'Daŋgo ombato'di Logo Läguläguro ro
(Otadele 9:6-29)
1 Ondro lidri kondrete Musa leyete egoako vuru ni 'bereŋwa drisi oko, lidri otokalate voaloya Arona re, atayite ndäri ekye: “Miŋga nyede lu kelepe ama robe; tana mano se Musa kolofo ama be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi ono tase ka'dobe ndäri ono mäni kote.” 2 Arona atate ànyari ekye: “Nyòtotri iŋgyiŋgäbä se läguläguro, bi 'ditoko amiro roya, ŋgwàagoro amiro roya, ndiriŋwa amiro roya iyi, ago nyèzi ànya märi.” 3 Ago lidri cini totriyi iŋgyiŋgäbä se läguläguro bi ànyaro yasi iyi te ago eziyite Arona re. 4 Ago nda ru iŋgyiŋgäbä teni ànya rigyesi, ala te ago edete beti 'daŋgo ombato'di ro ro. Ago lidri atate ekye: “Ono ni lu miro owo Yisaraele, se lofo mi be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi.” 5 Ondro Arona kondre te oko nda be vo tori oloro te milena ya; ago nda ayotate ekye: “Ondo oko karama oyene OPI ri.” 6 Ànya ŋgayite kyenoŋboci ago eziyi ŋgapäṛi ozaro te ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe te, ago lidri rite vuru ŋga onyane, ago ŋgaumvune ago ànya ŋgayite läri oto.
7 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Mitwe vuru; tana lidri miro se nyolofobe ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi ana, yeyi takozi te. 8 Ànya kuyite ni liti se mata ànya be osone voigye yasi, ànya edeyi beti 'daŋgo ombato'di rote andivo ànyaro ri, mätuyi anya te ago loyi torite rigye, ago atayite ekye: ‘Ono ni lu miro owo Yisaraele, se lofo mi be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi.’ ” 9 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Mäni lidri ono te ànya orivoya lidri se taeriako yi; 10 yauono nye'be ma dri iṛe, tana ma kyilaro ànya yibe mutufu ànya robe; oko ma'bana mi ndi zelevoi miro be 'da tu'de 'desi ro.”
11 Oko Musa lo'barute OPI Lu ndaro ri ekye: “OPI nya'dona gwo kyilaro lidri miro se nyolofobe tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi mbara 'desi si ago drì mbaraekye si ono be eŋwanyeya? 12 Ta inye'do oyena si mi'bana Ezipeto'bai atana ekye: ‘Anjioko nda lofo ànya tesi ṛo ànya tufune 'bereŋwa lako inye ago ànya tufune kpeye ni 'bädri yasi ya?’ Mi'ba kyila miro kokye, ago nyäläpi tausu miro ni ŋga koziro inye'do oyevoya lidri miro ri. 13 Miyi ta Abarayama, Yisika ndi Yakoba be ro, ruindu'bai miro se mi'ba tate ànyari andivo miro si, ago nyatate ànyari mikye: ‘Ma'bana zelevoi amiro ndi a'done nyalakpa oso 'bi'bi vo'buyakuru ro ronye, ago wari se cini ma'ba tate ozone zelevoi amiro ri ono mozona 'da ago ànya uruna anya te drimbi ro äduako.’ ” 14 Ta'dota OPI e'be tase koziro nda kusube oyene lidri ndaro ri 'do te.
