Taäŋgu Nebii Mànoagoro Koweoga'bai ro Lomvo
1 OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ta nebii Yisaraele ro se kayibe taäŋgu modo ànyaro si iyi lomvo. Nyitita ànyari mikye: Nyèri ta OPI ro.”
3 Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Nebii se amama ro kwoi te orivoya kandrakozi ya! Tana ànya kayi ta tori modo ànyaro ro itina ago ndreyi rulofo maro ko. 4 Ami lidri Yisaraele ro, nebii amiro orivoya takaciako oso mututui se kabe ori tandroŋwà 'bakicii ro yasi iyi ronye. 5 Ànya ndreyivo vose cini kotogabe tiṛii lomvosi iyi ro ko, ago ànya go beyi tiṛii kpa ko Yisaraele gagazana tu kyila OPI ro rosi. 6 Rulofo ànyaro orivoya kowe yi, ago taäŋgu ànyaro orivoya kowe ro. Ànya kayi ata ekye yà lazo maro opena caoko mazo ànya koni. Caoko ànya kayi mio'ba ekye ata ìro ka oye a'done taŋgyero! 7 Ma taiti ànyari makye: Rulofo se nyàbe ondrena kwoi orivoya kowe yi, ago taäŋgu se nyàbe tana atana kwoi orivoya kowe yi. Nyà ata mìkye ànya orivoya ata ma OPI ro, oko se mata ko'de ämiri!”
8 Ta'dota OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Tana mìgate kowe amiro ayani ago rulofo amiro orivoya kowe yi, ta'doro ma te orivoya kyilaro ami yibe. 9 Ma oye ami nebii se nyàbe rulofo se kowe ro 'do ondrena, ago se nyàbe taäŋgu se 'di odo ro 'do äŋguna iyi ezane. Ämiri ikyine kalaoto taäyi lidri maro roya i'do; änina ko ävuru amiro locine lidri Yisaraele ro lako; ago ämiri egone wari Yisaraele roya te i'do, 'dooko mìnina ndi anjioko ma ni OPI Mbarapara owo.
10 “Nebii kwoi wiriyi lidri maro te ugu ta ata si ekye taliatokpe orivoya, oko se taliatokpe i'do. Lidri maro beyi tiṛi te kuni se royoroyoro iyi si, 'dooko nebii se kwoi ikyi 'biyi lomvona te piri onje si. 11 Nyitita nebii se ko'biyi lomvona be piri si iyi ri mikye tiṛi ànyaro iyi ka oye lo'dene vuru. Mezina 'bu 'da u'dine amba. 'Busi layina 'da driigye, ago oli mbaraekye olina 'da driigye. 12 Ondro tiṛi kalasote vuru oko, 'dicini ejina mi 'da ekye: ‘Piri se mi'bi lomvona be sina 'do gaŋwaroya?’ ”
13 Ka'do inye ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Mezina oli mbaraekye, 'bu amba, ndi 'busi be 'da kyila maro si tiṛi ono perene. 14 Motogana tiṛi se ànya ko'biyi lomvona be piri onje si ono 'da ago meperena 'da riya vuru tana kuni kotopa na ro kefo robe tesi. Ondro kalaso te vuru oko tufuna ami 'da kpeye. 'Dooko minina ndi anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
15 “Tiṛi ana ndi ànya se ko'biyi lomvona be piri onje si kai be tämbinayi mbara kyila maro ro 'da. 'Dooko matana 'da miri makye tiṛi se 'do te i'do ago ànya se ko'biyi lomvona be piri onje si iyi kpa te i'do. 16 Nebii se kitiyi ta be ta Yerusalema rota ekye taliatokpe orivoya, oko se taliatokpe i'do 'do, a'donayi kpa i'do!” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Taäŋgu Nebii 'Ditokoro koweoga'bai ro lomvo
17 OPI atate ekye: “Ka'do inye, mi ŋgwa lidri ro, mindre 'ditoko se lidri amiro lako kayibe taäŋgu kowesi iyi. Nyayo takozi ànyaro tana, 18 ago nyiti tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana ànyari ono tana ànyari mikye:
“Ami 'ditoko ono ami te orivoya kandrakozi ya! Nyà mila lose 'dicini ri o'bane drikyembe ànyaro yasi ago nyà tetedri loka 'dicini ri embene drì ànyaro yasi anya uruzana. Nyà adri lidri maro ro tufuna oko nyà adri amiro e'bena. 19 Mìro ma kote mile lidri maro ro yasi a'doza ämiri kyifo be twi drì si ago ambata fere be onyane. Nyà lidri se si ko odrane iyi tufuna, ago nyà lidri se aba si ko orine iyi etana lidriidriro, koweoga si lidri maro ri, ago ànya kayi taoma kigye.”
