Yerusalema Ta'diriako
1 OPI go ata kpate märi to'dina ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyaka'da ŋgase cini ya maro osoro lomvoigye iyi Yerusalema ri se ànya kabe loyena iyi. 3 Nyiti tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana Yerusalema ri ono ànyari se ekye:
“Zelevoi miro ago mi äti mi te wari Kanana roya. Täpi miro orivoya Amora'ba yi, ago endre miro orivoya Ete'ba yi. 4 Tuse äti mibe ana si 'diaza lo koto miro kote, ja lomvo miro kote gyi si a'doza wäṛi, ṛi täyi kote milomvo ago vu lomvo miro kote boŋgo si. 5 'Diaza a'do kote yauni be miri ŋga kwoi oyene miri. Avo mite cowa lowo aza ya tana aga mi tezo ṛoni tuse äti mibe si.
6 “'Dooko mate lävu nasi oko mandre mi te ruŋgoṛivoya kari modo miro roya, ago mata te miri orine lidriidriro. 7 Ma'ba mi te ombane 'buṛu'buṛu oso ŋgaluru ronye. Mimbate 'desi ago kaca ago nya'dote ŋguti ro. Ba miro edrete ŋgye ago drikyiri miro vote kadoro, caoko nya'dote bägyulu ro.
8 “Ondro mago mate lävu oko, mandrete anjioko tu esate mi luza. Mepere boŋgo dhudhu maro te ago matako a'do bägyuluro miro te sina. Ma'ba tao'ba te mi lune, ago mà'ba tao'baro ruogyero te mibe, ago nya'dote maro. Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara katabe owo.
9 “'Dooko märu gyi te ago maja kari teni milomvosi. Mimbiṛi ido te lomvo miro ya. 10 Maso boŋgo tiratira ro te milomvo ago mozo mvoka se edebe kyini liŋgyiekye si 'do te miri, mävu boŋgo 'bilindriro te drî miro ya, ago maso boŋgo riyariyaro te milomvo. 11 Mawurä mi te, ago ma'ba 'bela te kyembe miro ya, ago monyoro ndi taŋbiri be te drì miro ya. 12 Maso iŋgyi te komvo miro ya ago bi miro ya ndi tagyia liŋgyiekye be drî miro ya. 13 Nya'dote ŋga ruegaro logo läguläguro ndi mo'di ro be, ago ondoalo misote boŋgo riyariyaro 'bilindriro ago tiratiraro ayani. Minyate ambata se a'bebe kyira kadopara si 'do ago epe ndi ido ice ido ro robe ayani. Nyiliŋgyi tawi ago nya'dote toko 'bädri'ba ro. 14 Liŋgyi miro 'ba mite likune tu'dei cini lakosi, tana ma'ba mi ni a'done liŋgyiekye oso inye.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
15 “Oko miyi ta go liŋgyi miro ya ago liku miro 'do 'ba mi gwo ronyi oyene 'dicini se kayibe lävu iyi be. 16 Miru boŋgo miro azaka te ago nyitira voi mätu ro te sina ago nyozo andivo miro te 'dicini ri, oso ronyi'ba ronye. Ŋga inye'do si ko a'done ago ṛo ko a'done. 17 Miru mo'di ndi 'bela läguläguro maro se mozobe miri iyi te, nyede beti lui àgoro rote sina, ago miye ronyi te ànya yibe. 18 Miru boŋgo tiratira ro te ago nyatakote beti lui edeedero iyi drisi, ago nyozo ido ice ido ro ro ndi ŋga ŋgutruro se mozobe miri iyi te ànya ri. 19 Mozo ŋgaonya te miri kyira kado para, ido ice ido ro ro, ndi epe be, oko nyozote lui se edeedero iyi ri tägyi ŋga ŋgutruro ro.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
20 “'Dooko miru ŋgwàagoro ndi ŋgwàtokoro se mitibe märi iyi te ago milo ànya te tori ro lui edeedero ri. Inye'do ta'diriako miro märi ono ta fereŋwa yi, 21 mi'de gwo ŋgàga maro tolone ago ozane asi si tori ro lui edeedero ri ya? 22 Tuse ori miro konjiekye ro ago ronyi'ba ro ono rosi cu miyi ta ombato'di miro ro tana kote alona, se nya'dobe bägyuluro, ago nyoŋgoṛi mi be kari modo miro roya ana.”