15 Musa go efote vuru ni 'bereŋwa drisi kuniŋwà ritu kalakparo otà robe drì ndaro ya, kuniŋwà kalakparo kai egyi tate ànya drisi riti kandra ndi kundu ànyaro be yasi. 16 Ago kuniŋwà kalakparo kai ni losi Lu ro, ago taegyi kai ni taegyi Lu ro, se egyite kuniŋwà kalakparo dri. 17 Ondro Yosua keri kporo amo lidri rote oko, nda atate Musa ri ekye: “Kporo kyila oyero orivoya gawa ya.” 18 Oko Musa atate ekye: “Kporo amo ana ro ko oso ŋgaopeṛe ro ronye, ago kpa ko oso liyi 'di opeṛe ro, oko meribe orivoya amo loŋgo oŋgoro yi.” 19 Ondro Musa kesate dori loto gawa lomvo ago kondre 'daŋgo te ndi läri oto be oko; nda a'dote kyilaro ndra, nda vo kuniŋwà kalakparo te vuru ni drì ndaro yasi, ago tufu ànya te 'bereŋwa pa. 20 Nda ru 'daŋgo se ànya kedebe ana te, ago zate asi si, ago yite 'bolotoro, tasate gyi si, ago 'ba lidri Yisaraele ro te umvune.
21 Musa atate Arona ri ekye: “Lidri kwoi yeyi ta e'diyi miri, mi'de gwo ànya o'bane takozi se 'desi ono oyene niya?” 22 Arona zatadrite ekye: “Nya'do ko kyilaro mabe 'desi maro, mini ta lidri ono ro ṛote, ànya 'bayi takozi ndi ni iyi dri. 23 Tana ànya atayi ni märi ekye: ‘Nyede lui ämäri kelepe ama robe, tana mano se Musa se kolofo ama be tesi ni Ezipeto yasi ono, tase ka'dobe ndäri ono mä̀ni kote.’ 24 Ndi matate ànyari makye: ‘Mì'ba 'dise kati läguläguro be, kototri ànya,’ ànya ozoyite märi ago mavote asi ya, ago beti 'daŋgo ombato'di se ono ro etote ni kigyesi.”
25 Ndi Musa ndrete lidri te patakayiro (tana Arona 'ba ànya ni a'done patakayiro se ezi driupi te ànyari kyila'baazii ànyaro lako). 26 Ndi Musa edrete dereŋwa gawa ro kala, ago atate ekye: “A'di 'deni OPI vosi ya? Kefo mare.” Ta'dota Lewe'bai cini otoyikalate voaloya ndare. 27 Ago nda atate ànyari ekye: “OPI Lu Yisaraele ro atani nonye ekye: ‘Mano alo koyi bando gbo ndaro ya, ago koci dereŋwa cini gawa ro yasi, ago kufu ädrupii iyiro, bereazii iyiro ndi oriazii iyiro be.’ ” 28 'Dooko Lewe'bai yeyite oso ata Musa ro ronye, tuse ana si utufu lidri manoàgoro te oso kutu nätu (3,000) ronye. 29 Musa atate Lewe'bai ri ekye: “Tu ondro ono mìdi andivo amiro te to ta ruinduro kohanii ro OPI ri rota, ŋgwàagoro amiro ndi ädrupii amiro be tufuna si, ta'dota OPI ozo äṛu te ämiri tu ondro ono si.”
30 Ago kyenonosi oko, Musa atate lidri ri ekye: “Mìye takozi 'desi te, ago yauono moye oyine kpa to'di kuru 'bereŋwa dri OPI re, azaya mänina ndi ta ŋgae'bero usune ta takozi amiro ta.” 31 Musa gote OPI re, ago atate ekye: “Lidri ono yeyi takozi 'desi te, ànya edeyi lu logo lägulägu ro te andivo ànyaro ri. 32 Oko yauono rägu nye'be ànya takozi ànyaro ta, oko ondro ka'do kote inye, molo'baru miri nyoforo ävuru maro ni buku miro se nyegyi ävuru lidri miro robe kigye 'do yasi.” 33 Oko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Ànya se koyeyi takozi be malomvo moforona ävuru ànyaro ayani ni buku maro yasi. 34 Yauono nyoyi, nyugu lidri lepe vose mata tana be miri ya; Oko mindre malaika maro o'dena 'da mile amiro ya, caoko tuse kabe eziikyi ana si, mezana lidri kwoi 'da ta takozi ànyaro rota.” 35 Ta'dota OPI ezi taezaro adravo dritoto rote lidri dri, tana ànya gbiriyi Arona te beti 'daŋgo ombato'di logo läguläguro ro edene.
