O'ba Arona ndi Ŋgwàagoro ndaro be Kohanii ro
(Lewe'bai 8:1-36)
1 “Ono ni tase miri oyene Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ta ànya o'baro kohanii ro owo, tana ànya kinduruyi robe märi. Miru 'daŋgo ombato'diŋwa alodi ndi timelegogoi ritu be se orivoya mämbiako. 2 Miru kyira kyifo ro ago mi'be ambata loŋgaako sina ndi ambata ndiṛiŋwa loŋgaako dro'bedro'bero ido ice ro rosi, ago ambata kye'beŋwa loŋgaako lomvona undru undru ro ido si be. 3 Mi'ba ànya koṛiga ya ago nyozo ànya märi, ondro nyate 'daŋgo ndi timelegogoi ritu olona owo. 4 Nyezi Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro yibe käläsi mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi ro kala, ago nyalasa ànya gyi si. 5 Miso dhudhu, boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ndi boŋgo runduṛuro be Arona lomvo, ndi boŋgoŋwa kätäti dri robe ago nyembe kundu ndaro iba se edebe tauni si boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa embero anda 'do si. 6 Miso tagyia uvuuvuro nda dri ago miso tagyia alokado tagyia uvuuvuro dri. 7 Miru ido 'diäṛu ro, mida ndädri ago nyäṛu nda. 8 'Dooko miru ŋgwàagoro ndaro, ago miso dhudhu ànya lomvosi; 9 miru kyini kundu ro nyembe ànya kundusi, ago miso tagyia pärägäŋwà ànya drisi; midi Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be to oso inye. Ànya ndi zelevoi ànyaro be ri ruindune kohanii ro märi äduako.
10 “'Dooko nyezi 'daŋgo mile mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi roya Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri drì ànyaro o'bane drî naya, 11 ago mifu 'daŋgo na 'do OPI kandra, käläsi zo a'do maro lototi ro kala, 12 miru kari 'daŋgo ro azana ago mi'be koyi se vo tori oloro ya kai drisi driŋgwa miro si, 'dooko mida anjoko kari ro vuru vo tori oloro zele. 13 Nyewe vona ombiombi se katako lakazà se yasi 'do be iyi ndi togo na be ndi koṛomoci na ritu 'do be ndi vose ombiombiro driigyesi iyi be, ago miza ànya vo tori oloro dri. 14 Oko iza 'daŋgo na 'do ro kyini na ndi kyeweye na be, miza asi si tesi gawa kundusi. 'Do ni orivoya ŋgapäṛi takozi kohanii ro onaro.
15 “'Dooko miru timelegogo alo aza ago mi'ba Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ko'bayi drì ànyaro drî naya, 16 ago mifu anya ago miru karina mida vo tori oloro lomvosi gbikyi. 17 'Dooko nyotola timelegogo jinyijinyi, mija lakazà yasi na iyi ndi ŋbiṛina yibe, mi'ba ànya drî na dri ndi izana jinyijinyi 'do be. 18 Miza timelegogo ṛo kpeye vo tori oloro dri ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ro. Tägyi ŋgutru, ŋgapäṛi ono ro tana si ma ni.
19 “Miru timelegogo kinjana, ago nyata Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri drì ànyaro o'bane drî naya, 20 ago mifu anya, ago miru karina aza mi'be bidri vurusi drigwo yasi Arona ro dri, ago bidri vurusi drigwo yasi ŋgwàagoro ndaro iyi ro drisi, ago drìàgo ànyaro drigwo yasi iyi drisi, ago paàgo ànyaro drigwo yasi iyi drisi, ago nyoloda anjoko kari ro vo tori oloro lomvosi gbikyi. 21 'Dooko miru kari se aza vo tori oloro dri 'do ndi ido 'diäṛu robe, nyologyi Arona dri ago boŋgo ndaro dri, ago ŋgwàagoro ndaro drisi ago boŋgo ànyaro drisi; 'dooko nda ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ndi boŋgo ànyaro be a'done te odiodiro to alokado ro märi.
22 “Milo vo ombiombi timelegogo ro kpa, tavi ombiombi na be, ago vo ombiombi na se katako lakazà yasi na be iyi ndi togo kadopara na be ago koṛomoci ritu ndi vo ombiombi ànyaro be ndi ŋbiṛi drigwo yasi na be (tana 'do ni orivoya timelegogo odiodiro to yi). 23 Miru duŋguṛu ambata ro alodi se a'be ko ido si, ago duŋguṛu alodi se a'bebe ido si, ago ambata kye'beŋwa alodi, miru ni koṛiga ambata ro se adibe märi 'do yasi, 24 nyozo ŋgaonya se cini kwoi Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be rigye, ago mi'ba ànya ozone ŋgapäṛi parandra ro märi. 25 'Dooko migo miru ni ànya rigyesi, ago miza ànya vo tori oloro dri kinjo ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro, ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ro tägyi ŋgutru ro märi, ŋgapäṛi nonye ono tana kani ma usi.