Ori Yerusalema ro Oso Ronyi'ba ronye
23 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Takozi cini si, mite orivoya kandrakozi be! Kandrakozi be! 24 Mibe voi mäturo te lui edeedero mätuzana ago ronyi oyezana sina vo rriro cini yasi. 25 Mibe voi mätu ro miro te etovo liti cini yasi ago nyaka'da liŋgyi miro te ronyi oyebe lidri se cini kabe lävu nasi kayi be ago nya'dote ronyi'ba ro ndra tu cini si. 26 Mi'ba oriazi miro se ronyi lemeekye, Ezipeto'bai, kpate ronyi oyene mibe ago miye ronyi te ma o'baza kyilaro.
27 “Ka'do inye yauono meŋga drì maro te mi ezaza ago äṛu maro onazana. Mozo mite kyila'baazii miro Felesete'bai rigye, se ya nai orivoya osoro milomvo ago driupiro ni taoye konjiekye ronyi miro ro 'do ri.
28 “Miye ronyi kpate Asaria'bai yibe, tana ronyi ojo mi ko, ago nya'do ca ronyi'ba ànyaro, caoko ànya ojoyi mi kpa kote. 29 Nya'do kpate ronyi oyevoya Babelona'bai be, tu'de se ŋgalogye'bai ro ana, caoko ànya ojoyi mi kpa kote.”
30 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Nya tadriole wayiro miye tase cini kwoi te oso ronyi'ba se driupiako 'do ronye. 31 Mibe voi mätu ro te lui edeedero mätuzana ago ronyi loyezana vo rriro cini yasi. Nya'do kote ronyi'bai azi ronye tana miga päläti tezo. 32 Mi orivoya oso toko se aba anyari ago anyaro lune ayani oko go gwo ṛo ronyi loyene atrai be 'do ronye. 33 Manoàgo ka päläti ozo ronyi'ba cini ri, oko nya ŋgapäṛi ozo ànya se cini kuluyi mibe iyi ri ago nya mi ànyaro ogyena ikyine ni vo cini yasi u'dune mibe. 34 Ta'doro mi orivoya ronyi'ba beti to aza yi ronyi oye miro ya. 'Diaza niko mi gbirine ronyi oyene. Ozo päläti kote miri; oko nyani päläti ozo ànyari! Ndi inye mi orivoya cu to.”
Vure Lu ro Yerusalema lomvo
35 Ka'do inye, Yerusalema, mi ronyi'ba ono! Nyeri ata OPI ro.
36 Ono ni tase OPI kabe atana owo ekye: “Nyototri boŋgo cini miro te, oso ronyi'ba ronye, nyozo andivo miro te ànya se cini kuluyi mibe iyi ri ago lui edeedero se cini miro iyi ri, ago nyozo kari ŋgàga miro rote tori ro lui edeedero ri. 37 Tana ta'doro mezina ànya se kuluyi mibe iyi 'da voaloya, se nyulube iyi ndi se ya miro osoro lomvoigye iyi be. Mezina ànya 'da ago marana ànya 'da ŋgulu milomvosi, 'dooko mototrina boŋgo cini miro 'da ago ma'bana ànya 'da a'do bägyuluro miro ondrene. 38 Mapena vure miro 'da oso abe vure toko se ka taoye ago drisi ago kabe 'ditufu 'do ronye, ago mezana mi 'da odra si kyila ndi yaoso maro be si. 39 Ma'bana mi 'da mbara ànya se kabe mi luwu iyi ro zele, ago ànya perenayi vose cini nyabe ronyi loye kigyesi ago nyabe lui edeedero mätu kigyesi iyi 'da riya. Ànya totrinayi boŋga cini miro ndi 'bela miro be 'da ago e'benayi mi 'da awi bägyuluro.
