Amana ka Taäyi Yudai Tufune
1 Ta kwoi vosi 'bädri'ba Asuerosa eŋga Amana ŋgwaagoro Amedata Agaga'ba rote a'done dri'ba 'desi losi ro. 'Bädri'ba eŋga anyate 'desi ro ndrani dri'bai losi ro cini anyaro drisi. 2 'Bädri'ba ta dri'bai cini losi ro goko 'bädri'ba roya ändite vuru taoro ka'daza Amana ri oso 'badri'ba kota ànya be ronye. Oko Moredekai ändi kote vuru ago ye taoro 'do kote. 3 'Dooko losi'bai azaka se goko 'badri'ba ro ya ana ejiyi Moredekai te ekye: “Tana e'di miro ota 'bädri'ba ro kote niya?” 4 Ago ondro ànya katayite ndäri tu cini si oko nda gatezo ta ànyaro erine. Ànya itiyi tana te Amana ri tana ànya leyi ondrene ko'de Amana olena tadri taoye Moredekai ro 'do gi ndi ya. Tana Moredekai itite ànyari ekye yi orivoya Yuda yi. 5 Amana a'dote kyilaro ondro nda kunite Moredekai ändi kote vuru taoro ka'daza ndäri owo. 6 Ondro iti tate Amana ri ekye Moredekai orivoya Yuda yi oko, nda ratate ko toto Moredekai ezane ayani. Amana ratate lidri Moredekai rigä Yudai cini se orivoya 'bädri 'bädri'ba Asuerosa roya tufune.
7 Ndroa 'butealo foritu miri 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa ro rosi, imba käti se ni imba Nisana rosi oko, Amana ozotate vodo ovone (ànya ziyite Purima), u'du ŋgyena ndi imba na be usuzana tavoora ndaro oyezana. Ara tana te a'done u'du 'butealo fonätu imba 'butealo foritu se ni imba Adara ro ana si.
8 'Dooko Amana atate 'bädri'ba Asuerosa ri ekye: “Lidri azaka orivoya pererute lidri amba lakosi wari cini miri 'bädri'ba miro ro yasi; la'bi ànyaro orivoya to ni lidri cini azi ro risi, ànya ätiyi ota miri 'bädri'ba miro ro kote, ta'dota ko kado mi 'bädri'ba ri ànya olene. 9 Ondro ka'do mi 'bädri'ba mile gindi mi'ba ozo ota äfu ànya robe, ondro ka'do miyete inye, ma tao'ba mozona mo'di ojo läŋgyina ro kama nätu 'butenjidrieri fonji (375) 'da dri'bai losi 'bädri'ba ro ro ri, a'ba robe vo ŋgaodroro 'bädri'ba roya.”
10 Ndi 'Bädri'ba tri mäŋgusi ndaro te, taayoza, ago ozote kyila'baazi lidri Yuda ro ro Amana ŋgwa Amedata Agaga'ba ro ri. 11 Ago 'bädri'ba atate Amana ri ekye: Lidri ndi parata be ozote miri, miye ŋgase milebe oyene ànya si oso se tana kusi mibe ronye.
12 'Dooko äzi egyi'bai 'bädri'ba rote u'du 'butealo fonätu imba käti rosi, ago ozo ota te oso se cini Amana kata be ronye, egyite 'desii 'bädri'ba ro ri ndi wari'bai cini wari ndaro yasi be ndi dri'bai cini lidri robe ri, egyite wari cini ri egyi modo ànyaro rosi ago lidri cini ri kala modo ànyaro rosi; egyite ävuru 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa rosi ago ädite mäŋgusi 'bädri'ba rosi. 13 Ago azo waraga ono te lazo ugu'bai si wari cini 'bädri'ba ro yasi Yudai cini tufune ago tolone 'di ombato'diro ndi 'di odeodero be, 'ditoko, ndi ŋgàgaŋwa yibe ṛo tolone kyiti tu alo si, u'du 'butealo fonätu imba 'butealo foritu Adara rosi, ago ŋga ànyaro topane. 14 Waraga egyibe ono ṛo gyerena ozone ota ro wari cini yasi taayoro ro lidri cini ri a'dozana nja tu gi ana si.
15 Lazo ugu'bai muyite foroforo ota 'bädri'ba robe ago ayo ota se ana te unine 'bakici 'desi Susa yasi. Ago 'bädri'ba ndi Amana be riyite vuru ŋgaumvune, oko 'bakici Susa a'dote orivoya rugburugbururo.
Haman Plans To Destroy the Jews
1 Later, King Xerxes promoted Haman the son of Hammedatha to the highest position in his kingdom. Haman was a descendant of Agag, 2 and the king had given orders for his officials at the royal gate to honor Haman by kneeling down to him. All of them obeyed except Mordecai. 3 When the other officials asked Mordecai why he disobeyed the king's command, 4 he said, “Because I am a Jew.” They spoke to him for several days about kneeling down, but he still refused to obey. Finally, they reported this to Haman, to find out if he would let Mordecai get away with it.
5 Haman was furious to learn that Mordecai refused to kneel down and honor him. 6 And when he found out that Mordecai was a Jew, he knew that killing only Mordecai was not enough. Every Jew in the whole kingdom had to be killed.
7 It was now the twelfth year of the rule of King Xerxes. During Nisan, the first month of the year, Haman said, “Find out the best time for me to do this.” The time chosen was Adar, the twelfth month.
8 Then Haman went to the king and said:
Your Majesty, there are some people who live all over your kingdom and won't have a thing to do with anyone else. They have customs that are different from everyone else's, and they refuse to obey your laws. We would be better off to get rid of them! 9 Why not give orders for all of them to be killed? I can promise that you will get tons of silver for your treasury.
10 The king handed his official ring to Haman, who hated the Jews, and the king told him, 11 “Do what you want with those people! You can keep their money.”
12 On the thirteenth day of Nisan, Haman called in the king's secretaries and ordered them to write letters in every language used in the kingdom. The letters were written in the name of the king and sealed by using the king's own ring. At once they were sent to the king's highest officials, the governors of each province, and the leaders of the different nations in the kingdom of Xerxes.
13 The letters were taken by messengers to every part of the kingdom, and this is what was said in the letters:
On the thirteenth day of Adar, the twelfth month, all Jewish men, women, and children are to be killed. And their property is to be taken.
14-15 King Xerxes gave orders for these letters to be posted where they could be seen by everyone all over the kingdom. The king's command was obeyed, and one of the letters was read aloud to the people in the walled city of Susa. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink together, but no one in the city could figure out what was going on.