26 “Miru kätäti timelegogo ono ro ago nyozo märi oso ŋgapäṛi para ronye, ago kätäti koronya na 'do ro a'dona te miro. 27 Ondro a'ba kohani te, kätäti ago ŋbiṛi timelegogo se aye losi 'diodiro be sina 'do odine to märi ŋgapäṛi para ro ago odine kohanii ri. 28 Kätäti ndi ŋbiṛi be a'done kohanii ri rriro ni lidri Yisaraele ro resi; ṛo ozone rriro ni ŋgapäṛi ànyaro rumora ro yasi; ono ni ŋgapäṛi lidri ro ma OPI ri owo.
29 “Boŋgo cini Arona ro kohani ro ozone ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri odra ndaro vosi, tana ànyari osone ondro ate ànya äṛu ago odi to äwu. 30 Ŋgwàagoro Arona ro se kabe oye a'done kohani ro vo ndaro ya ri ànya osone u'duna njidrieri, ondro nda kate oyi mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi roya ruindune Vo Alokado ya owo.
31 “Miru iza timelegogo 'diodiro to kohanii ro, ago nyala'di izana vo alokado ya; 32 Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri iza timelegogo na 'do ro onyane ndi ambata se koṛiga ya 'do be, käläsi mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi ro kala. 33 Ànyari ŋgase äfube ta 'diodiro to tu ànya o'baro kohanii rosi 'do onyane, toto ni kohanii ri onyane, tana orivoya alokado. 34 Ondro ka'do iza se 'diodiro to 'do ndi ambata na be anjokona ke'be gwo te madale kyenoŋbosi 'dooko miza anjokona asi si; kote onyane, tana orivoya alokado.
35 “Miye 'do inye Arona ri ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro yibe, oso se mata tana be miri 'do ronye, u'du njidrieri iyi ya midi ànya to, 36 ago tu cini si miri 'daŋgo ozone olone tana e'be 'di robe ta takozi rota. 'Do wäṛina vo tori oloro ni. 'Dooko nyäṛu anya ido ice ido ro rosi o'bazana alokado. 37 U'du njidrieri iyi ya miri vo tori oloro wäṛine ago odine to. 'Dooko vo tori oloro a'dona ndi kpeye alokado, ago 'diaza kode ŋga aza se kabe vo tori oloro odona ayena 'da koziro mbara a'do alokado na rosi.
Tori Olo Ondoalo
(Oti 28:1-8)
38 “Ono ni ŋgase miri olone vo tori oloro dri owo; timelegogoi ritu ndroa alo ro olone ondoalo tu cini ya. 39 Milo timelegogo alodi kyenoŋbosi, ago milo aza tandrolesi. 40 Timelegogo käti 'do nyojo koma ritu kyira kyifo ro ro nyodro'be ido wäṛiro ice ido ro rosi. Ago mida telesi alo lisu vino ro ŋgapäṛi ro. 41 Ago milo timelegogo ṛiri tandrolesi, ago ojo kyira na ro ndi ido ice ido ro ro ndi vino na be kpa oso kyenoŋbosi ronye, ono orivoya ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya royi ma OPI ri, tägyi ŋgutru na tana si ma ni. 42 Tu cini se kabe ikyi iyi ya, ŋgapäṛi ozaro ono ozone makandra ecivo mutuguṛi zo a'do lototi maro roya. Ago me'bena drî 'da lidri maro 'da lau ago matana 'da mibe. 43 Ago ma'bena drî 'da lidri Yisaraele ro be lau, ago lägu ŋgaeyi a'do maro lototi ro o'bana vo ana 'da alokado. 44 Ma'bana zo a'do maro lototi ro ndi vo tori oloro na be 'da a'done alokado ro, ago ma'bana Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro yibe kpa a'done alokado ro, ruindune märi kohanii ro. 45 Marina 'da lidri Yisaraele ro lako, ago ma'dona ndi Lu ànyaro. 46 Ànya uninayi ndi anjioko ma ni OPI Lu ànyaro owo, se lofo ànya te tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi tana mari robe ànya lako. Ma ni OPI Lu ànyaro owo.
