Lidri Ŋgatira'bai ri Mutuguṛi A'do Lototi OPI ro edene
(Ofo 35:30–36:1)
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Manji Bezalela ŋgwa Uri ro, kwozo Uru ro te, ni 'bakala Yuda ro yasi. 3 Maso tori ma Lu rote twi nda ya ago mozo tavouni te ndäri ndi tauni cini lidri ro losi oyero ŋgaedero robe, 4 tavo orane tauni si beti ŋgase edene ro wurane, losi oyene logo läguläguro, mo'di ndi atala be si, 5 kuniŋwà oraro gbikyi togana ya, ice epa golo'doro ya, ago losi ŋgaedero cini yasi. 6 Ago manji Oliaba, ŋgwa Aisamaka rote, losi oyene nda be, ni 'bakala Dana ro yasi ago mozo tauni te lidri cini se mbara be losi oyene iyi ri, tana ànya kedeyi ŋgase cini mata mìbe oyene 'do robe; 7 Mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi ro, Sänduku Tao'baro ndi drina be, ndi ŋgase cini oraro Mutuguṛi ya be, 8 tara'biza ndi lakazà cini losi na robe, ago ŋga wäṛiro lamba edrero ndi lakazà cini losi na robe, vo ŋga tägyi be ozaro ro, 9 vo tori oloro ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi lakazà cini losi na robe, kagyi ndi jopena be, 10 boŋgo liŋgyiekye o'dio'diro, boŋgo alokado tana kohani Arona ndi boŋgoi ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri yibe, ta ruindu ànyaro kohanii ro rota, 11 ido 'diäṛu ro ndi ŋga 'bolotoro ndi ŋga tägyi be be tana vo alokado. Ànyari oyene oso se mata mibe oyene ronye.”
Sabata Tu Loli ro
12 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 13 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: ‘Ämiri Sabata, maro ätine, tana 'do ni taka'daro yi lakole maro ami yibe ya le tuse cini kabe ikyi mileya ya ka'daza anjioko ma ni OPI owo, ma'ba ami ni a'done wäṛi ro. 14 Beṛo ämiri tu Sabata ro ätine, tana ni orivoya alokado, 'dise cini kabe enjina a'bana ndi odrane, 'dise koye losi aza te kigye 'dina 'do ndi ufune. 15 Miye losi u'du njidrialo ya, oko u'du njidrieri ni Sabata alokado loliro yi adite ma Opi ri, 'dise aza kabe losi oye tu ono si äfuna ndi. 16 Ta'dota lidri Yisaraele ro ri tu Sabata ro ätine taka'da tao'baro ro rriro. 17 Tana Sabata orivoya taka'daro rriro yi lakole maro lidri Yisaraele robe ya anjioko u'du njidrialo ya ma OPI ma'ba vo'buyakuru ni ndi 'bädri be, ago mololite u'du njidrieri ya.’ ”
18 Ondro Lu konde ädu ata ro Musa be te 'bereŋwa Sinai dri oko, nda ozo kuniŋwà ritu kalakparo te musa rigye se Lu andivona egyi otà te driigye driŋgwa ndaro si.
The Lord Chooses Bezalel and Oholiab
(Exodus 35.30—36.1)
1 The Lord said to Moses:
2 I have chosen Bezalel from the Judah tribe to make the sacred tent and its furnishings. 3-5 Not only have I filled him with my Spirit, but I have given him wisdom and made him a skilled craftsman who can create objects of art with gold, silver, bronze, precious stones, and wood. 6 I have appointed Oholiab from the tribe of Dan to work with him, and I have also given skills to those who will help them make everything exactly as I have commanded you: 7-11 the sacred tent with its furnishings, the sacred chest with its place of mercy, the table with all that is on it, the lamp with its equipment, the incense altar, the altar for sacrifices with its equipment, the bronze bowl with its stand, the beautiful priestly clothes for Aaron and his sons, the oil for dedication and ordination services, and the sweet-smelling incense for the holy place.
Laws for the Sabbath
12-13 Moses told the Israelites that the Lord had said:
The Sabbath belongs to me. Now I command you and your descendants to always obey the laws of the Sabbath. By doing this, you will know that I have chosen you as my own. 14-15 Keep the Sabbath holy. You have six days to do your work, but the Sabbath is mine, and it must remain a day of rest. If you work on the Sabbath, you will no longer be part of my people, and you will be put to death.
16 Every generation of Israelites must respect the Sabbath. 17 This day will always serve as a reminder, both to me and to the Israelites, that I made the heavens and the earth in six days, then on the seventh day I rested and relaxed.
18 When God had finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two flat stones on which he had written all his laws with his own hand.