Ta Ta'dio'baro ogo A'done Kadoro ndi Äṛu be
1 “Ondro ŋgase cini kwoi äṛu ndi latri be ka'dote ämiri, ago nyàte ori tu'dei se cini OPI Lu amiro kepere ami be kigyesi 'do lakosi oko, mìyina ta ŋgase ma'ba tana be ämiri onjine iyi ro 'da. 2 Ondro ka'do ami ndi zelevoi amiro yibe nyègote kovole OPI amiro re, ago mìro ota ndaro se mabe ozona ämiri ondro ono te ya cini amiro si, ago lindri cini amiro si, 3 'dooko OPI Lu amiro ogo o'bana ami ndi ogo a'done kandrakado be kpa to'di a'dona ndi yauni be ämiri. Nda logona ami ndi kpa to'di kovole ni tu'dei se nda kepere ami be lakoigyesi iyi yasi. 4 Ondro ka'do epere ami gica le cukudri ädu 'bädri ro yasi oko, OPI Lu amiro ogo otona kala amiro 'da ni nasi ago logona ami 'da kovole. 5 Opi Lu amiro logona ami 'da wari se kyeno na zutui amiro koribe kigye ana ya mìgo mìru robe. Ago nda o'bana ami 'da a'done kandrakado be ndra ago o'bana ami 'da litine lowaro ndrani zutui amiro drisi. 6 OPI Lu amiro ozona ya taoro ro 'da ämiri ndi zelevoi amiro be, tana nyùlu nda robe ya cini amiro si ago lindri cini amiro si ago mìrirobe 'du wari ana ya. 7 Nda ogo ozana latri se cini kwoi 'da kyila'baazii amiro dri, se kayibe ami eza iyi, 8 ago mìgo mirona nda 'da kpa to'dina ago nyä̀tina ota ndaro se mabe ozona ämiri ondro ono ndi. 9 OPI Lu amiro o'bana ami 'da a'done kandrakado be ŋgase cini nyàbe oyena ya; nyà'dona ndi ŋgàga be amba ago ti be amba, ago ämvu amiro lofona doŋgo drî ndi du'duro. Nda a'dona ndi yai'dwesi ami o'bane kandrakado be oso nda ka'dobe yai'dwesi zutui amiro o'bavoya kandrakado be ana ronye, 10 oko ämiri Opi Lu amiro orone ago ota cini ndaro se egyibe buku ŋgaemba ndaro roya ono ätine nyègo ndare ya cini amiro si ago lindri cini amiro si.
11 “Tana ota se mabe ozona ämiri ondro ono a'do ko rritiro kode ndrani mbara amiro drisi. 12 Ko orivoya le vokuru ya. Mìnina ko taejine mìkye: ‘A'di oyina ni le vokuru ya ezine ämäri, mèri tana robe ago màro tana robe ya?’ 13 Kpa ko ndrale gyi'desi kundusi. Mìnina ko taejine mikye: ‘A'di ozana drî gyi'desi ro ni ezine ämäri, mèri tana robe ago màro tana robe ya?’ 14 Ko inye, ota ono orivoya lototi amire. Mìnite ago nyà tana atana ṛo kpekpe kala amiro si, ka'do inye yauono miro.
15 “Ondro ono ma taozo ämiri takado ndi takozi be onjine, adri ndi odra be onjine. 16 Ondro ka'do mìro ota OPI Lu amiro ro, se mozobe ämiri ondro ono te, ondro ka'do nyùlu nda te, mìro nda te, ago nyä̀ti ota cini ndaro te, 'dooko mìrina ndi ago nyìlitina ndi. OPI Lu amiro äṛuna ami ndi wari se nyàbe ukyi urune ana ya. 17 Oko ondro ka'do mìro ta kote, ago mìgatezo taerine, ago mìnarute to lui to azaka mätune, 18 'dooko nyòtodrana ndi, mozo miomba ṛo ämiri ondro. 'Dooko mìnina ko orine madaro wari se Golo Yaradene tasi nyà ukyi be urune ana ya. 19 Yauono ma vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be uzi a'done tazevoedre'ba ro. Ma taozo ämiri adri ndi odra be onjine, äṛu ndi latri Lu robe onjine. Mìnji adri ayani, 'dooko ami ndi zelevoi amiro be mìrina ndi. 20 Nyùlu OPI Lu amiro, mìro nda ago nyà'do 'diriro ndäri, 'dooko ami ndi zelevoi amiro be mìrina ndi madaro wari se OPI ko'ba tana be ozone zutui amiro, Abarayama, Yisika, ndi Yakoba be ri ana ya.”
The Lord Will Bring You Back
Moses said to Israel:
1 I have told you everything the Lord your God will do for you, and I've also told you the curses he will put on you if you reject him. He will scatter you in faraway countries, but when you realize that he is punishing you, 2 return to him with all your heart and soul and start obeying the commands I have given to you today. 3-4 Then he will stop punishing you and treat you with kindness. He may have scattered you to the farthest countries on earth, but he will bring you back 5 to the land that had belonged to your ancestors and make you even more successful and powerful than they ever were.
6 You and your descendants are stubborn, but the Lord will make you willing to obey him and love him with all your heart and soul, and you will enjoy a long life.
7 Then the Lord your God will remove the curses from you and put them on those enemies who hate and attack you.
8 You will again obey the laws and teachings of the Lord, 9 and he will bless you with many children, large herds and flocks, and abundant crops. The Lord will be happy to do good things for you, just as he did for your ancestors. 10 But you must decide once and for all to worship him with all your heart and soul and to obey everything in The Book of God's Law.
Choose Life, Not Death
Moses said to Israel:
11 You know God's laws, and it isn't impossible to obey them. 12 His commands aren't in heaven, so you can't excuse yourselves by saying, “How can we obey the Lord's commands? They are in heaven, and no one can go up to get them, then bring them down and explain them to us.” 13 And you can't say, “How can we obey the Lord's commands? They are across the sea, and someone must go across, then bring them back and explain them to us.” 14 No, these commands are nearby and you know them by heart. All you have to do is obey!
15 Today I am giving you a choice. You can choose life and success or death and disaster. 16-18 I am commanding you to be loyal to the Lord, to live the way he has told you, and to obey his laws and teachings. You are about to cross the Jordan River and take the land that he is giving you. If you obey him, you will live and become successful and powerful.
On the other hand, you might choose to disobey the Lord and reject him. So I'm warning you that if you bow down and worship other gods, you won't have long to live.
19 Now I call the sky and the earth to be witnesses that I am offering you this choice. Will you choose for the Lord to make you prosperous and give you a long life? Or will he put you under a curse and kill you? Choose life! 20 Be completely faithful to the Lord your God, love him, and do whatever he tells you. The Lord is the only one who can give life, and he will let you live a long time in the land that he promised to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.