Ori Ŋgaeyi ya
1 Ami orivoya ŋgwai lulu ro Lu ro, beṛo ämiri ojo a'done oso nda ronye. 2 Beṛo ori amiro ritane ŋgalu si, kpa oso Kristo kulu ama be ago kozo adri ndaro be ta amaro ta ŋgapäṛi tägyi ŋgutruro ozaro ro ago tori oloro se tana kusi Lu ndi ronye.
3 Ami be orivoya lidri Lu ro ono, ko kado ŋga se ronyi ronye kode ŋgase undiro ndi yagäru be ävuruna uzine ami lako. 4 Ko kado ata se orivoya tavousu koziro, undiro, kode osoro be atane. Oko vona ro nyòzo aro'boya Lu ri ayani. 5 Mìni ta ono, anjioko 'diaza se orivoya ronyi'ba yi, undiro, kode yagäru be (tana yagäru orivoya a'do lu awi mätu ro yi) unina ko a'done vo be Miri 'Bädri'ba Kristo ro ndi Lu ro be ya.
6 Mì'ba 'diaza kodo ami ko ata amama rosi; tana ta ŋgase kwoi rota kyila Lu ro ikyina 'da ànya se koroyi nda ko dri. 7 Ka'do inye mìye ŋga aza ko alona lidri oso nonye kwoi yibe. 8 Ami andivo amiro sedri nyà'dote vouni ya, oko tuse nyà'dobe lidri Lu ro 'do si, ami te orivoya ŋgaeyi ya. Beṛo ämiri orine oso lidri se ka'dobe ŋgaeyi ya ronye. 9 Tana doŋgo ŋgaeyi ro usuna ŋgase cini kado ya, ta'diri ndi taŋgye be ya. 10 Nyòjo tase tana kabe Opi usi unine ayani. 11 Mìye ŋgase takadoako lidri kabe oyena ko, ŋgase ka'dobe vouni ro iyi. Oko nyèzi ànya ŋgaeyi ya. 12 (Orivoya driupiro amba ca ŋgase ànya kabe oyena ndrwiro tana atane.) 13 Ago ondro olofo ŋga cini te ŋgaeyi ya oko, 'dooko a'do ŋgye ànyaro aka'date ṛo ŋbelero; 14 tana ŋgase aza aka'date orivoya ŋbelero a'dote ŋgaeyi ro. Ta'doro ni atate ekye:
“U'du'ba, mipi mi
ago miŋga ni avo yasi,
ago Kristo eyina vo 'da midri.”
15 Mì'ba mi amiro komba kado ta ori amiro rota. Mìri ko oso lidri tauniako ronye, oko oso lidri tavouni be ronye. 16 Kandrakado se cini nyà'dobe sina mìye takado sina, tana kwoi ni tu kozi yi. 17 Ka'do inye, nyà'do ko amama ro, oko nyòjo tase Opi kolebe ämiri oyene vona uṛine ayani.
18 Mìfu ami ko wa si, se enjina ami 'da, oko, nyà'do twi Tori be ayani. 19 Nyàta azi be ata räṛu ro, ndi loŋgoi be oŋgo si, mìŋgo loŋgoi alokado; mìŋgo loŋgo ndi loŋgoi räṛui robe Opi ri räṛu oye si ya amiro ya. 20 Nyòzo aro'boya ondoalo Lu Täpi ri ta ŋga cini rota, ävuru Opi amaro Yesu Kristo rosi.
'Ditoko ndi Àgo be
21 Nyòlogo andivo amiro azi zele taoro amiro Kristo ri tana ro.
22 'Ditoko, nyòlogo andivo amiro àgo amiro zele oso Opi ri ronye. 23 Tana ago orivoya drikaca be toko ndaro dri kpa oso Kristo ka'dobe drikaca be känisa dri ronye; ago Kristo andivo ndaro ni Opa'ba känisa ro, se ni lomvo ndaro. 24 Ka'do inye beṛo 'ditoko ri andivo ànyaro logone cu àgo ànyaro zele kpa oso känisa kabe andivo anyaro logo Kristo zele ronye.
25 Àgo, nyùlu 'ditoko amiro kpa oso Kristo kulu känisa be ronye ago ozo adri ndaro te tana ro. 26 Nda ye tase ono te känisa ozoza ŋgapäṛi lämu'duro Lu ri. Kristo ye losi te ata ndaro si känisa o'baza wäṛi ro ojana si gyi si, 27 tana känisa ozoza andivo ndaro ri liŋgyiekyero ago taenjiako, mberiako kode birinyoako, ago teinye mämbiako. 28 Beṛo àgo ri 'ditoko ànyaro lune kpa oso ànya kayibe andivo ànyaro lu ronye. Mano se kabe toko ndaro lu ka andivo ndaro lu. 29 ('Diaza yana oso ko lomvo andivo iro lomvo alona. Oko nda ka anya eca ago ka ta anyaro oti, kpa oso Kristo kabe oyena känisa ri ronye; 30 tana ama ni gboko lomvo ndaro ro owo.) 31 Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye: “Tana ta ono ta manoago e'bena täpi ndaro ndi endre be 'da ago dro'beruna gwo toko ndaro be, ago ànya riti a'dona 'da lomvo alo ro.” 32 Tandrwi gyuru ro aka'date taegyi ono ya, se mäni be tana di Kristo ndi känisa be. 33 Oko tana di ami kpa: beṛo ago ri toko ndaro lune oso andivo ndaro ronye, ago beṛo toko ri ago anyaro orone.
1 Do as God does. After all, you are his dear children. 2 Let love be your guide. Christ loved us and offered his life for us as a sacrifice that pleases God.
3 You are God's people, so don't let it be said that any of you are immoral or indecent or greedy. 4 Don't use dirty or foolish or filthy words. Instead, say how thankful you are. 5 Being greedy, indecent, or immoral is just another way of worshiping idols. You can be sure people who behave in this way will never be part of the kingdom that belongs to Christ and to God.
Living as People of Light
6 Don't let anyone trick you with foolish talk. God punishes everyone who disobeys him and says foolish things. 7 So don't have anything to do with anyone like that.
8 You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light 9 and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, 10 as you try to please the Lord. 11 Don't take part in doing those worthless things that are done in the dark. Instead, show how wrong they are. 12 It is disgusting even to talk about what is done in the dark. 13 But the light will show what these things are really like. 14 Light shows up everything, just as the Scriptures say,

“Wake up from your sleep
and rise from death.
Then Christ will shine on you.”

15 Act like people with good sense and not like fools. 16 These are evil times, so make every minute count. 17 Don't be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do. 18 Don't destroy yourself by getting drunk, but let the Spirit fill your life. 19 When you meet together, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, as you praise the Lord with all your heart. 20 Always use the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to thank God the Father for everything.
Wives and Husbands
21 Honor Christ and put others first. 22 A wife should put her husband first, as she does the Lord. 23 A husband is the head of his wife, as Christ is the head and the Savior of the church, which is his own body. 24 Wives should always put their husbands first, as the church puts Christ first.
25 A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. 26 He made the church holy by the power of his word, and he made it pure by washing it with water. 27 Christ did this, so he would have a glorious and holy church, without faults or spots or wrinkles or any other flaws.
28 In the same way, a husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself. A husband who loves his wife shows he loves himself. 29 None of us hate our own bodies. We provide for them and take good care of them, just as Christ does for the church, 30 because we are each part of his body. 31 As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother to get married, and he becomes like one person with his wife.” 32 This is a great mystery, but I understand it to mean Christ and his church. 33 So each husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself, and each wife should respect her husband.