Taayo Musa ro Ta Odra Ŋgwaàgoro Kayo ro ro ta
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Taezaro e'be drigba alodi male ezone 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro dri; ndi lidri ndaro be. Ono vosi nda o'bana ami 'da oyine ni nosi. Ondro nda kate ami o'ba oyine oko, usina ami ṛo kyiti. 2 Yauono nyiti ta ono lidri Yisaraele ro ri ago nyata ànyari kejiyi oriazii ànyaro robe 'bela mo'di ro ndi logo läguläguro be ta.” 3 OPI 'ba Ezipeto'bai te Yisaraele'bai orone. Ago dri'bai losi ro 'bädri'ba ro ndi lidri cini be ndreyi Musa te mano para ndra ro.
4 Musa atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “OPI kani ata nonye ekye: ‘O'bwaro oko moyina 'da Ezipeto yasi; 5 ago ŋgwàagoro kayo ro cini 'bädri Ezipeto roya todrana 'da, eto ṛoni ŋgwaagoro kayo ro 'bädri'ba ro se koyebe orine vo ndaro ya giti ndaro dri 'do yasi, osana gwo le ŋgwaagoro kayo ro iyeäṛi tokoro se kabe inya uyi 'do roya. Ago ŋgwàagoro cini se koronyai 'ba ro kutibe kayo ro iyi todranayi kpa. 6 Ago liyi a'dona ndi amba 'bädri Ezipeto roya, se kätina a'do dri ko alona oso inye, ca ogo a'dona ko inye tona. 7 Ca kokye ogbona ko lidri Yisaraele ro ndi koronyai 'ba ro ànyaro be dri. 'Dooko minina 'da anjioko Ma OPI ma'ba ŋgalewe ni lakole Ezipeto'bai ro ndi Yisaraele'bai robe ya.’ ” 8 Musa atate ekye: “Dri'bai cini losi ro miro ikyinayi 'da mare ago ändinayi 'da vuru märi atabe ekye: ‘Mifo teri, ndi lidri cini miro be.’ Ago ono vosi moyina 'da.” 'Dooko nda oyite ni 'bädri'ba resi kyila si.
9 Tana OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “'Bädri'ba erina ta miro ko, tana ko'ba talaroro maro ka'do robe amba 'bädri Ezipeto roya.” 10 Musa ndi Arona be yeyi talaro ro se cini kwoi te 'bädri'ba kandra; oko OPI 'ba ya 'bädri'ba ro te a'done uŋgyiuŋgyi ro ago nda lekote lidri Yisaraele ro o'bane oyine ni 'bädri ndaro yasi.
Moses Warns the Egyptians That the Lord Will Kill Their First-Born Sons
1 The Lord said to Moses:
I am going to punish the king of Egypt and his people one more time. Then the king will gladly let you leave his land. In fact, he will even chase you out. 2 Now go and tell my people to ask their Egyptian neighbors for gold and silver jewelry.
3 So the Lord made the Egyptians greatly respect the Israelites, and everyone, including the king's officials, considered Moses an important leader.
4 Moses went to the king and said:
I have come to let you know what the Lord is going to do. About midnight he will go through the land of Egypt, 5 and wherever he goes, the first-born son in every family will die. Your own son will die, and so will the son of the lowest slave woman. Even the first-born males of your cattle will die. 6 Everywhere in Egypt there will be loud crying. Nothing like this has ever happened before or will ever happen again.
7 But there won't be any need for the Israelites to cry. Things will be so quiet that not even a dog will be heard barking. Then you Egyptians will know that the Lord is good to the Israelites, even while he punishes you. 8 Your leaders will come and bow down, begging me to take my people and leave your country. Then we will leave.
Moses was very angry; he turned and left the king.
9 What the Lord had earlier said to Moses came true. He had said, “The king of Egypt won't listen. Then I will perform even more miracles.” 10 So the king of Egypt saw Moses and Aaron work miracles, but the Lord made him stubbornly refuse to let the Israelites leave his country.