Yudai Tufuyi Kyila'baazii Ànyaro te
1 U'du 'butealo fonätu imba 'butealo foritu se ni imba Adara rosi, u'du segi oyebe ota 'bädri'ba ro oyene sina 'do si, se kpa ni u'du se kyila'baazii Yudai ro korayibe ikyizana sina ànya dri 'do owo. Oko u'du 'do go zaru ro u'du se Yudai ri ikyizana kyila'baazii ànyaro dri ro. 2 Yudai otoyikalate bakici cini ànyaro yasi wari cini 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa ro ro yasi kyila'baazii se cini koleyibe ànya oyene koziro kai gotane. 'Dialo aza ni kote edrene ànya mi, tana turi ànyaro so lidri cini te. 3 Dri'bai losi ro cini wari ro, 'desii, wari'ba ndi 'dise 'desii ro vo 'bädri'ba roya be payi Yudai kpate, tana turi Moredekai ro so ànya te. 4 Tana Moredekai te orivoya 'desiro zo'desi miriro 'bädri'ba roya, ago liku ndaro larirute wari cini yasi; ago mbara ndaro ugu a'dote para ndra. 5 Ta'dota Yudai gotayi kyila'baazii ànyaro te bando si, toloyi ànya te ago tufuyi ànya te, Yudai yeyi ta te lidri se yana kosobe ànya lomvo kai ri oso se ànya koleyibe ronye.
6 'Bakici 'desi Susa andivona ya, Yudai tufuyi lidri te kama nji (500). 7 Ànya tufuyi Paresanedata, Dalefona, Asepata, 8 Porata, Adalia, Aridata, 9 Paremaseta, Arisai, Aridai, Vaizata, 10 ŋgwàagoro 'butealo Amana ŋgwa Amedata kyila'baazi Yudai ro ro kpate ànya lako; oko ànya topayi ŋga ànyaro kote.
11 Ago 'bu'dä tu gi ana si iti ta lidri se utufube 'bakici 'desi Susa ya ana tana te 'bädri'ba ri. 12 Ago 'bädri'ba atate toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera ri ekye: “'Bakici 'desi Susa ya Yudai tufu lidri te kama nji (500) ago äfu ŋgwàagoro 'butealo Amana ro kpate. 'Do kpa tase ànya koyeyibe anjoko warii 'bädri'ba ro yasi owo! Yauono ŋgase milebe e'diya? Ozona ndi miri. Taeji miro ndrana e'di ya? Ayena ndi.”
13 Esetera zatadrite ekye: “Ondro ka'do tana kusi mi 'bädri'ba gindi, ondo 'do mi'ba ta Yudai se koriyibe Susa ya ri kpa taoyene ondo oso ozo ta be ànyari oyene ondro ono ronye. Ago mi'ba ayi ŋwàagoro 'butealo Amana ro ice dri.” 14 Ta'doro 'bädri'ba ozo tate ta se ono oyene oso inye, ozo ota te Susa ya, ago ayi avoi ŋgwàagoro 'butealo Amana ro te ice dri. 15 Yudai se Susa ya go otoyikala kpate voaloya u'du 'butealo fosu imba Adara rosi ago tufuyi lidri te Susa ya kama nätu (300) oko ànya topayi ŋga ànyaro kote.
16 Yudai azaka se wari cini yasi otoyikala kpate andivo ànyaro gagane, ago 'bayi andivo ànyaro te dritai ro ni kyila'baazii ànyaro risi ago tufuyi lidri kutu 'butenjidrieri fonji (75,000) te; oko ànya topayi ŋga ànyaro kote. 17 Tase ono a'dote u'du 'butealo fonätu imba Adara rosi, ago u'du 'butealo fosu si oko ànya loliyi te ago 'bayi tu gi ana te karama riyä oyero ro. 18 Oko Yudai se Susa ya otoyi kala te u'du 'butealo fonätu si ago u'du 'butealo fosu si, ago u'du 'butealo fonji si oko ànya loliyite ago 'bayi u'du 'butealo fonji ono te u'du karama ro ago riyä ro. 19 Tana ta'doro Yudai se 'baŋwai yasi se kayibe ori 'ba giṛiŋwà tesi si yasi, 'bayi u'du 'butealo fosu imba Adara rote tu riyä ro, karama ro ago loli ro, tuse ànya kayi ŋgaonya ozobe sina azi ri owo.
Vodo Karama se Äzibe Purima ana ro
20 Moredekai egyi tase ka'dobe kwoi te, ago zo waraga te Yudai cini se loto ago lozo wari cini 'bädri'ba Asuerosa ro yasi ana ri, 21 ta itine ànyari u'du 'butealo fosu imba Adara ro ro ndi 'butealo fonjina be ätine loliza ndroa ro ndroa ro. 22 Kwoi ni tuse Yudai kopayivobe ni kyila'baazii ànyaro rigyesi sina owo, ono ni imba se toza tusu ànyaro be riyä ro owo ago liyi ànyaro be loli ro owo. Ànyari tu kwoi ätine tu karama ro ro ago tu riyä ro ro, ago tu ugu ŋgaonya ozoro azi ri ndi ŋgapäṛi be ro. 23 Ndi Yudai ruyi ta se ono te ugu oyene 'duro oso se Moredekai kegyibe ànyari ronye.