40 “Ànya eŋganayi ya lowa ro 'da ovonayi mi 'da kuni si, ago ànya toganayi mi 'da jinyijinyi bando ànyaro si. 41 Ànya ozanayi zoi cini miro 'da asi si ago mezana mi 'da lowa 'ditoko ro milesi. Medrena mi 'da ni ronyi oyevoya si ago medrena mi 'da ni ŋgapäṛi ozovoya ànya se nyulube iyi ri. 42 'Dooko kyila maro okyena gwo, ndi yaoso maro milomvo okyena gwo ma'dona gwo liya, ogo a'done märi kyilaro te i'do tona. 43 Nyije tase miyebe ombato'di miro si ana te, ago mi'ba mate a'done kyilaro tase cini nyoloyebe iyi si, ta'doro mezana mi 'da ta tase miyebe kwoi rota. Tana e'di nyadroa ta ronyi ro kpa gwo ŋgase cini konjiekye nyoloyebe iyi dri niya?” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Oso Endre ronye, Oso Ŋgwatokoro ronye
44 OPI atate ekye: “Lidri atana taoni ono 'da ta miro ta Yerusalema, ekye: ‘Mi orivoya oso endre ronye, oso ŋgwatokoro ronye.’ 45 Endaro mi orivoya oso endre ŋgwatokoro ro ronye se ya anyaro oso tawi ago anyaro ndi ŋgàga anyaro be lomvo. Mi orivoya oso endreŋwai miro ronye, se ya ànyaro oso tawi àgo ànyaro ndi ŋgàga ànyaro be lomvo. Endre miro orivoya Ete'ba yi ago täpi amiro orivoya Amora'ba yi.
46 “Endreŋwa kayoŋwa miro ni Samaria, se mä'dudrisi ana, tro 'baŋwai anyaro yibe. Endreŋwa täduŋwa miro, ndi 'baŋwai anyaro yibe, ni Sodomo, se ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ana. 47 Caoko ta anya osoro pavo ànyaro voro ago taoye konjiekye ànyaro voro tana ojo mi ko, toto fere oko ŋgase cini miyebe a'dote kozipara ndrani ànyaro ri.”
48 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Endaro oso ma be ni Lu lidriidri ro yi ono ronye, endreŋwa miro Sodomo ndi 'baŋwai anyaro yibe yeyi takozi se mi ndi 'baŋwai miro be mìyebe ono ko cu alona. 49 Takozi endreŋwa miro Sodomo ro ni no: Anya ndi ŋgwàtokoro anyaro yibe a'doyite driuŋgyi be, ŋgaonya be nyalakpa ago riyite tokpero ago liyaro, oko ànya tiyi ta 'dise mäyuro ndi lemeri'bai be ro kote. 50 Ànya a'doyite driuŋgyi be ago yeyite tase ya maro osoro lomvoigye 'do ayani, mandre ŋgase ànya koyebe 'do te ta'doro mutufu ànya te.
51 “Samaria ye telesi takozi se cini miyebe ono ro kote. Miye ta konjiekye te ndrani se anya koyebe drisi. Takozi miro 'ba endreŋwai miro landre gwo ni 'di kadoro ndrani midrisi. 52 Nyiŋgyina driupi miro gini, tana mi'ba endreŋwai miro te a'done kadopara ndrani midrisi. Takozi miro orivoya kozipara ndrani ànyaro drisi. Ka'do inye nya'do teri driupiro ago nyiŋgyi driupi miro teri, tana mi'ba endreŋwai miro landrene te kadoro taenjiako.”