Instructions for Ordaining Priests
(Leviticus 8.1-36)
The Lord said to Moses:
1 When you ordain Aaron and his sons to serve me as priests, choose a young bull and two rams that have nothing wrong with them. 2 Then from your finest flour make three batches of dough without yeast. Shape some of it into larger loaves, some into smaller loaves mixed with olive oil, and the rest into thin wafers brushed with oil. 3 Put all of this bread in a basket and bring it when you come to sacrifice the three animals to me.
4 Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the sacred tent and tell them to wash themselves. 5 Dress Aaron in the priestly shirt, the robe that goes under the sacred vest, the vest itself, the breastpiece, and the sash. 6 Put on his turban with its narrow strip of engraved gold 7 and then ordain him by pouring olive oil on his head.
8 Next, dress Aaron's sons in their special shirts, 9 caps, and sashes, then ordain them, because they and their descendants will always be priests.
10 Lead the bull to the entrance of the sacred tent, where Aaron and his sons will lay their hands on its head. 11 Kill the bull near my altar in front of the tent. 12 Use a finger to smear some of its blood on each of the four corners of the altar and pour out the rest of the blood on the ground next to the altar. 13 Then take the fat from the animal's insides, as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat, and send them up as an offering to me in the smoke from the altar. 14 But the meat, the skin, and the food still in the bull's stomach must be burned outside the camp as an offering to ask forgiveness for the sins of the priests.
15 Bring one of the rams to Aaron and his sons and tell them to lay their hands on its head. 16 Kill the ram and splatter its blood against all four sides of the altar. 17 Cut up the ram, wash its insides and legs, and lay all of its parts on the altar, including the head. 18 Then make sure that the whole animal goes up in smoke with a smell that pleases me.
19 Bring the other ram to Aaron and his sons and tell them to lay their hands on its head. 20 Kill the ram and place some of its blood on Aaron's right ear lobe, his right thumb, and the big toe of his right foot. Do the same for each of his sons and splatter the rest of the blood against the four sides of the altar. 21 Then take some of the blood from the altar, mix it with the oil used for ordination, and sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothes, and also on his sons and their clothes. This will show that they and their clothes have been dedicated to me.
22 This ram is part of the ordination service. So remove its right hind leg, its fat tail, the fat on its insides, as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat. 23 Take one loaf of each kind of bread from the basket, 24 and put this bread, together with the meat, into the hands of Aaron and his sons. Then they will lift it all up to show that it is dedicated to me. 25 After this, put the meat and bread on the altar and send them up in smoke with a smell that pleases me.
26 You may eat the choice ribs from this second ram, but you must first lift them up to show that this meat is dedicated to me.
27-28 In the future, when anyone from Israel offers the ribs and a hind leg of a ram either to ordain a priest or to ask for my blessing, the meat belongs to me, but it may be eaten by the priests. This law will never change.
29-30 After Aaron's death, his priestly clothes are to be handed down to each descendant who succeeds him as high priest, and these clothes must be worn during the seven-day ceremony of ordination.
31 Boil the meat of the ordination ram in a sacred place, 32 then Aaron and his sons are to eat it together with the three kinds of bread at the entrance to the sacred tent. 33 At their ordination, a ceremony of forgiveness was performed for them with this sacred food, and only they have the right to eat it. 34 If any of the sacred food is left until morning, it must be completely burned.
35 Repeat this ordination ceremony for Aaron and his sons seven days in a row, just as I have instructed you. 36 Each day you must offer a bull as a sacrifice for sin and as a way of purifying the altar. In addition, you must smear the altar with olive oil to make it completely holy. 37 Do this for seven days, and the altar will become so holy that anyone who touches it will become holy.
Daily Sacrifices
(Leviticus 6.8-13Numbers 28.1-8)
The Lord said:
38 Each day you must sacrifice two lambs a year old, 39 one in the morning and one in the evening. 40-41 With each lamb offer one kilogram of your finest flour mixed with a liter of pure olive oil, and also pour out a liter of wine as an offering. The smell of this sacrifice on the fires of the altar will be pleasing to me. 42-43 You and your descendants must always offer this sacrifice on the altar at the entrance to the sacred tent.
People of Israel, I will meet and speak with you there, and my shining glory will make the place holy. 44 Because of who I am, the tent will become sacred, and Aaron and his sons will become worthy to serve as my priests. 45 I will live among you as your God, 46 and you will know that I am the Lord your God, the one who rescued you from Egypt, so that I could live among you.