24 Amana Agaga'ba ŋgwa Amedata ro, kyila'baazi lidri Yudai ro ro äyitate Yudai lomvo ànya tufune, ago vo vodo te se äzite Purima ànya tufuza kyiti. 25 Oko Esetera oyite 'bädri'ba re, ago 'bädri'ba ozo ota te taegyi si anjioko takozi ndaro se nda käyi ta be Yudai lomvo 'do beṛo orine modo ndaro dri, beṛo nda ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be oyine ice dri. 26 Tana ta'doro ànya ziyi u'du loli ro iyi te Purima, takaci ävuru ono ro anjioko Vodo. Tana tase cini Moredekai kegyibe waraga ana ya ana, tase ànya kiŋgyibe ndi tase ka'dobe ànyari ana rota. 27 Yudai diyi tu ono te ago 'bayi tana te ota ro andivo ànyaro ri ndi zelevoi ànyaro be ndi 'dise cini kocibe ànya lako be, ànyari u'du ritu kwoi ätine oso egyibe ronye ago oyene ndroa ro ndroa ro, u'duna gyi aka'dabe 'do si. 28 U'du kwoi tana oyine ago ätine rriro kovole'bai cini ri, katidri cini Yudai ro yasi, wari cini yasi, ago 'bakici cini yasi ago beṛo ko u'du Purima ro koi tana ijene ni Yudai lakosi ago kpa ko taoyina e'bene zelevoi ànyaro ri.
29 'Dooko Esetera toko 'bädri'ba ro ŋguti Abihaila ro tro Moredekai se Yuda ro ana be egyiyi waraga ṛiri kpate drikaca si ta Purima rota. 30 Azo waraga te Yudai cini ri warii kama alo 'buteritu fonjidrieri (127) miri Asuerosa ro yasi ta taliatokpe rota ndi taŋgye be, 31 ekye u'du gyi Purima ro kwoi ätine tuna se aka'dabe oyene si. Moredekai ndi toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera be 'bayi ota ono te Yudai ri oso ànya korayibe andivo ànya ro ri ndi zelevoi ànyaro be ri ronye ta akpa rota ndi lu'be be. 32 Ota se Esetera korabe oyene ta Purima rota ono, egyi tana te egyiegyi ro.
The Jews Destroy Their Enemies
1 The first law that the king had made was to be followed on the thirteenth day of Adar, the twelfth month. This was the very day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to do away with them. But the Jews turned things around, 2 and in the cities of every province they came together to attack their enemies. Everyone was afraid of the Jews, and no one could do anything to oppose them.
3 The leaders of the provinces, the rulers, the governors, and the court officials were afraid of Mordecai and took sides with the Jews. 4 Everyone in the provinces knew that the king had promoted him and had given him a lot of power.
5 The Jews took their swords and did away with their enemies, without showing any mercy. 6-10 They killed 500 people in Susa, but they did not take anything that belonged to the ones they killed. Haman had been one of the worst enemies of the Jews, and ten of his sons were among those who were killed. Their names were Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha.
11 Later that day, someone told the king how many people had been killed in Susa. 12 Then he told Esther, “Five hundred people, including Haman's ten sons, have been killed in Susa alone. If that many were killed here, what must have happened in the provinces? Is there anything else you want done? Just tell me, and it will be done.”
13 Esther answered, “Your Majesty, please let the Jews in Susa fight to defend themselves tomorrow, just as they did today. And order the bodies of Haman's ten sons to be hanged in public.”
14 King Xerxes did what Esther had requested, and the bodies of Haman's sons were hung in Susa. 15 Then on the fourteenth day of Adar the Jews of the city got together and killed 300 more people. But they still did not take anything that belonged to their enemies.
16-17 On the thirteenth day of Adar, the Jews in the provinces had come together to defend themselves. They killed 75,000 of their enemies, but the Jews did not take anything that belonged to the ones they killed. Then on the fourteenth day of the month the Jews celebrated with a feast.
18 On the fifteenth day of the month the Jews in Susa held a holiday and celebrated, after killing their enemies on the thirteenth and the fourteenth. 19 This is why the Jews in the villages now celebrate on the fourteenth day of the month. It is a joyful holiday that they celebrate by feasting and sending gifts of food to each other.
The Festival of Purim
20 Mordecai wrote down everything that had happened. Then he sent letters to the Jews everywhere in the provinces 21 and told them:
Each year you must celebrate on both the fourteenth and the fifteenth of Adar, 22 the days when we Jews defeated our enemies. Remember this month as a time when our sorrow was turned to joy, and celebration took the place of crying. Celebrate by having parties and by giving to the poor and by sharing gifts of food with each other.
23 They followed Mordecai's instructions and set aside these two days every year as a time of celebration.
The Reason for the Festival of Purim
24 Haman was the son of Hammedatha and a descendant of Agag. He hated the Jews so much that he planned to destroy them, but he wanted to find out the best time to do it. So he cast lots.
25 Esther went to King Xerxes and asked him to save her people. Then the king gave written orders for Haman and his sons to be punished in the same terrible way that Haman had in mind for the Jews. So they were hanged. 26 Mordecai's letter had said that the Jews must celebrate for two days because of what had happened to them. This time of celebration is called Purim, which is the Hebrew word for the lots that were cast. 27 Now every year the Jews set aside these two days for having parties and celebrating, just as they were told to do. 28 From now on, all Jewish families must remember to celebrate Purim on these two days each year.
29 Queen Esther, daughter of Abihail, wanted to give full authority to Mordecai's letter about the Festival of Purim, and with his help she wrote a letter about the feast. 30 Copies of this letter were sent to Jews in the 127 provinces of King Xerxes. In the letter they said:
We pray that all of you will live in peace and safety.
31 You and your descendants must always remember to celebrate Purim at the time and in the way that we have said. You must also follow the instructions that we have given you about mourning and going without eating.
32 These laws about Purim are written by the authority of Queen Esther.