Ago Abena Sodomo ndi Samaria be 'da
53 OPI atate Yerusalema ri ekye: “Mologona ŋgaamba Sodomo ndi 'baŋwai anyaro be ro 'da ago ŋgaamba Samaria ndi 'baŋwai anyaro be ro 'da, ago mologona ŋgaamba miro kpa 'da tro ànyaro be. 54 'Dooko mi andivo nya'dona 'da driupiro, ago driupi miro ka'dana endreŋwai miro 'da landrene kadopara ndrani miri. 55 Ago abena endreŋwai miro Sodomo ndi 'baŋwai anyaro be 'da ago Samaria ndi 'baŋwai anyaro be 'da. Abena mi ndi 'baŋwai miro be kpa 'da. 56 Inye'do nyamawo Sodomo roko tuse nya'dobe driuŋgyi be, 57 ago dri ro teinye takozi miro vona usuako ana si ya? Yauono mi kpate oso anya ronye, ojiza Edoma'bai ri, Felesete'bai ri, ndi oriazii se ya nai osoro milomvo iyi be. 58 Beṛo miri ruezane ta takozi miro, ndi tase cini konjiekye nyoloyebe iyi robe ta.” OPI atani inye.
Tao'baro se kabe Ori Äduako
59 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Mayena ta 'da miri oso taoye miro ronye, tana mitita tao'ba miro ro kote ota maro perena si. 60 Oko marona tao'baro se ma'babe mibe ombato'di miro si ana ndi, ago mago ma'bana tao'baro aza 'da mibe se orina 'da äduako. 61 Tase cini miyebe iyi tana otona 'da midri, ago nya'dona 'da driupiro ondro ka'do mologo endreŋwa kayoŋwa miro ndi endreŋwa täduŋwa miro be te miri kovole oso ŋgwaitokoro miro ronye owo, ago ta gi ono ka'do cagi ko tao'baro amaro mibe voro owo. 62 Mago ma'bana tao'baro maro 'da kpa to'dina mibe, ago minina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 63 Me'bena mi'da ta tase cini miyebe koziro iyi rota, oko tana otona 'da midri ago nya'dona 'da pari driupiro kala miro upine atane.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Jerusalem Is Unfaithful
1 The Lord said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, remind the people of Jerusalem of their disgusting sins 3 and tell them that I, the Lord God, am saying:
Jerusalem, you were born in the country where Canaanites lived. Your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite. 4 When you were born, no one cut you loose from your mother or washed your body. No one rubbed your skin with salt and olive oil, and wrapped you in warm blankets. 5 Not one person loved you enough to do any of these things, and no one even felt sorry for you. You were despised, thrown into a field, and forgotten.
6 I saw you lying there, rolling around in your own blood, and I couldn't let you die. 7 I took care of you, like someone caring for a tender, young plant. You grew up to be a beautiful young woman with mature breasts and hair, but you were still naked.
8 When I saw you again, you were old enough to have sex. So I covered your naked body with my own robe. Then I solemnly promised that you would belong to me and that I, the Lord God, would take care of you.
9 I washed the blood off you and rubbed your skin with olive oil. 10 I gave you the finest clothes and the most expensive robes, as well as sandals made from the best leather. 11 I gave you bracelets, a necklace, 12 a ring for your nose, some earrings, and a beautiful crown. 13 Your jewelry was gold and silver, and your clothes were made of only the finest material and embroidered linen. Your bread was baked from fine flour, and you ate honey and olive oil. You were as beautiful as a queen, 14 and everyone on earth knew it. I, the Lord God, had helped you become a lovely young woman.
15 You learned that you were attractive enough to have any man you wanted, so you offered yourself to every passerby. 16 You made shrines for yourself and decorated them with some of your clothes. That's where you took your visitors to have sex with them. These things should never have happened! 17 You made idols out of the gold and silver jewelry I gave you, then you sinned by worshiping those idols. 18 You dressed them in the clothes you got from me, and you offered them the olive oil and incense I gave you. 19 I supplied you with fine flour, olive oil, and honey, but you sacrificed it all as offerings to please those idols. I, the Lord God, watched this happen.
20 But you did something even worse than that—you sacrificed your own children to those idols! 21 You slaughtered my children, so you could offer them as sacrifices. 22 You were so busy sinning and being a prostitute that you refused to think about the days when you were young and were rolling around naked in your own blood.
23 Now I, the Lord God, say you are doomed! Not only did you do these evil things, 24 but you also built places on every street corner 25 where you disgraced yourself by having sex with anyone who walked by. And you did that more and more every day! 26 To make me angry, you even offered yourself to Egyptians, who were always ready to sleep with you.
