The roots and branches of the grapevine soon turned toward this eagle, hoping it would bring water for the soil. 8 But the vine was already growing in fertile soil, where there was plenty of water to produce healthy leaves and large grapes.
9 Now tell me, Ezekiel, do you think this grapevine will live? Or will the first eagle pull it up by its roots and pluck off the grapes and let its new leaves die? The eagle could easily kill it without the help of a large and powerful army. 10 The grapevine is strong and healthy, but as soon as the scorching desert wind blows, it will quickly wither.
The Lord Explains the Story
11 The Lord said:
12 Ezekiel, ask the rebellious people of Israel if they know what this story means.
Tell them that the king of Babylonia came to Jerusalem, then he captured the king of Judah and his officials, and took them back to Babylon as prisoners. 13 He chose someone from the family of Judah's king and signed a treaty with him, then made him swear to be loyal. He also led away other important citizens, 14 so that the rest of the people of Judah would obey only him and never gain control of their own country again.
15 But this new king of Judah later rebelled against Babylonia and sent officials to Egypt to get horses and troops. Will this king be successful in breaking the treaty with Babylonia? Or will he be punished for what he's done?
16 As surely as I am the living Lord God, I swear that the king of Judah will die in Babylon, because he broke the treaty with the king of Babylonia, who appointed him king. 17 Even the king of Egypt and his powerful army will be useless to Judah when the Babylonians attack and build towers and dirt ramps to destroy the cities of Judah and its people. 18 The king of Judah broke his own promises and ignored the treaty with Babylonia. And so he will be punished!
19 He made a promise in my name and swore to honor the treaty. And now that he has broken that promise, my name is disgraced. He must pay for what he's done. 20 I will spread out a net to trap him. Then I will drag him to Babylon and see that he is punished for his unfaithfulness to me. 21 His best troops will be killed in battle, and the survivors will be scattered in every direction. I, the Lord, have spoken.

22 Someday, I, the Lord,
will cut a tender twig
from the top of a cedar tree,
then plant it on the peak
of Israel's tallest mountain,
23 where it will grow
strong branches
and produce large fruit.
All kinds of birds will find
shelter under the tree,
and they will rest in the shade
of its branches.
24 Every tree in the forest
will know that I, the Lord,
can bring down tall trees
and help short ones grow.
I dry up green trees
and make dry ones green.
I, the Lord, have spoken,
and I will keep my word.