The People Make an Idol To Worship
(Deuteronomy 9.6-29)
1 After the people saw that Moses had been on the mountain for a long time, they went to Aaron and said, “Make us an image of a god who will lead and protect us. Moses brought us out of Egypt, but nobody knows what has happened to him.”
2 Aaron told them, “Bring me the gold earrings that your wives and sons and daughters are wearing.” 3 Everybody took off their earrings and brought them to Aaron, 4 then he melted them and made an idol in the shape of a young bull.
All the people said to one another, “This is the god who brought us out of Egypt!”
5 When Aaron saw what was happening, he built an altar in front of the idol and said, “Tomorrow we will celebrate in honor of the Lord.” 6 The people got up early the next morning and killed some animals to be used for sacrifices and others to be eaten. Then everyone ate and drank so much that they began to carry on like wild people.
7 The Lord said to Moses:
Hurry back down! Those people you led out of Egypt are acting like fools. 8 They have already stopped obeying me and have made themselves an idol in the shape of a young bull. They have bowed down to it, offered sacrifices, and said that it is the god who brought them out of Egypt. 9 Moses, I have seen how stubborn these people are, 10 and I'm angry enough to destroy them, so don't try to stop me. But I will make your descendants into a great nation.
11 Moses tried to get the Lord God to change his mind:
Our Lord, you used your mighty power to bring these people out of Egypt. Now don't become angry and destroy them. 12 If you do, the Egyptians will say that you brought your people out here into the mountains just to get rid of them. Please don't be angry with your people. Don't destroy them!
13 Remember the solemn promise you made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You promised that someday they would have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky and that you would give them land.
14 So even though the Lord had threatened to destroy the people, he changed his mind and let them live.
15-16 Moses went back down the mountain with the two flat stones on which God had written all of his laws with his own hand, using both sides of the stones.
17 When Joshua heard the noisy shouts of the people, he said to Moses, “A battle must be going on down in the camp.”
18 But Moses replied, “It doesn't sound like they are shouting because they have won or lost a battle. It sounds more like a wild party!”
19 As Moses got closer to the camp, he saw the idol, and he also saw the people dancing around. This made him so angry that he threw down the stones and broke them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. 20 He melted the idol the people had made, and he ground it into powder. He scattered it in their water and made them drink it. 21 Moses asked Aaron, “What did these people do to harm you? Why did you make them sin in this terrible way?”
22 Aaron answered:
Don't be angry with me. You know as well as I do that they are determined to do evil. 23 They even told me, “That man Moses led us out of Egypt, but now we don't know what has happened to him. Make us a god to lead us.” 24 Then I asked them to bring me their gold earrings. They took them off and gave them to me. I threw the gold into a fire, and out came this bull.
25 Moses knew that the people were out of control and that it was Aaron's fault. And now they had made fools of themselves in front of their enemies. 26 So Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Everyone who is on the Lord's side come over here!”
Then the men of the Levi tribe gathered around Moses, 27 and he said to them, “The Lord God of Israel commands you to strap on your swords and go through the camp, killing your relatives, your friends, and your neighbors.”
28 The men of the Levi tribe followed his orders, and that day they killed about 3,000 men. 29 Moses said to them, “You obeyed the Lord and did what was right, and so you will serve as his priests for the people of Israel. It was hard for you to kill your own sons and brothers, but the Lord has blessed you and made you his priests today.”
30 The next day Moses told the people, “This is a terrible thing you have done. But I will go back to the Lord to see if I can do something to keep this sin from being held against you.”
31 Moses returned to the Lord and said, “The people have committed a terrible sin. They have made a gold idol to be their god. 32 But I beg you to forgive them. If you don't, please wipe my name out of your book.”
33 The Lord replied, “I will wipe out of my book the name of everyone who has sinned against me. 34 Now take my people to the place I told you about, and my angel will lead you. But when the time comes, I will punish them for this sin.”
35 So the Lord punished the people of Israel with a terrible disease for talking Aaron into making the gold idol.