27 So I punished you by letting those greedy Philistine enemies take over some of your territory. But even they were offended by your repulsive behavior.
28 You couldn't get enough sex, so you chased after Assyrians and slept with them. You still weren't satisfied, 29 so you went after Babylonians. But those merchants could not satisfy you either.
30 I, the Lord God, say that you were so disgusting that you would have done anything to get what you wanted. 31 You had sex on every street corner, and when you finished, you refused to accept money. That's worse than being a prostitute! 32 You are nothing but an unfaithful wife who would rather have sex with strangers than with your own husband. 33 Prostitutes accept money for having sex, but you bribe men from everywhere to have sex with you. 34 You're not like other prostitutes. Men don't ask you for sex—you offer to pay them!
Jerusalem Must Be Punished
The Lord said:
35 Jerusalem, you prostitute, listen to me. 36 You chased after lovers, then took off your clothes and had sex. You even worshiped disgusting idols and sacrificed your own children as offerings to them. 37 So I, the Lord God, will gather every one of your lovers, those you liked and those you hated. They will stand around you, and I will rip off your clothes and let all of those lovers stare at your nakedness. 38 I will find you guilty of being an unfaithful wife and a murderer, and in my fierce anger I will sentence you to a violent death! 39 Then I will hand you over to your lovers, who will tear down the places where you had sex. They will take your clothes and jewelry, leaving you naked and empty-handed.
40 Your lovers and an angry mob will stone you to death; they will cut your dead body into pieces 41 and burn down your houses. Other women will watch these terrible things happen to you. I promise to stop you from being a prostitute and paying your lovers for sex.
42 Only then will I calm down and stop being angry and jealous. 43 You made me furious by doing all these disgusting things and by forgetting how I took care of you when you were young. Then you made things worse by acting like a prostitute. You must be punished! I, the Lord God, have spoken.
Jerusalem's Two Sisters
The Lord said:
44 People will use this saying about you, Jerusalem: “If the mother is bad, so is her daughter.” 45 You are just like your mother, who hated her husband and her own children. You are also like your sisters, who hated their husbands and children. Your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite. 46 Your older sister was Samaria, that city to your north with her nearby villages. Your younger sister was Sodom, that city to your south with her nearby villages. 47 You followed their way of life and their wicked customs, and soon you were more repulsive than they were.
48 As surely as I am the living Lord God, the people of Sodom and its nearby villages were never as sinful as you. 49 They were arrogant and spoiled; they had everything they needed and still refused to help the poor and needy. 50 They thought they were better than everyone else, and they did things I hate. And so I destroyed them.
51 You people of Jerusalem have sinned twice as much as the people of Samaria. In fact, your evil ways have made both Sodom and Samaria look innocent. 52 So their punishment will seem light compared to yours. You will be disgraced and put to shame because of your disgusting sins.
Jerusalem Will Be Ashamed
The Lord said to Jerusalem:
53 Someday I will bless Sodom and Samaria and their nearby villages. I will also bless you, Jerusalem. 54 Then you will be ashamed of how you've acted, and Sodom and Samaria will be relieved that they weren't as sinful as you. 55 When that day comes, you and Sodom and Samaria will once again be well-off, and all nearby villages will be restored.
56 Jerusalem, you were so arrogant that you sneered at Sodom. 57 But now everyone has learned how wicked you really are. The countries of Syria and Philistia, as well as your other neighbors, hate you and make insulting remarks. 58 You must pay for all the vulgar and disgusting things you have done. I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Makes a Promise to Jerusalem
The Lord said:
59 Jerusalem, you deserve to be punished, because you broke your promises and ignored our agreement. 60 But I remember the agreement I made with you when you were young, and so I will make you a promise that will last forever. 61 When you think about how you acted, you will be ashamed, especially when I return your sisters to you as daughters, even though this was not part of our agreement. 62 I will keep this solemn promise, and you will know that I am the Lord. 63 I will forgive you, but you will think about your sins and be too ashamed to say a word. I, the Lord God, have spoken.