20 Ka'do inye ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Ya maro orivoya osoro mila amiro se nyàbe losena lidri maro uruzana iyi lomvo. Mototrina ànya 'da ni drì amiro yasi ago monjina lidri se nyàbe uruna iyi 'da dritairo. 21 Motokyena tetedri se nyèmbe be drî amiro ya iyi 'da ago ma'bana lidri maro 'da voopane ni mbara amiro yasi ago uninayi kote a'done ami zele alona. 'Dooko mìnina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
22 “Nyà mbaraako ozo lidri se kadoro iyi ri koweoga amiro si, 'dise male ko oyene koziro iyi. Nyàlaga lidri se koziro iyi gwo zo ni takozi ànyaro e'bevoya ago ni adri ànyaro opavoya. 23 Ta'doro rulofo se amiro kowero iyi ndi taäŋgu se amiro kabe lidri wiri iyi be tana kyete. Mapana lidri maro 'da ni mbara amiro yasi, 'dooko mini robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Lying Prophets
1 The Lord said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the prophets of Israel who say they speak in my name, but who preach messages that come from their own imagination. Tell them it's time to hear my message.
3 I, the Lord God, say those lying prophets are doomed! They don't see visions—they make up their own messages! 4 Israel's prophets are no better than jackals that hunt for food among the ruins of a city. 5 They don't warn the people about coming trouble or tell them how dangerous it is to sin against me. 6 Those prophets lie by claiming they speak for me, but I have not even chosen them to be my prophets. And they still think their words will come true. 7 They say they're preaching my messages, but they are full of lies—I did not speak to them!
8 So I am going to punish those lying prophets for deceiving the people of Israel with false messages. 9 I will turn against them and no longer let them belong to my people. They will not be allowed to call themselves Israelites or even to set foot in Israel. Then they will realize that I am the Lord God.
10 Those prophets refuse to be honest. They tell my people there will be peace, even though there's no peace to be found. They are like workers who think they can fix a shaky wall by covering it with paint. 11 But when I send rainstorms, hailstones, and strong winds, the wall will surely collapse. 12 People will then ask the workers why the paint didn't hold it up.
13 That wall is the city of Jerusalem. And I, the Lord God, am so angry that I will send strong winds, rainstorms, and hailstones to destroy it. 14 The lying prophets have tried to cover up the evil in Jerusalem, but I will tear down the city, all the way to its foundations. And when it collapses, those prophets will be killed, and everyone will know that I have done these things.
15 The city of Jerusalem and its lying prophets will feel my fierce anger. Then I will announce that the city has fallen and that the lying prophets are dead, 16 because they promised my people peace, when there was no peace. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
Women Who Wear Magic Charms
The Lord said:
17 Ezekiel, son of man, now condemn the women of Israel who preach messages that come from their own imagination. 18 Tell them they're doomed! They wear magic charms on their wrists and scarves on their heads, then trick others into believing they can predict the future. They won't get away with telling those lies. 19 They charge my people a few handfuls of barley and a couple pieces of bread, and then give messages that are insulting to me. They use lies to sentence the innocent to death and to help the guilty go free. And my people believe them!
20 I hate the magic charms they use to trick people into believing their lies. I will rip those charms from their wrists and set free the people they have trapped like birds. 21 I will tear the scarves from their heads and rescue my people from their power once and for all. Then they will know that I am the Lord God.
22 They do things I would never do. They lie to good people and encourage them to do wrong, and they convince the wicked to ruin their own lives by not turning from sin. 23 I will no longer let these women give false messages and use magic, and I will free my people from their control. Then they will know that I, the Lord, have done these things.